喺塔圖因基地嘅短暫休整之後,凱爾 · 克雷特同佢嘅同伴繼續佢哋嘅使命。銷毀暗影之劍只係佢哋鬥爭中嘅一小步,帝國依然強大,銀河系嘅和平依然遙不可及。
「我有一個建議,」萊婭話,「我哋可以去恩多星,嗰度有我哋嘅一個重要盟友 —— 伊沃克人。佢哋熟悉森林作戰,可以為我哋嘅反抗軍提供巨大嘅幫助。」
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就喺呢個時候,基地嘅通訊系統突然響起,一個熟悉嘅聲音傳嚟:「凱爾,係我,盧克 · 天行者。」
就喺呢個時候,達斯 · 維達突然出現喺戰場上,佢嘅西斯光劍閃爍住紅光。
「你哋以為噉樣就可以戰勝帝國?」達斯 · 維達冷笑道,「太天真喇。」
凱爾強忍住傷痛,企起身嚟,面對達斯 · 維達。佢知道,呢場將會係一場決定性嘅對決。
戰鬥隨即展開,凱爾同達斯 · 維達展開咗生死對決。光劍同西斯光劍嘅交鋒喺森林中激盪,原力嘅波動四溢。
經過一番驚心動魄嘅戰鬥,凱爾終於搵到咗達斯 · 維達嘅破綻,一劍將佢擊敗。達斯 · 維達倒喺地上,無力再戰。
隨住達斯 · 維達嘅敗北,帝國士兵紛紛潰散。恩多星嘅戰鬥以反抗軍嘅勝利告終。
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"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 16: The Last Trial
After a short rest at the Tatooine base, Kyle Krayt and his companions continued their mission. Destroying the Shadow Sword is only a small step in their struggle. The Empire is still strong and peace in the galaxy is still out of reach.
"We must find more allies," Kyle said at the strategic meeting, "Only by uniting all the forces that can be united can we fight against the rule of the Empire."
"I have a suggestion," Leia said, "We can go to Endor, where we have an important ally, the Ewoks. They are familiar with forest warfare and can provide great help to our rebels."
"Endor?" Kyle thought for a moment, "Well, it's indeed a good choice."
So they set off quickly and headed for Endor. Endor is a planet full of dense forests and swamps, with a complex and changeable environment, but it is this environment that makes the Ewoks excellent warriors.
After arriving at Endor, they were warmly welcomed by the Ewoks. The leader of the Ewoks, Chewbacca, personally greeted them and expressed his willingness to fully support the rebels.
"Welcome to Endor," Chewbacca said in his unique language, "We are willing to fight alongside you."
With the help of the Ewoks, Kyle and his companions began intensive preparations. They not only had to train new fighters, but also develop detailed combat plans.
"We must take advantage of the terrain of Endor," Kyle said, "Here, the mechanized forces of the Empire will find it difficult to exert their power."
Just then, the base's communication system suddenly sounded, and a familiar voice came: "Kyle, it's me, Luke Skywalker."
"Luke, do you have any new news?" Kyle asked.
"Yes," Luke said, "I just got intelligence that the Empire is deploying a large fleet near Endor, preparing to launch a final encirclement and suppression against us. We must act as soon as possible."
"Understood," Kyle nodded, "We will prepare immediately."
Based on the intelligence provided by Luke, Kyle and his companions decided to conduct a large-scale ambush on Endor. They used the terrain of forests and swamps to set up a large number of traps and ambushes.
The day of the battle finally arrived, the Empire's fleet arrived at Endor, and a large number of Imperial soldiers began to land. Kyle and his companions hid in the forest, waiting for the best time.
"Are you ready?" Kyle whispered.
"Ready!" Leia and other companions answered in unison.
As the Imperial soldiers went deep into the forest, Kyle gave an order and the ambush officially began. The Ewoks used their bows and spears to quickly defeat the Empire's vanguard. Kyle and his companions used lightsabers and the Force to engage in a fierce battle with the Empire's senior officers.
The battle was extremely fierce, and both sides paid a huge price. Kyle felt unprecedented pressure in his duel with an Imperial officer.
"Do you think you can stop the Empire?" The officer sneered.
"For the peace of the galaxy, I have to do this!" Kyle responded firmly.
After a hard fight, Kyle finally defeated the officer, but he was also seriously injured. Leia rushed to his side and treated him.
"Are you okay?" Leia asked with concern.
"I'm fine," Kyle forced a smile, "We must continue to fight."
Just then, Darth Vader suddenly appeared on the battlefield, his Sith lightsaber flashing red.
"Do you think you can defeat the Empire like this?" Darth Vader sneered, "Too naive."
Kyle endured the pain, stood up, and faced Darth Vader. He knew that this would be a decisive duel.
"For the light, I must defeat you!" Kyle said firmly.
The battle began immediately, and Kyle and Darth Vader fought a life-and-death duel. The clash of lightsabers and Sith lightsabers stirred in the forest, and the fluctuations of the Force overflowed.
After a thrilling battle, Kyle finally found Darth Vader's flaw and defeated him with a sword. Darth Vader fell to the ground, unable to fight again.
"You lose," Kyle said, "The Empire's rule is over."
With Darth Vader's defeat, the Imperial soldiers scattered. The battle of Endor ended with the victory of the Rebels.
"We succeeded!" Leia walked to Kyle and whispered.
"Yes," Kyle nodded, "but this is just the beginning, and the peace of the galaxy still requires our continued efforts."
The story of Chapter 16 ended in the final trial. Kyle and his companions finally defeated the threat of the Empire and ushered in the victory of the Rebels. The future of the galaxy is still full of unknowns, but they firmly believe that as long as there is light in their hearts, the darkness will eventually be dispelled. This final trial is not only a test of their fighting ability, but also a test of their beliefs and will.36Please respect copyright.PENANAZx0r1Ebj8B
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