So I haven't been particularly active on this site this year. Yeah, sorry, it's been busy. But I still wanted to write up a thing about 2016, and some goals for 2017.
Games in 2016: I'll be the first to admit there were very few games in 2016 I liked. The Witness, Clustertruck, Pony Island, and N++ is the entirety of the list of games this year I liked. I can name all of my favorite games of the year on one hand. Meanwhile, so many of the games this year disappointed so much, none though as disappointing as DOOM and Overwatch. DOOM's problem was pretty simple, glory kills were too good way early on and it just never felt right for me. When I consider DOOM, I consider the action and the gunplay. The first half hour was spent mostly shoving my enemies until they flashed orange and then smashing them in, as that was usually easier and safer than fighting them the standard way. I just got sick of it. As for Overwatch, it felt like a cocktail of issues (poor UI design, lack of meaningful choice, slow pace, horrendous fandom) blended together and somehow made incredibly popular. I have asked maybe ten times as to why this game is as popular as it is, and nobody has given me an answer.
TV in 2016: Seeing how everything everyone talked about was either on Netflix or was on hiatus since the back half of 2016 (*coughRickandMortycough*), and seeing how my schedule led to me missing nearly the entire second season of Star Vs. the Forces of Evil (catching out-of-context screenshots and about half the season out of order is a lot like drinking a whole bottle of Nyquil every time I turn on the TV or open Tumblr), I literally have nothing to say. There sure were pictures on the screen on most channels for most of the day.
Movies in 2016: They really need to make the second Tintin film, hot dang.
Myself in 2016: This was a horrible year for me, worse than 2015 so much. I spent a lot of the year sick, anxious, and depressed, still don't have the means to get those checked, and the amount of legitimate fear I still have over the Election Day results and how it relates to my mostly-LGBTQIA+ friend group is very prevalent. I don't think 2017 is going to be better, which leads to:
Resolutions for 2017: Originally, I set it in myself back in October to make my resolution for this year to learn to love myself. Seeing how awful the months after deciding on that have been for me, how hard it has been to just stick around, and now that the first four days of 2017 have been really tough on me, I have well beyond scrapped that resolution and am back to just the usual "edit as much stuff for Source Code as possible, finish this thing, etc." resolutions I make every year. I really don't have the mental energy to work on the former, so I might as well just keep pushing out content. It's about the most I can do, really. Maybe get over my intense disgust with GameMaker: Studio? I could not stand using it when I had to make a game back this fall, maybe I can actually make something with it.
What to Expect in 2017: Primarily, I want to get New Infinity ported onto Penana once I have cover art ready. That might take a bit, but that's the goal. It's currently sitting at I think 30 total chapters in 8 "arcs", slightly longer than The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I'm still proud of that one. Maybe also start a re-write of another project and upload that one here and FictionPress simultaneously. That'd be pretty rad. Fingers Crossed.
Hope your 2017 is a rad one, I guess. It could be. It couldn't be. Find some friends, find something, and hold on tight.