The house was enormous, its imposing facade flanked by abject wilderness. This was the environment that best suited the denizens that dwelled within.
After landing at Harford Field in Casper Damaris had a car waiting for us, as usual. We then headed West by slightly North into the wilderness of this, the second least populous state in the union. Once again Varden was driving, boy you run into a light pole once and you're no longer trusted to drive. Okay, it may have been more than just a light pole but we don't have to talk about that right now.
We were on the back roads for almost four hours before our destination became close. Under the canopy of an old growth forest we turned off and parked along the road.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Varden asked.
We were both looking across the road at an old mailbox that looked like it hadn't been upkept in years. On the side in rough and painted numbers was the numbers two, three one.
"That's the address two, three one Faxfare road. So I guess this is it."
"I don't think this car is going to get down what I think is their driveway."
"Would you like me to drive?" I looked over at him.
"Are you kidding, I'd like to get there in one piece, or get stuck in one piece, not wrapped around a tree."
So for the next hour we bounced our way down a winding two track road. When I said two track, I meant two track. There was no room for two cars to make room for one another on this sorry excuse for a drive, and no room to even turn around. Once you started down this driveway you either reached the end or went in reverse all the way out.
"That was fun." Varden shook his head as he stepped out of the vehicle. Moving to the other side of the car he leaned on the fender and waited. I waited in my seat for him to open the door, and waited, and waited.
"Are you going to open my door or what?" I shouted loud enough for him to hear me.
He shook his head negatively. "Open your own door, you're a big girl."
Glaring I opened the door and got out. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had to open a car door for myself.
"What was that all about? You open my door all the time when we have a driver, but now you won't."
He leaned in close to me, his face high above mine. "I open those doors so that your driver doesn't have to. You're a powerful liberated woman, you don't need a man for anything, right?"
"You're going to start this now?" I asked as out of the corner of my eye I watched four people walk out onto the huge wrap-around porch.
"Nope, I'm not starting anything. I simply answered your question." Varden turned and walked towards the flight of steps in front of the main entrance of the house.
"Hey wait, you don't know these people, they don't like..." I was too late with my warning, the two men and two women encircled Varden even as his foot touched the first step.
"Shaper Catherine, your male is out of his place, you know the rules of our dwelling do you not?" The deep growling voice came from Thomas, the packs second. He had the body of a weightlifter and the brain of a school boy. He did what he was told when he was told and not much else, which made him the perfect second. But this time he had no idea what he was doing.
"I am no one's male, thank you very much." Varden retorted.
Thomas reached forward and clamped a hand on Vardens shoulder. "You haven't been here before, so let me lay out the ground rules."
"You might not want to do that." I told him as I walked towards the tight knot of people.
"You, I can give allowance for," the hulking man nodded my way. "But this one," he looked back at Varden. "He needs a lesson."
"Oh they'll be a lesson given all right." I hid my smile as best I could and waited.
"First thing human, no one come onto our property without their Shaper proceeding them. And two, the only reason she's allowed here is because our leader fancies her somewhat. Why I have no idea but I'm not one to argue his tastes?"
"Oh he does, does he?" Varden shot a look my way, and I just shrugged.
Watching from a few feet away I waited for Thomas to continue.
"You on the other hand," he said as he continued. "Are only human, you are here to serve your betters, understood?" He gave Varden a slight shake to emphasize his point.
"Oh I understand sir," Varden began and my smile grew wider. "But there is something I don't think you've been told about me." He reached up with his left hand and grabbed the hand on his right shoulder.
Thomas smiled then grunted, the veins in his neck standing out as Varden peeled his hand off of his shoulder. The other three members of the pack began to growl but Varden didn't attack, he was just getting Thomas to let him go.
"I am not human. I know weird right, I'm still coming to grips with it myself." Thomas grunted then swung his other hand at Vardens throat.
"Hey," Varden shouted as he let go of Thomas's hand and ducked under his swing. "I was just explaining myself, that was not an attack."
I knew why Thomas had struck at him. Werewolves are strong, far stronger than even the most muscular human. But unless they are in their wolf form, they are not stronger than a shaper. Even though I was loath to admit it Varden has always been stronger than any woman in the Sanctuary so I was kind of hoping Thomas would try to bite off more than he could chew, kind of.
"Now now boys, this is not why we came here, and if you want to start a measurement contest, I have a tape measure in my purse." Varden shot me a shocked look, but I waved him off. "I'm kidding," I nodded to him then turned. "Now Thomas, where is Ezekiel anyway, he's the one I should be talking to."
"He's right here my dear." I turned, looked up the steps to see the pack leader Ezekiel Reese standing at the top. His chiseled face and half beard gave him a look more like a viking than one of the most powerful supernatural leader on earth.
"Catherine my dear," he bounded down the steps to gather me into his arms. "So nice of you to come to us. Is there anything you need, I know you Shapers don't tend to visit unannounced unless it is important." I pushed him away and stepped back towards Varden, a move that did not go unnoticed by him.
"And who is this?" Ezekiel asked, prying his eyes off me and looking at Varden.
It was then that it happened. A gentle breeze blew from behind Varden and towards the two women who were now standing near us. Their heads twisted as they turned towards him, their eyes dilated and locked onto him.
"He's a male shaper." They both breathed, their voices filled with a lust I'd never heard.
"He is, is he? Then this meeting just got a lot more interesting." Ezekiel rocked back on his heels, then looked at his two pack members as they approached.
"And are you two?.."
"Yes we are." It was Varden who spoke up, and I smiled at his willingness to step up.
"Then what can we do for you?" Ezekiel asked disappointed.
"We were attacked two days ago by six wolves, at least three of them were elders. I assure you they are all dead now. But before we were able to kill them they killed or wounded many of our number. I was just wondering if you knew anything about this, or who we could talk to to find out."
"I believe we'd better retreat to my study for this conversation. An accusation such as this will not sit well with many members of my pack." He turned and began to walk back towards the main house entrance.
"I meant no accusation by it. But we are thinking this is just the beginning of an active attempt to destabilize the Yperfysikó Yfí̱lios. If that happens you know what it will cause. You were there the last time it happened." I spoke to his back as I followed him up the stairs and into the house.
"Yes I do, and I wish to speak to you in private, your male can stay here with my beta. I'm sure he'll take good care of him." I looked over at Varden who was just coming through the door, flanked by the two women and led by Thomas.
"I'll be fine, talk with him so we can get going." I saw Varden flick a glance towards the two women following him.
I was comforted that he thought enough of me to allow me alone with this man. He was gorgeous, articulate, smooth, most guys wouldn't let their girl out of their sight with a guy like that. But Varden knew me, and besides, if he couldn't trust me alone with another man, he Didn't trust me at all.
We walked into Ezekiel's study, a medium sized room with native wood trim and trophies of almost every game species in the north American continent hanging from the walls. Ezekiel stepped behind his desk and sat down.
"Yes I was there the last time the shapers lost their grip. But there's an undercurrent swimming among many of the races that the shapers have been holding on too tight. That the humans have had it too good for too long and that it's time we give them a reason to remember why those horror stories they now laugh at were so frightening."
"Are they crazy?" I managed to keep my voice below a scream only by years of training. "Don't they realize what would happen? The only reason we are all alive is because the humans don't know we exist. If they were to find that out they would hunt all of us down, every single one of us. Given how few of us there are, there is no way we could win a fight when it's more than a million to one."
"I know that young one." He tried to put on his best father face and failed. "But as I said, there are some who would rather take their chances than live under Shaper rule. But they don't want to out you to the whole world, because as you said they would get crushed as well as the rest of us."
"The vampires, they're the ones behind this aren't they?"
"You didn't hear it from me. I have no hatred for them but if they hear that I steered you towards them," he shrugged. "I will defend my pack if need be."
"They won't hear it from me, that I can promise you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to the Sanctuary."
"Of course, but you will invite us to the wedding won't you?"
"What wedding?" I asked.
"You're not as bright as I thought you were. Varden, the man you came with, I've never smelled a deeper bond between two people as exists between you and he. So as I asked before, will you send an invitation to us when you two are wed?"
"Yes, of course." I stammered then left the room.
The scene before me as I walked back into the main room was one I'd never expected to see.
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