Once they were finished, they cleaned up their mess and cleaned the plates. Daniel went out to his car and grabbed her guitar case for her. She took it in her room and laid it on the bed. She looked outside the window to see it starting to get dark.
Violet couldn’t help to stare at the melting snow. She started to feel scared. When they were done with cleaning up, it was around eight. Violet went back downstairs and talked a little while with Doc. Then, after ten minutes, they went to the bedroom she had woken up from that morning. She got into the covers and snuggled down.
Daniel stood by the doorway.
“You okay?”
“Do you need anything?”
“No,” she said. “Thank you though.”
“Okay, well, I’m just in the next room over. If you need anything, you can get me, okay? Don’t be scared.”
“Thank you,” she said smiling at him.
Daniel nodded. “Ok, well, goodnight then,” he paused. “But really, if you need anything, I’m right here. You can lock the door if you feel like it.”
“Goodnight Doc,” she said closing her eyes as he closed the door. Daniel walked back to his room and changed into his sweats and shirt. He crawled into bed, and laid there.
His mind was not going to sleep. His mind was worrying about the stranger in the next room. He worried about the snow melting. He worried about her leaving. But he had to let her go. He had to treat her like a resident. Make her happy, but not getting too close to her. He sighed, closing his eyes.
In the next room, Violet’s mind was doing the same. She saw the snow melting away outside. Her stomach dropped and tears escaped. She closed her eyes, but didn’t sleep. It was no use.
He is alone, no kids, no wife. I’m not getting stuck again. This is going to end badly.
She got up, and headed out the door.