Varden and I bounded out of the helicopter as soon as its wheels hit the asphalt. Scanning the parking lot, we'd been set down in I spied the transportation promised.
"What is this?" Varden asked. "Unlimited funds and we get to cruise around in a Ford Tempo station wagon?" I smiled and stopped behind him.
"We need to keep a low profile, you know, blend in."
"Blend in? How are we going to blend in with this thing? It looks like it was made when you were a kid." The car originally was red, now it had so much rust and dirt on it you couldn't tell unless you looked very hard.
"Just get in, our hotel is only three blocks from here so I think this thing will at least get us there." I slapped the back of his head and walked around to the drivers' door.
"Oh, no you don't," his panicked squeak brought a smile to my face.
"Remember the last time I let you drive?" He was around the car before I could get the door open. "You almost wrapped us both around a telephone pole." He slammed the door shut just as I got it open.
"Oh, come on, that was over a year ago. Besides, we missed that pole by at least a foot."
"You were going ninety miles an hour," Varden threw his hands in the air. "We ended up in the middle of some farmers field if I recall."
"Hey," I poked him in the chest. "I took care of the evidence, and we got a nice little stroll out of it didn't we?" He threw open the driver's door and slipped behind the wheel.
"A walk through the countryside in January, in the pouring rain. Is not what I consider a stroll. Now get in, you can give me directions and tell me how bad my driving is. Isn't that what women like doing?"
"Oh, is that what you think? I only complain when you're being stupid." I jumped and slid across the hood. What, one more dent wasn't going to show on this car, trust me.
We exited the parking lot and headed for the hotel. Our verbal sparring continued without let up until we reached our destination, the Blackstone.
We parked across the street from the main entrance and made our way into the lobby.
"Which room are we in?" Varden asked.
"Room?" I was shocked. "We have the entire top floor. You should know by now that Damaris doesn't like us being any closer to human than we have to." I walked up to the front desk, the man behind saw me coming and hastened to meet me.
"How may I help you, Miss?" He asked in his best helpful tone.
The man was in his forties with thin to balding brown hair. He looked awkwardly stuffed into a double breasted light blue suit that gave me the impression that it was a couple sizes too small.
"We are here under the name Damaris; I was told you would be expecting us?" I flashed my best smile at the man, all the while rolling my mental eyes at him.
"Yes, I see it now." He ran his finger down his computer monitor. "You are in room two oh six, top floor." He turned to the large board behind him and took two key cards from it.
Handing them to me with his broadest smile he said, "These will get you into your room, please enjoy your stay."
"I'm sure we will." Spinning on my heels I snaked my arm around Varden's and headed for the elevator.
Minutes later I was sprawled across a king-sized bed with nothing but my skimpy pink bra and minuscule pink panties on. Varden came out of the shower and stopped dead in his tracks, the towel around his waist his only covering, his gaze lingered over me so long goose bumps grew on my exposed skin.
"See anything you like," I asked?
Turning over onto my stomach I propped my chin on the palms of my hands and faced straight at him.
"Wow, I can see what you want." His eyes widened, and he covered the ten feet from the doorway to the foot of the bed so fast all I saw was a blur.
His knees sinking into the soft think carpet his face was at the same level as mine. He leaned forward, his forehead touching mine.
"You know I want this as much as you do, right?" He asked, his soft breath caressing my cheek.
"You have a strange way of showing it." I pulled back and huffed. "Sometimes it doesn't even seem like you want to be with me."
"No, no, no, that's not it at all and you know it. How many times do I have to tell you?" His arms wrapped around me, and I melted against his chest, the clean scent of him filling my brain with desire.
"It's not that I don't want to have sex with you, it's I won't have sex with you until we're married. I want to be with one woman, and only one. My love has to come before sex, or the sex is less than meaningless. Sex without commitment leaves people empty and shallow, and I don't want that for us." He brushed his fingertips along my jaw, and I turned to him.
"I want our love to last for the rest of our lives. So as much as I want to be with you, I am going to wait."
I grabbed him by the hair, drawing him into a long deep kiss. When we came up for air, I slumped back against him.
"You are the strangest man I have ever met. Your kind isn't even supposed to exist anymore."
"And what kind am I?"
"The kind that can control themselves. Every guy I met before you would do anything to get between a girls' legs."
"Yeah, I know, it disgusts me. I always get lumped in along with the rest of them too." He grabbed me and tossed me onto the bed, then crawled up beside me.
"I'm just glad this room has two beds."
"Why?" I asked in mock surprise.
"Because I'm a guy and sleeping in the same bed with you would be a bit much for me to handle." So, with a soft kiss to the back of my head he rolled off the bed and padded without a sound to his bed.
"Aren't you going to get dressed?" I asked as I watched him roll under the covers.
"I was going to wait until you took your shower. I don't think the hotels laundry has them back, anyway." He pulled the covers up to his chin and I could see the covers move as he removed his towel. Bringing it out from under the blankets he threw it back into the bathroom.
He was doing it on purpose, he was trying to wind me up then give me nowhere to go. I knew he was.
"I'll be out of the shower in a few minutes. Once I'm finished, you'd better be sleeping, because if you're not you might not get any sleep tonight." I told him as I bounded out of bed and stalked into the bathroom for a cold shower, a very cold shower.
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