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    Juko The10tails
    Juko The10tails
    I'll be writing fanfics and original stories. I'm aiming to make this a career, but doesn't mean I can't have fun while doing it.

    I'm also a content creator, who plays games from both new and old games alike, from AAA games to indie to flash games, and animator who wants to make anime style animations in the future.

    Profile pic done by = https://twitter.com/moonbite14

    About my writing style;
    * https://www.wattpad.com/1217987938-about-my-writing-style-how-i-write

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    ► ► Alt Wattpad = https://www.wattpad.com/user/JukoThe1O-Ta1ls
    ► ► Archive of Our Own = https://archiveofourown.org/users/Juko_The10Tails

    ➡️ Linktree
    ► ► https://pillar.io/jukothe10tails
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The New Keyblade Bearer | Kingdom Hearts Crossover Huge Harem x Male Reader

Y/n L/n is your average Horde solder..... oh who are we kidding, he's anything but. He's trained his body to be a fighting machine, bolstering both speed and power. His primary weapons are a short sword and knives, which he commonly uses with wires for traps or as projectiles. He's childhood friends with Adora and Catra, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect them. Little did he know, not only was his so-called family a lie, but now his destiny is forever changed when a strange key shaped weapon appears in his hand. Y/n, along with Adora and Catra go a crossed the multiverse to protect many worlds from evil beings called the heartless. How will they fair? Will they survive? And will more blossom between them and soon others? Well, I guess you'll have to find out, now won't you.

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