恩多星戰役嘅勝利為反抗軍帶嚟咗前所未有嘅士氣高漲,但凱爾 · 克雷特深知,帝國嘅殘餘勢力依然存在,銀河系嘅和平遠未到來。佢哋必須趁勝追擊,徹底摧毀帝國嘅根基。
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經過一番討論,佢哋決定首先進攻帝國嘅核心星球 —— 科洛桑。科洛桑唔單止係帝國嘅政治中心,亦係其軍事指揮樞紐,一旦攻下科洛桑,帝國嘅統治將土崩瓦解。
「科洛桑嘅防禦非常嚴密,」盧克 · 天行者提醒道,「我哋必須制定一個周密嘅計劃。」
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"Star Wars: Fallen Order" Chapter 17: The Dawn of a New Order
The victory of the Battle of Endor brought unprecedented morale to the rebels, but Kyle Krayt knew that the remnants of the Empire still existed and peace in the galaxy was far from coming. They must seize the victory and completely destroy the foundation of the Empire.
"We can't give the Empire any breathing space," Kyle said at the strategic meeting, "We must act quickly to eliminate the remnants of the Empire."
"I agree," Leia nodded, "We can use the influence of this victory to call on more planets to join the rebels."
"Yes," Chewbacca also echoed, "The Ewoks are willing to continue to support you."
After some discussion, they decided to attack Coruscant, the core planet of the Empire, first. Coruscant is not only the political center of the Empire, but also its military command hub. Once Coruscant is captured, the Empire's rule will collapse.
"Coruscant's defenses are very tight," Luke Skywalker reminded, "We must make a careful plan."
"I have an idea," Kyle said, "We can use a stealth shuttle to sneak into Coruscant, destroy their defense system, and create opportunities for a large-scale attack."
"This plan is very risky," Leia said worriedly, "but it's worth a try."
So, Kyle, Leia, Luke and Chewbacca formed an elite team and took a stealth shuttle to Coruscant. The sky above Coruscant was full of Imperial patrol ships, but they successfully avoided Imperial detection with their superb driving skills and stealth devices.
After arriving at Coruscant, they quickly sneaked into the city and came to the core area of the Imperial defense system. It was heavily guarded, with Imperial soldiers and robots everywhere.
"We must be careful," Kyle whispered, "Once we are discovered, the mission will fail."
They carefully walked through the corridor, used the Force and lightsabers to deal with the guards along the way, and finally came to the control room. The control room was filled with all kinds of high-tech equipment, and the Empire's engineers were busy operating them.
"Action!" Kyle gave an order, and they quickly rushed into the control room and knocked down all the engineers.
"Quick, destroy these devices!" Kyle said.
Luke and Chewbacca quickly began to destroy the console, while Leia was on guard. At this moment, the alarm suddenly sounded, and the Imperial soldiers quickly rushed to the control room.
"We've been discovered!" Leia shouted.
"Speed up!" Kyle urged.
After some intense work, they finally succeeded in destroying the defense system. With the collapse of the system, a huge hole appeared in Coruscant's defense network.
"Mission accomplished!" Kyle said, "Retreat quickly!"
They quickly left the control room and retreated to the designated location. The Imperial soldiers chased after them, and the battle was fierce on the streets of Coruscant.
"Hold on!" Kyle encouraged, "We're almost there!"
After a fierce battle, they finally successfully evacuated and returned to the invisible shuttle. As the shuttle took off, Coruscant's defense system was completely paralyzed.
"Attack!" After receiving the signal, the rebel fleet quickly launched a general attack on Coruscant. Although the Empire's fleet was powerful, it was stretched without a defense system.
The battle was extremely fierce, and both sides paid a huge price. But in the end, the rebels successfully captured Coruscant with their tenacious fighting spirit and exquisite tactics.
"We succeeded!" Leia said excitedly.
"Yes," Kyle nodded, "but this is just the beginning, we must rebuild the order of the galaxy."
With the fall of Coruscant, the rule of the Empire came to an end. Planets in the galaxy declared independence one after another, and the influence of the rebels expanded rapidly.
On the ruins of Coruscant, a new regime is quietly rising. Kyle, Leia, Luke, Chewbacca and others have become leaders of the new order, and they are committed to rebuilding peace and prosperity in the galaxy.
"We have a new mission," Kyle said at the inauguration ceremony, "for the future of the galaxy, we must unite and fight together."
The story of Chapter 17 ended in the dawn of the new order, and Kyle and his companions finally ushered in the dawn of victory. The future of the galaxy is still full of challenges, but they firmly believe that as long as there is light in their hearts, the darkness will eventually be dispelled. This victory is not only the end of the Empire's rule, but also the beginning of a new order. A new era for the galaxy is slowly opening.108Please respect copyright.PENANAtpWF2vzDbX
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