Morgan breathed in ragged gasps and struggled to stay on his feet.
Just as the beast began to raise his club to finish him off,lightning tore through the skies and another earth quake struck like the wrath of god.
Screams filled the air when the colossal bronze statue of Jupiter started to topple forward.Those who saw it coming had time to run for cover if they could,those who couldn't were crushed beneath it.
The great Coliseum was ruined.
A chasm tore the ground apart and fire rained from the sky.
It seemed like the end of the world.
Roman's started fighting to escape the amphitheatre,blind panic had replaced reason.
A fire had broken out near the main entrance and that way was blocked with bodies trying to escape.
Cyborgs tried in vain to maintain control.They were overwhelmed by the citizenry and beaten to death.Laser fire started to blast the air as things turned ugly.
It was now a revolt.
The whirling bat creatures in the sky pounced down and tore into Zorrik's army: Cyborgs and gargoyles were torn to shreds by knife like talons.
Captain Space grabbed the girl by the arm and pulled her into the chaos.
Zorrik was nowhere to be seen.
"Now's our chance to escape!" he shouted over the din of battle."The God's have given us a chance after all!"
He saw that it was useless trying to get out the way they had come in,too much confusion that way.
Suddenly a woman wearing a veil over her face and clad in the white robe of a Vestal was standing in front of them.She reached out to each of them.
"Come with me,"she urged,"I will show you the way."
She led them down into the fighting ground.
The minotaur had forgotten its prey and was now clubbing at gargoyles about a hundred feet away.
Lance Morgan was still alive but blood streamed down his body from the concussion and he was about to collapse.
"Help me with him,Brail,"the Captain said.
They followed the mysterious Vestal to a portion of the wall that had cracked from the earth quake.
"She is waiting for you outside,"the figure told them.
As they climbed through the wreckage the woman suddenly put a hand to the scientist's face,almost a lovers caress.
"Who are you?"he asked."I owe you so much."
"Shhhh,"the woman admonished."I am always with you."
And then in a blinding flash of light she was gone as though she had never been there.
On the other side of the wall Strelky and her giant lizard waited for them.
"The entire city is in revolt,"she told them."The roads are impassable.We can escape through the sewers."
She looked at the wretched policeman.
"Who is he?"
"A friend of ours," the Captain said."We couldn't leave him behind back there."
"He will only slow us down."
"None the less."
The woman from Strelkor shrugged.
"Very well.Put him over Spritzer.My beast can carry him."
The narrow streets were filled with dead bodies and rubble.But they made their way unmolested.
They reached a temple dedicated to Neptune built into a hillside when a tormented shriek from behind made them turn.
It was the bartender,Smitty.
He wasn't the same grumpy pigeon they had last seen smoking a Pall Malls cigarette at the bar.
He had a knife in his hand and his single eye was blazing with insanity.
The top of his head was a mass of wires feeding into his brain.Sparks shot out of his scull.
"You filthy bitch,"the humanoid bird snarled."I'm gonna cut your heart out!"
"They mutilated him,"Strelky cried in anguish."Oh my god,Smitty!"
"Die,you cunt!"
Before he could reach her, Strelky's sword was out and his head rolled on the ground.
The decapitated corpse blindly kept slashing at the air with the knife until finally it sank to it's knees and then collapsed.
"You sick bastards,"the woman screamed at the wrecked buildings."You did this to him!"
Captain Space gently put a hand on her shoulder.
"Strelky.He's no longer in pain.We have to go."
Her face a masque of despair,she nodded and led the way.
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