Quite a lot, to be honest.
A little over a week ago, I started classes at DePaul University. It's a great school and I have a lot of great professors, but I decided that instead of living on campus, I'd commute. It's cheaper, definitely.
That said, I really should have considered just how long of a commute it really is. To get from my house to classes that I'd have at their Lincoln Park campus, I am easily looking at a 3-hour commute there, and a 3-hour commute back.
That's not all. I also work 3 out of 5 of my schooldays. Nothing too spectacular, a closing shift at retail. And that's where things get stupid. If my classes end at 1:30 (and a lot of them do), I am looking at having to get onto a train leaving Chicago at 2:30, which the next available train, and then from there the drive back to my house would leave zero time to do anything but go to work, so I drive right to work and work until close. So most days begin at 5:00 and often end past 23:00, and this is 3 times a week.
That's still not all. On top of joining a few contests and writing For Lack of a Better Title here, I also work on New Infinity, a story hosted on FictionPress and the collective efforts of 2 full years of writing. That said, I didn't make much time to write it then and can't make much time for it now, which is unfortunate. I also host a channel on YouTube named Source Code, and have not had time to get footage to our editor or record new sessions because roughly 80% of my week is permanently booked. And on top of writing New Infinity, I am also drafting 2 other long writing projects.
In short, I have a lot I need to get done and the end result is that a lot of things are being put on hold or delayed, and I kind of feel guilty about it. Hopefully things change, but until then, please understand any delays or empty voids where content should be.