Afternoon. A large bed on the side of a sizeable room. There’s a dinner table in front of the windows. You can see the nearby lake from them. Outside, birds are singing their heart out. Inside, Rose and Lily are lying on the bed, side by side. They’re dressed casually, not in their school uniforms. Rose is looking at the ceiling and her expression betrays she’s seriously thinking about something.
"Lili... The graduation ceremony's coming up soon," she says and stares at the ceiling.
"I know. Teach asked us to sing in the ceremony again," Rose answers without moving.
"Should we?" Rose says and turns her head towards Lily.
Lily turns to look at Rose "I think we should," she says. "The next year's students are coming to see it too, we could show them from the start that it's fine to feel and live... and love."
"I agree, but... We should up it a notch from the last year's performance," Rose says and smiles warmly at Lily.
"Up it a notch?" Lily asks, raising her eyebrow.
"Yeah!" Rose says excitedly, "I have a plan, listen to this..."