In 1860, Darla found Drusilla who was from London, and presented her to Angelus as a gift. Drusilla was like a seer. She had a foresight that her mother saw as “an affront to the Lord” and her sisters were all virgins, while Drusilla was “sweet, pure, and chaste.” Angelus posed as her priest and killed her family in front of her, which made her flee to a convent. On the day she was to take her Holy orders, Angelus massacred the convent. After having sex with Darla on top of Drusilla, Angelus made her insane, and finally turned her. Angelus called her his “masterpiece,” an everlasting testament of his finest cruelty, as her immortality meant that her torment would never end.
Desiring a companion of her own, Drusilla sired William, a mild-mannered and love sick poet, whom Angelus served as a mentor and role model for a while. William went so far as to consider him his sire and “yoda.” Angelus taught William about the art of mass slaughter, including an incident during a wedding party where Angelus beat the groom to death with his own arm. When he realized how much William cared for Dru, Angelus had sex with her just to hurt him, which William never forgave. He abandoned Angelus’ membership, and took on a reckless rebellious persona that brought constant danger to Angelus’ group, but remained a romantic at heart.
In London 1883, Angelus killed a female servant named Margaret, who had a young son, during a luxurious Christmas party.
In 1888, William got them all, including himself, chased out of London and into an abandoned mine shaft in Yorkshire by an angry mob.
Later, as a result of killing two slayers and starting to use railroad spikes to kill his victims, he became known as Spike.
In 1890, Angelus attended a production of Giselle by the Blinnikov, a Russian ballet troupe run by Count Kurskov. That same year, Angelus and Spike used a trick that involved them holding hands and beheading their enemies with a length of wire in St. Petersburg, Russia.
In 1894 in Rome, Italy Angelus was captured by henchmen of The Immortal, a mysterious and seductive being with whom they both had a fierce rivalry, because he had seduced Dru and Darla. Angelus and Spike attempted to take revenge on The Immortal, but failed miserably.