Next morning. A large room, much bigger than the one they were yesterday. Large table in the middle of the room. There’s four people around it. Rose’s father sits at the end, he looks deflated, for lack of a better term. His shoulders are slumped down, his eyes downcast, his expression defeated. He’s hunched and not sitting straight. His eyes are dim. At his right side sits an official looking middle-aged man in a black suit. He has some papers and pens in front of him. On the other side of the table, sit Rose and Lily. Rose closer to her father, protectively pushing herself between him and Lily. She looks determined and a little bit peeved, but not angry. They are holding their hands together below the table, hidden from the sight of the two men.
"So, what you are saying is, that you value this… this… this peasant girl more than… more than your actual flesh and blood family? And despite everything I’d say, you won’t change your mind?" Rose’s father says.
"In short, yes. I love Lily. I know that word doesn’t mean anything to you, since you haven’t yet… evolved," Rose says and glances downwards at her chest-gem. "But even though you may never understand, or even believe me, father. Positive feelings are not dangerous. Love does not kill me, it has only made me happier and stronger. And I have Lily to thank for that.," she says and throws a quick glance at Lily, then returns to look at her father. "Father, even if you forced me to deny it, it wouldn’t be true. No matter what you do to me, it does not change the fact that my heart belongs to Lily now. All of it, my whole being."
"And you peasant? Uh, Martinson. You share this… this… feeling?" Rose’s father asks, addressing Lily.
"I do, Mr. Caldwell" Lily says and nods. She looks at Rose and squeezes her hand gently under the table. "With every part of me. I would gladly die for her if that’s what it would take. I love her more than anything in this world. As hers is mine, my heart is hers as is every part of my body."
"You.. demonstrated that already…," Rose’s father says. "I was pretty sure a bolt like that would not seriously hurt Rose, but you took it straight on. All because of her?" he asks, astounded.
"Yes, Mr. Caldwell. And I would do it again," Lily answers without missing a beat.
"Father…" Rose says.
"But.. Martinson, why did you then.. uhm… why did you save me?" Rose’s father asks, and there’s genuine confusion in his eyes.
"With all due respect, sir, I didn’t. I saved Rose," Lily answers with a straight face.
"Rose? But she wasn’t in any dange—" Rose’s father starts.
"Yes, she was!" Lily interrupts him almost shouting. "Don’t you get it? She was in a real danger of becoming a murderer and losing herself to her dark feelings! She was very much in danger of killing both of us, herself and the rest of the town or country. Or even worse if she’d lived. I was prepared to save her from that regardless of the cost," Lily says.
"Lili…," Rose says quietly as she turns towards Lily with tears in her eyes. She squeezes Lily’s hand tightly.
"Dearest, don’t worry. It was my choice. A choice I would gladly do again, if need be.," Lily says and smiles at her.
The official-looking guy clears his throat. "Krhm, Sir" he says.
"Ah. Erm. Yes," Rose’s father says awkwardly. "I—I believe an apology and a thank you is in order, Ms. Martinson. So..erm.. I apologize and… and thank you, for saving my life. Whatever the reason it was that you did that. Rose—"
"Father, no," Rose says coldly. "I have nothing to say to you now."
"No, Rose, it’s…" Rose’s father says and appears strangely timid and apologetic. "Look, I need to know. What did you do? To me?" he asks nervously.
"To you? Nothing, I think. Because Lily stopped me," Rose says looking quite confused.
"You did though, Rose. Look," Rose’s father says, extends his hand and closes his eyes. Nothing happens, but Rose opens her mouth, clasps her hand on her mouth and gasps.
"Father…!" Rose exclaims.
"It’s true, Miss Caldwell," the official-looking guy says.
"Rose…" Rose’s father says weakly. "I can’t use magic anymore. At all, not even spells."
"But you are an A…!" Rose says, sits straight and leans towards her father.
"Not anymore," Rose’s father says. "You drew it all out of me to make that… that globe of yours."
"I’m sorry, Father," Rose says and looks downwards. "I don’t have any memories of that time, not after Lily walked in, and… you…"
"Shh.. Cotton Candy, it’s ok," Lily says, leans closer and touches Rose’s head with her forehead.
"I—I don’t know, Father, I have no idea what I did.," Rose says.
"You closed my Soulgate, Rose," Rose’s father explains. "For good, I can’t even feel it anymore. To have such a terrible amount of power… And you didn’t even break a sweat. Daughter of mine, you might be the most powerful Witch ever to have lived. Or possibly will ever live."
"Miss Martinson…," Rose’s father says, but leaves the sentence hanging in the air.
"Sir," the official guy says and directs him to continue.
"I will entrust my daughter to you, from now on," Rose’s father says with clear disappointment and regret in his voice.
"Sir…?" Lily asks bewildered.
"Without magic, I am not fit to be the head of the Caldwell Family anymore," Rose’s father says. "I will leave everything to Rose. This Mansion, my fortune, my partnerships, everything. I will retire in one of our summer houses and will bother you, nor any other person anymore."
"Father…!" Rose says and stands up, still holding on to Lily’s hand.
Rose’s father notices their hands and makes a disgusted face, then blanks his expression and continues. "Shh, Rose. It’s decided, I have all the papers here. I just need your signature on them and then everything will be taken care afterwards. It may take a few weeks or months before everything is official, but from this day on, The Family Caldwell is yours, Rose. And as for you, Miss Martinson…"
"Sir," Lily says.
"I will leave my daughter in your care," Rose’s father says and bows slightly. "Please do a better job than me. Keep her safe."
"I will, Mr. Caldwell," Lily says and nods at him. "I will gladly take that responsibility. You can trust me in that, sir. If it is in my power, I will do anything to keep Cot—uh, Rose — safe."
"I can take care of myself!" Rose says irritated at both of them.
"Yes you can dearest, I don’t doubt that," Lily says and pulls Rose down to sit beside her. "Just that I’ll be beside you every day, so rely on me when you feel you can’t do something only by yourself."
"Lili…," Rose says and blushes slightly, her eyes welling up.
Lily touches Rose’s cheek with her fingers and turns her head towards her and then kisses her gently. Rose's father grunts in disgust, looks at the man in black and shrugs his shoulders. "Are we done here?" he asks the guy.
"You can go now, sir," the guy replies. "I will handle the signatures and everything. Your car awaits for you at the front gate, sir. I will let the driver know you are on your way, sir."
"Thank you… Rose?" Rose’s father says.
"Father?" Rose says and turns towards her father.
"Goodbye, Rose," Rose’s father says. He stands up, turns his back to Rose and walks out of the room, the mansion and Rose’s life.