Sarah Logan
Ms. Kerstin Tuttle
15 Sept. 2017
Steven universe is a children’s show that can be viewed on cartoon network. Created by Rebecca Sugar this show often tackles difficult and “adult” topics such as mental health and LGBTQIA+ relationships. This particular episode played heavily into the ideals of self-sacrifice and atonement for past actions, whether the punishment be fair or not. For a children’s show, this is a deep and complex group of topics that are tastefully covered in a way that almost anyone could understand.
To begin viewers must understand the context of the clip. The episode, “Steven Universe – The trial” takes place imminently after Steven, the protagonist, turns himself in for crimes committed centuries before. Other key factors of the show must also be noted. Unlike many cartoons “Steven Universe” incorporates music into almost every episode, this is often shown in the characters singing and developing themselves through these songs. In addition, the use of color and imagery are highly influence in the show. Many times, colors are used to foreshadow events and images seen in the background of the show are often shown to be relevant later on. For example often during the original three seasons the viewers can see a broken pink diamond emblem in the background of many scenes this turn into a major plot point in the end of the fourth season. In this clip, the viewer sees the main character of the show, Steven, held in prison for crime his mother committed many years before. To the viewer this plays strongly into the idea of pathos.
The clip begins with a close on Steven’s face, he looks very serious. This intro sets the mood for the scene as somber and serious. By following the close by imminently zooming out into an extreme long shot the setting is quickly established as a very futuristic jail cell. Steven is talking to the diamond authority stating “I know gunna be worst the this. So, whatever your gunna do just do it already.” (Steven). As Steven finishes this sentence he slouches against a wall in defeat once again the viewer is drawn in by sympathy for him. A door appears in the wall behind him a second later as a new character enters this is a clear example of kairos.
in this clip, one can also notice a very clear lack of background music. This is quite unusual for this show as many episodes are heavily influenced by music. This give the entire clip a much more serious and somber feeling. This plays into the pathos of the episode once again.
The viewer feels sympathy for Steven, he is paying for crimes he did not commit. This can be related to current events such as DACA, a child paying for crimes committed by their parent or parents being takes to a faraway land that they have no real relation to. In one case thousands of children paying for the crime of their parents entering a country without documentation, in the other a child paying for the death of an alien dictator. This is an interesting and relevant parallel, by presenting this story in this way the producers allowed viewers to empathize with the plight of a child who is an innocent being punished while in the “real” world many people will often lack the exact same sympathy. This also plays into the ethos of Steven as a character. As the show has progressed the viewers have watched Steven grow into a different person from the carefree child he once was, by placing him in this situation the creators of the show are changing the way fans and critics alike see him.
Many children’s series fail to recognize children as people capable of understanding and empathizing with complex themes; however, Steven universe presents complex themes such as, the ideals of self-sacrifice and atonement for past actions. This allows for children and adult viewers to build empathy. This is done through the cinematography. Thorough the clip the viewers see many different angles these give viewer an in depth knowledge of the setting and mood of the piece. There is almost no background music in this clip. For the show this is very unusual, because music is used to set the mood. Lastly, there are significant parallels between DACA this clip.