It has been a week, and the 1st and 2nd Grade students still have some classes to do before the summer break. It’s been sort of quiet and the three of them - Lily, Rose and Tarutaru - have more or less concentrated on studying now that Aoi’s left. They are now in class and it’s quiet, everyone’s doing work that requires concentration. Suddenly someone throws a ball of paper and it hits Lily squarely on the head.
"Oi! What the heck?" Lily yelps and looks around.
"Martinson!" the Teacher barks, "Silence or I'll have you removed from the class for disrupting the lesson!"
"But…!" Lily tries to explain.
"Alright, that’s it, you’re out," the teacher says.
Rose whips her gaze towards the teacher and her eyes glow really bright for a second and her hair takes a darker pink glow. Both of those fade quickly and her chest-gem glows really bright for a while. "Teacher. It wasn't Lili's fault," she says with a deadly calm voice.
"What? How dare you—in my class—" the Teacher says.
"Cotton Candy…" Lily says and tries to motion Rose to calm down.
"Teacher," Rose says through clenched teeth, her eyes thin lines and her chest-gem glowing really brightly through her clothes. "It. Wasn't. Her. And I'll have you know, that without her, you'd all be dead now."
"What?" Teacher exclaims and spins around to look at Rose.
Rose points to her gem. "This is because of her. This allows you to live even though you're making me mad. I suggest not pushing your luck any further. Look." Rose points to the paper ball on the floor. "Someone threw that, and it hit Lili. It wasn't her fault.," she says with an accusing tone.
"Cotton Candy... take it easy, it's not a big deal…" Lily says.
"Oh. Well," the Teacher says and looks a bit embarrassed. "Whoever threw that ball, make yourself known and leave this lesson now and there won't be any more consequences. Martinson, I apologize."
"Ah.. it was nothing…" Lily says and turns her gaze downwards.
"Caldwell…" the Teacher says awkwardly. "You can go too, if you want. You probably know this lesson already, so if you'd like, you can go and... calm down."
Rose looks at the Teacher astonished. Nods at her and gathers her stuff and walks away. "Lili, see you at lunch," she says.
Lily nods at Rose, smiles and returns to her work.