To: K. Tuttle
From: Sarah Logan
Date: November 3, 2017
Subject: Reflective Introduction
Pulling from the sources of The Next Kind Of Integration by Emily bazelon America's Oh sh*t Moment: How American Civilization Can Avoid Collapse by Niall Ferguson, Using The Women's March To Examine Freedom Of Speech, Social Justice, And Social Action Through Information Literacy by Deborah Levitov this paper will examine why societies like the us may be heading toward a decline, and begin to show how being mindful of social justice can help to keep the united states from declining or even collapsing. Essentially my paper is that America is not the best but can be fixed through work. I want my readers to realize that social justice is not a swear word but also something that is essential to keeping society stable.
I had to rewrite it several times. I couldn’t pick a topic and this was just what I ended up with. The reason I picked this topic is because I managed to write about it.
I tried. I tried so hard. But I just can’t revise it. I just can’t. I can focus I have had two panic attack in the last twelve hours I just want to cry. I can’t I can revise this thing and I don’t know why. I just played with punctuation and spacing and added a works cited page that is it. At lease I didn’t plagiarize.
I attempted to use goal seven. The goal was to synthase which involved the parts of goal seven. Goals seven focuses on recognizing when information is needed and how to locate organize evaluate and used said information.