銀河系嘅邊緣,一顆名為「薩布隆」嘅荒涼星球上,凱爾 · 克雷特同佢嘅同伴終於搵到咗傳說中嘅「光明之井」。呢度係一處古老嘅絕地聖地,據講蘊含住強大嘅原力能量。
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就喺呢個時候,遠處傳嚟咗一陣轟鳴聲。幾艘帝國嘅 Tie 戰機出現喺天空中,顯然係追蹤佢哋而嚟。
就在这时,远处传来了一阵轰鸣声。几艘帝国的 Tie 战机出现在天空中,显然是追踪他们而来。
"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 10: The Awakening of Light
On the edge of the Milky Way, on a desolate planet called "Sabron", Kyle Krayt and his companions finally found the legendary "Well of Light". This is an ancient Jedi holy place, said to contain powerful force energy.
After days of arduous journey, Kyle and his companions came to a hidden valley. In the center of the valley, a clear spring flashed a strange light in the sun. This is the "Well of Light", which is surrounded by ancient stone pillars engraved with ancient Jedi runes.
"We finally found it." Kyle's companion, the young Jedi apprentice Leia, said softly, with hope in her eyes.
Kyle nodded, but his mood was extremely heavy. He knew that the power of the Well of Light could not only heal their injuries, but also help them understand the Force more deeply. But at the same time, this power might also attract the attention of the Empire.
"We have to act quickly," Kyle said. He walked to the well, slowly stretched out his palm, and felt the powerful force contained in the well water.
Just then, there was a roar in the distance. Several Imperial Tie fighters appeared in the sky, obviously tracking them.
"Hurry, we don't have time!" Kyle shouted, and he began to concentrate and try to absorb the force in the well.
Leia and other companions quickly entered the battle state. They drew their lightsabers and prepared to fight the Imperial pursuers.
Kyle closed his eyes, and his palm was gradually surrounded by the well water. A warm and powerful force surged from the well and flowed into his body. He could feel his injuries healing rapidly, and his perception of the force became more acute.
At the same time, Leia and her companions fought fiercely with the Imperial stormtroopers. The sound of lightsabers and blasters echoed in the valley.
Just when Kyle was about to fully absorb the power of the well, an Imperial warrior in a black cloak suddenly appeared in front of him. The warrior held a red lightsaber, his eyes flashing with a cold light.
"Jedi, your doomsday has come." The Imperial Knight said coldly, and he swung his sword at Kyle.
Kyle quickly opened his eyes, and the lightsaber in his hand lit up instantly, colliding with the blade of the Imperial Knight, making a harsh friction sound.
The two had a fierce duel by the well, and the fluctuations of the Force were surging in the air. Kyle could feel the power in the well growing, and he had to end the battle as soon as possible.
After a fierce battle, Kyle finally found the flaw of the Imperial Knight and defeated him with a sword. The Imperial Knight fell to the ground, and his lightsaber went out.
At the same time, Leia and other companions also successfully repelled the Empire's pursuers.
Kyle stood by the well and took a deep breath. He felt that the Force in his body was stronger than ever before. He knew that this power would help them move forward and fight against the tyranny of the Empire.
"Let's go, there are more battles waiting for us." Kyle said, his voice full of determination and confidence.
As the group left the valley, the story of Chapter 10 ended with the awakening of light. And on this desolate planet, a new hope was born.37Please respect copyright.PENANACD26MOc2vD
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