They drove to the nearest store, to give Violet the basics. They bought toothbrush, toothpaste, some socks, a brush, wipes, issues, and shampoo and conditioner, pads, soap, deodorant, ponytail holders, hairpins, sport bras, and underwear.
Daniel had turned the other way, giving Violet the freedom and privacy that she is probably not had in years. She noticed him and what he was doing, and she could not be more grateful. After paying for the basics and went out to the car, Violet said, “Thank you.”
“Well technically it is your money, and you do need the basics if you’re going to be my roommate, mean we can be sharing toothbrush or anything.”
She giggled, it was so nice to hear her laugh. “That’s not what I meant.”
“What do you mean?”
“You gave me some privacy, when most wouldn’t, especially when it came to be buying panties and bras. I have met plenty of men that would be more than excited to be picking it out for me. I just wanted to say thank you.”
“Well, whoever these men you are around, you know that’s not right. Right?”
“I know now.”
“Whatever you need, I will try my best to help you. Though when it comes to stuff like go I don’t want to know, I’ll just point you in the direction and close my eyes.
He wanted to ask more questions but he started up the vehicle and they headed home. Before they were out of the parking lot, without looking, Violet said to Daniel, “You know, you’re one of the good ones.”
He just made a caveman sound, and didn’t think twice about her sentence.