There once was a vampire, who was brutal and savage. He was the most vicious next to his sire, Darla. He was so vicious that he became known as Angelus, “the evil one,” “the one with the angelic face,” “the face of an angel.” He killed and slaughtered many, accompanied by Darla at his side.
For centuries, he and Darla went from town to town, city to city, and village to village, slaughtering every human who ever crossed their path. No one was safe and no one ever lived to tell the story, who met them face to face.
After he bit a gypsy girl, the most loved of all in her clan, he was cursed with a soul and Darla turned from him in fear, shame, and guilt for she had told him to bite her.
When a demon who looked human, Whistler, came to help him find his way in the world; his destiny, Angelus had begun to change his name to Angel. Whistler took him to Sunnydale, California and that’s when he saw Buffy Anne Summers, the Sunnydale Vampire Slayer, who Whistler told him to protect.
After they met, it wasn’t long until they fell madly in love and soon after, became like a package; inseparable.
Right before her high school graduation, he broke up with her so she could have as normal a life as she could get.
After graduation, he looked at her one last time, before walking away to leave her and Sunnydale behind. Then he headed to Los Angeles. The city of Angeles.