One morning in the classroom, a theory lesson. Everyone’s writing something, except Rose is apparently sleeping. Lily’s eyes drift to her direction.
:: Whoa, I haven’t noticed before… When Cotton Candy is asleep, she’s amazingly beautiful. She has really long and beautiful lashes and her skin looks like from a model catalogue. ::
Suddenly Rose opens her eyes and stares into somewhere far away, with a blank expression on her face. Lily’s not sure if Rose is awake at all.
:: Her pinkish eyes do not make it worse either... Now that I think about it properly, she’s probably the most beautiful person I have ever seen. :: Lily leans on her hand and stares at Rose. Rose blink and shifts her eyes, their eyes meet. Lily spins her head away and blushes.
:: Oh crap our eyes met! I hope she didn’t notice I was staring… But why am I so bothered and anxious about this? It’s not like I like her or anything, right...? Right? ::
At the school Cafeteria during lunchtime, Tarutaru and Lily are chatting and eating at a table. A couple of tables away Aoi sits in peace and has finished eating, she's writing down something. Outside the cafeteria, behind the windows, Rose is sitting on a bench, looking nowhere with and expressionless face, like in a trance.
"So, Grass Patch, what's up with you?" Lily says and tilts her head slightly.
"What?" Tarutaru says and blinks at Lily
"You're more happy and giddy than normal. Did something happen?" Lily says and smiles at her.
"Uh… well… you know I've been looking at Thomas Emery, from the Warlock class?" Tarutaru says, blushes slightly and looks at Lily coyly.
"The basketball guy?" Lily asks and grins.
"He does not play basketball!" Tarutaru says, almost yelling.
"He's so tall though." Lily says grinning.
"Uh, what, no, anyway, yeah, him. I've had my eyes on him for a while now...." Tarutaru says quietly and blushes.
"Ah, oooh, okay. Something happened with him?" Lily asks, smiling.
"He asked me if I'd go with him to his training exam!" Tarutaru says and cannot stop her lips turning upwards in a shy smile.
"Oh. I though he'd ask you out or something..." Lily says and grins widely.
"Lily! No, that's… anyway! That's almost the same! Coming from him…" Tarutaru says.
"Grass Patch..." Lily says and shakes her head.
"So anyway, do you have anyone you fancy?" Tarutaru asks Lily.
"Me? I don't really care about getting a boyfriend…" Lily says while her gaze wanders to Rose sitting outside. She was looking towards her with a peculiar expression. When their eyes meet Rose instantly diverts her gaze, puts on an expressionless face, stands up and walks away. "... no, I don't think I have anyone right now, though... nah, never mind. No, I'm not looking for anything right now," Lily says.
Aoi turns her gaze from outside and looks at Lily, then smirks widely.