Luna and Jules were spread across the couch, Luna completely limp and emotionally drained, Jules laid back but attentive.
"Sounds rough, girl. Hopefully if you need to finish your class a third time I could shadow you, but you're gonna have to struggle through for now."
"I know, that's the worst part," Luna groaned. "And my mom is going to baby me the entire time. I'll never live it down."
Jules thought. "Well, I mean, there is a way you could," she said slowly.
Luna looked up. "How d'you mean?"
"We could always go down to the range. The newbies are bound to be out there learning their weapons of choice. Show 'em what you've got. They're bound to throw that concept of 'momma's girl' straight out the window."
Luna smiled at the thought. "That'd be great, Jules. But don't you have an assassination to carry out?"
Jules waved her out. "Aw, it can always wait for you, babe. Besides, I don't like daylight shootings anyway. Tonight he has a big meeting scheduled. Killing him then is bound to scare off the right people."
Luna grinned. "You're the best, Jules. Let's go."
Jules was right, the range was crowded with kids looking through knives, sniper rifles, and handguns. "They won't even touch the more sophisticated stuff!" Luna said indignantly, grabbing a kitchen knife from one of the tables. "And they haven't even looked at the cruder weapons. What are today's assassins coming to, Jules?"
Jules shrugged. "Times change, babe. Not everyone with an assassination permit feels comfortable with weapons. I know quite a few who consistently use poisons or other less intrusive ways to kill."
Luna growled. "I know, I know. I like using poisons myself when I can, but these newbies have absolutely no idea how they're supposed to do anything here!"
"Well, that's a bit offensive, and more than hypocritical coming from someone in Assassin's Ed!"
Jules and Luna turned to see a boy across the table from them, inspecting a butcher's knife. He ran a hand through his black hair and gave Luna a cheeky grin. "Julio Grubb."
"Luna Bowen," Luna said, unimpressed.
"Julia Verne," Jules introduced. "And might I say, Julio, you look like you could be an assassin already."
Julio laughed. "Naw, I'm just on the community lacrosse team. Toned muscles, no skill...yet."
Luna scoffed. "Clearly. You don't start out attacking with a butcher's knife if you've never used proper knives."
Julio raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Oh...I didn't know that. Thanks." He picked up a set of throwing knives and waved to Luna. "See you on the range, then."
Jules followed him with her eyes. "He is soooo cute!" she squealed.
"Oh, grow up, Jules!" Luna snapped.