We found Damaris in her receiving room, her scowl was deeper than normal, not a good sign.
"Where have you two been?" She hissed waving us closer patiently.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I noticed people running in every direction as if something big was happening.
"Mother Zhao is here, I've kept her at the entrance for as long as I can. But she's coming down here one way or the other and I can't stop her forever. If I don't grant her permission to come in soon there is going to be bloodshed here."
"Let her in, the sooner I deal with her the better." Vardens voice had taken on that otherworldly tone and once again I saw him glow in blue light. But this time in the light I watched ghostly flames dance.
Minutes later four men dressed in silver light armor rushed into the room and took station beside the double door just inside. Seconds after them six women dressed in copies of the men's armor strode through the doors and formed a corridor with their bodies, one-on-one side staring at another cross from her. As one they raised their arms and their emerald blades formed to create a tunnel in through which High Mother Zhao marched through.
"Where is he?" Her voice boomed through the chamber.
"Might I inquire as to which he you are asking?" Damaris replied not raising her voice.
"Do not play games with me child. I know you've been hiding the first male of our race to be born in over two thousand years. I will have him, just as I've said I would." Her eyes fell on Varden and I watched a smile play across her ruby red lips.
"And there he is." She snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor next to her. "Come boy."
"No." Vardens word sucked the air from out of the room. I watched Zhao's face go from smug satisfaction, to slight confusion, then to boundless rage.
"How dare you defy me? I have not waited two thousand years for you to think too highly of yourself. You may be of our species, but you are still only male."
"And you will not lay a finger on me bitch." Vardens voice rang off the walls, echoing for several seconds before fading.
"You will do as I order you to do boy." Zhao snarled. Then without warning launched herself at him, arms outstretched, fingers hooked like claws.
Pivoting to the side Varden side slipped the woman's charge. Then as her momentum carried her past him he turned to Damaris.
"High mother I would like to invoke the right of Prokaló̱. If she is willing to accept a challenge from a mere male."
Zhao came to a sudden stop and smiled, a predatory gleam in her eyes.
"I accept your challenge boy. But since I am the one being challenged I get to set the terms of victory, correct?"
"Of course." Varden inclined his head.
"I prevail and you come with me no questions asked, no reservations. You win, and I will never bother you again, ever." I could see she had no notion of anything else but quick victory and claiming her prize. The thought brought a sizzle to my blood. Varden loved me, he was mine to have for the rest of my life, he'd said it last night. Now this woman was going to take him away. I would not have it.
"NOOOOOO!" The scream was past my teeth before I could rein it in.
I threw myself at Zhao, crazed beyond reason at the thought of this old crown touching Varden. But as fast as I was Damaris was faster. Her arms were around me before I'd taken four steps into my head long rush.
"Restrain yourself young one or I'll do it for you."
"NO! That bitch is not going to touch him, he's mine!" I screamed. "You can not have him." My voice had dropped several octaves and had that same strange resonance that Vardens had developed.
"Stay still Catherine, Varden has made the challenge, it is he who will decide his own fate. Now calm down, what has gotten into you." Damaris nodded to two of her guards and they helped her drag me back to my seat. With one on either side of me they held me in place until I calmed down.
What had come over me? I thought as I shook my head, as if I was coming off a three-day bender. One second I was fine then an unbelievable protective rage had filled me, blotting out anything else.
"What is wrong with you child? Can't you see Varden is in enough trouble as it is. The last thing he needs is to have to deal with you." From her seat straight behind me I heard the reason in her voice but it just wouldn't get through my boiling anger.
The rules of the match were simple. Hand to hand combat only, neither person in the match was allowed at any time to shape their weapon. Doing so meant immediate disqualification.
Through a veil of red I watched as the few chairs in the room to be removed. With a space no bigger than twenty by twenty feet Zhao and Varden walked to within five feet of each other, squared off then time seemed to stop.
Neither of them moved, they just stood there waiting for the other to attack. I knew the fighting style Varden had developed was based on counterattacks, adding the fact that he had the patience of a stone and Zhao was in for a long wait. At last her patience shattered and she could wait no more, with a scream she flew at Varden in a forward jumping inside roundhouse. The kick didn't come close to landing as by the time she'd gotten to him he'd spun to his left and with a balled fist used the momentum he'd built from the spin to smash that fist into the back of her head as she went past him.
Staggered Zhao shook her head, trying to clear the stars she must have been seeing. Yet Varden didn't capitalize on her momentary weakness, he just stopped his spin and settled back into his defensive stance. Within seconds Zhao was all over him again, she came in close and threw blow after blow at him, up high, down low, from both sides, but Varden blocked each of them without as much as moving his feet. Staying perfectly centered, perfectly balanced, he even used his elbows to block some of her strikes. Until with a roar Zhao jumped back and formed her sword.
"ZHAO!" Damaris roared. "You have broken the rules of the Prokaló̱. You are no longer welcome in this Sanctuary leave now."
"Oh I'll leave once I've killed this dog. If I cannot have him, then no one will have him."
"I forbid this, guards take this prodótria to the exit, and make sure she leaves."
"I will not be denied Damaris. No one here is a match for me and you know it. How many of your sisters are you willing to sacrifice to force me to leave. I promise you you'll lose more than I will before I leave this place without him dead."
"Damaris," Vardens voice had a note of authority in it that cause everyone to turn. "If she thinks so highly of her skills," he dropped into his fighting stance and beckoned. "Then let's allow her to show the rest of us her prowess."
At that Zhao brought her sword to her shoulder and charged.
Prokaló̱: Challenge
Prodótria: Traitor
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