How is America as a country changing? Lookinto the stories in the articals
A.The united states is an ever changing society. And the citzens in the US are ever changing people. As the world changes and grows so do countries and people in it. pulling information from, Is Google Making Us Stupid by Nicholas Carr, Using the Women's March to Examine Freedom of Speech, Social Justice, and Social Action through Information Literacy Levitov Deborah, and Americas Oh Sh*t Moment: How American Civilization Can Avoid Collapse by Niall Ferguson this essay will examin just how America as a society is changing and eplore some of the more specific reasons that the change is occurring.
Point 1
A.It is not so much that the US is declining or going down hill. But rather that it is changing. And at the same time the us is changing the rest of the world is growing. In the article Americas Oh Sh*t Moment: How American Civilization Can Avoid Collapse the readers get a glimsp inot the mind of Niall Ferguson a historian at Harvard University. Mr. Ferguson writes of sevral qualities or “Killer applications” ( Ferguson 51) that have allowed western civlizations to prosper. Using the Women's March to Examine Freedom of Speech, Social Justice, and Social Action through Information Literacy Deborah Levitov focouses on the changes in social justiace and how the world itself is changing.
C.Google changing the way we think
1.Internet is changing communications and how people read
Point 2
A.Compaer the articals.
1.How does the changing in peoples thinking change socialjustace does the internet make social justice more accesabel or more used?
2.How does the “deletion” of killer apps change the society
Throught he use of these articals th reader is able to see the way the united states is beguining to change. as the united states continues to change it loses the qualities that gave it an edge while developing but is no longer used social justice and the use of the internet and google change the world and persepectives of it.
Levitov, Deborah. "Using the Women's March to Examine Freedom of Speech, Social Justice, and Social Action through Information Literacy." Teacher Librarian, vol. 44, no. 4, 2017, pp. 12-15, Research Library,
Ferguson, Niall. “Americas Oh Sh*t Moment: How American Civilization Can Avoid Collapse” by Nail ferguson. 2011 Newsweek LLC. Coyote reader. 2 edition.
Carr, Nicolas. Id google making us stupid?. The alanitc, 2008. Coyote Reader. 2 editino.