(We're nearing the end,thank the God's.My brain is fried.I had to cut down so much useless crap in the earlier versions so it's not as long as it originally was in May.Revisions are a bitch.Originally, twenty years ago when I first wrote the story,Brail and Lance Morgan both lived and got to safety off planet.But then the memory of Gold Finger and other James Bond novels took precedence and I decided to kill them off because life usually is tragedy;happy endings are mainly the stuff of fairy tales.Hope is something we left behind in the Seventies.Back then we could still fool ourselves about the future.Now we know what to expect,and it's not good...But I ramble...I first started writing back in 1980.Up until a few days ago,when I discovered Penana by accident,maybe a total of FIFTEEN PEOPLE read my stories.That's like forty years of obscurity.Space Monster Bloodbath was my last book and after I sold a single home made copy on eBay I just gave up in a dark despair.And then last May I read "The Confidential Agent",by Graham Green and I had to start writing again.And watching "The Long Goodbye" starring Eliot Gould didn't help...Phillip Marlowe by the way is probably one of the best characters in fiction next to Humbert Humbert in Nabokov's "Lolita."....You have probably realized by now that my story is a rip off of Doctor Who.I just changed everything around a lot so I wouldn't have to worry about copyright infringement.It's fan fiction,but in writing it,it became something beyond....Last I checked about one hundred and fifty six people have read this! And I thank you! I do realize now that a lot,if not all of you,are young people... I know that now and I feel a little evil for going full tilt on all the violence and profanity.But you guy's are growing up in a world that's more violent and profane than ever so what's the use in trying to hide it from you... Perhaps you'll make it a better place in ten, twenty years;us older generations have left you utter shit and I'm just trying to stick to reality except in a fantasy world.Writing to be read is what keeps us all from going insane and all of these stories on here are worth reading,so keep writing.We all have Athena inside our scull hammering to be let out! ... that's probably why I started this again:Graham Green wrote the "Confidential Agent" holed up in a hotel room in the Thirties.He was banging the landlady's daughter and doing drugs...Some of us are so driven by our demons that the only way we can find salvation is by writing!!!! In the story he never touched her,and she gets murdered; probably just a good way of soothing his guilty conscience...Now, I will tell you this and you must listen: The best way to learn how to write is read the best books ever written.And by that I mean the Twentieth Century Authors...They wrote for themselves and they didn't give a damn who they offended.And in doing so they covered every aspect of the human experience.Previous generations dared not go where Twentieth Century Writer's went.I guess two world wars really exposed the hypocrisy of society,and they wanted to show the world how really fake and fucked up they were...We owe everything to those brave souls.... That's enough for now.
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