It is only a month after the great battle. The memories of the great heroes who fought in that battle are exchanged among the new recruits. The noble captain Cucumber, the wise Alfeo, the cunning members of the Brown Brigade, the Heroic PoopStain, The fierce Reznikov. The heroes who gave their lives to give the Allies hope. 467Please respect copyright.PENANAbWR4hhMXbT
Today is the day us new recruits are shipped out to carry on the legacy of the heroes who fell that day. The second wave of child soldiers is being sent to fight an adults war. And I am proud to be a part of it.
Us five kids stand out from our peers just like the 360th and the Maine squad did before us. I am Thain and my friends and squadmates names are Bruce, Hawkeye, Kevin and Revin. We were all friends before the war and went to the same school in the same small state. I’d die for any one of these guys.
North Dakota isn't known for much, but apparently, we are changing that. Me and my friends are told that we have generational talent fit for the military and we were recruited by the NASF. The five of us make quite a group together.
I am the group clown and I always turn the darkest things into a joke. I am 5'11" with dark short hair. With my Browning LMG, I'm the squad gunner. I like to always put others before myself and I can put my humour on hold to comfort people at will. Lastly, I never stay down no matter what, even if it makes sense to stay down.
Bruce is a very likeable person and gets along with everyone. He is 6'3" with dirty blonde short hair. He is the squad leader and uses a Thompson submachine gun. Other than his charisma he has no trait that stands out, nor does he have a clear weakness. Like me, he would rather hear about someone else's problems than share his own. He and I actually are quite similar in a lot of ways.
Hawkeye is half aboriginal who has a strong bond with the land and his culture. He is 6'1" with long black hair. Normally he would be forced to cut his hair but since it's against his culture to cut their hair they gave him an exception.
Hawkeye uses primitive weapons which usually isn't allowed either. But his skill with them is so good that they made another exception. He uses a Springfield sniper rifle, a bow or crossbow depending on the situation. He is a master of stealth and primitive combat. His father taught him several martial arts since he was 9 years old. Unfortunately, Both of his parents were killed during the very first invasion and Hawkeye was taken in by my family.
Kevin is Revins older brother by only 9 months. He is very intelligent and has a lot of knowledge about technology, more so than even specialists. He is 5'9" with a five o'clock shadow for hair. Kevin uses a carbine and is the squad medic. He is the last person on earth to ever improvise in any situation. Well, second to Agent from the Brown Brigade anyways. Agent is actually Kevin's hero and sometimes won't shut his mouth about him. He does so much research on him and his squad that he probably knows them more than their parents.
Revin is Kevin's younger brother. He isn't very smart but makes up for it with his big heart. He is an optimist and overly cheerful. Despite his personality giving the impression that he's a small and weak person, he is, in fact, the opposite. At 6'5" and built like a shit brick house. The classic gentle giant unless you piss him off. Revin uses an M1 Garaand and a rocket launcher when the occasion calls for it. If I were a German or a Jap id be more scared of getting punched by him then shot. he is not a great shot.
We just arrived at the new base in Germany and are unloading from the plane. We were given a piece of paper with our information on it. The only thing I bothered to look at was the barracks number.
"We are barracks number 777. Let's go find it," said Bruce.
"Pretty lucky. Its right there," Pointed Revin to the third nearest barracks tent.
"Strange. They built the barracks in a circle and didn't even fit in a normal number of them. As if 777 is the last barracks," said Kevin.
"It also starts at 600 for whatever reason," I said
"Let's go unpack," said Bruce.
The team walks into their barracks and everyone claims a bunk.
"Everything seems brand new," I said looking around.
"It is a new base," said a man from the entrance.
Everyone looks to see who it is.
"I am sergeant Cucumber Jr. You are one of the squads I am responsible for. I already know who you are, considering the whole base already knows about you guys," said the sergeant.
"Wait, Cucumber? Are you related to the heroic captain Cucumber of the united states marine core?" I asked.
"He was my father," said the sergeant proudly.
"Sorry sir, I didn't think that through before I said it," I said remembering that he died only a month ago.
"Why should you be sorry? I'm glad my father is known as a hero, that's just the way he wanted it to be," said the sergeant.
No one replied.
"Anyways. Welcome to the North American special forces. Don't get too comfy, there is mandatory training in 10 minutes. Don't be late," said the sergeant just before leaving.
"We should likely get going now," Suggested Bruce.
We walk out of our barracks and notice a squad of 3 girls and 2 boys leaving their barracks that is beside us. They are all about the same age as us.
"Hello neighbours," I called out.
"You must be those North Dakota guys," said one of the boys in an accent.
"Uhh. Yeah. I'm Bruce, that's Thain, Hawkeye, Kevin and Revin. And you are?" asked Bruce.
"I am Raymond, this is Maya, Daylyn, Taylor and Daglin," said Raymond in the accent.
"That's a German accent you have," said Hawkeye.
"Yes. My father was born in Germany but my mother is American. I was born and raised in America. I'm tired of that look people gives me when I say this. They look at me as if I am their enemy," said Raymond.
"You're not shooting at me. Therefore your not my enemy," I said.
"Let's get going," said Daglin.
The 5 of them walk away and the 5 of us give the girls a solid look through.
"You must have lazy eyes cuz you're looking awfully low privates," said a man standing behind us loud enough that the girls could hear us.
The girls simultaneously turn around and look at us with the stink eye. We turn around and see the captain badge on the man. None of us know what to say.
"You like to stare at asses? Well here! Look at my ass while you drop and give me 40!" Said the man.
We drop to the ground and start doing pushups. The man turns around to face his ass to us. We avoid the unsightly view the best we can.
"Is there something wrong with my ass? Is it not up to your standards?" asked the man.
"No, sir. I mean yes sir," said Revin.
"30 more for changing your answer and 30 more for being creepy," said the man.
"Are you shitting me?" said Kevin.
"150 pushups! You got 5 minutes," said the man.
We start hammering out pushups as fast as we can. I start slowing down at 35 and realized there is no way I can do 150 in 5 minutes.
"This is boring. Let's make it 300 crunches! 5 minutes! Go!" said the man.
We switch to doing crunches and wonder why we are getting punished so badly.
"Now tell me, boys! What do you think of my ass!" yelled the man.
"Pretty damn fine sir," I said as a quick response.
"Daaaaamn straight. Now get off the ground your getting your uniforms dirty," said the man.
We get off the ground and brush the dirt off ourselves.
"You guys don't need to go to the mandatory training today. Well done," said the man whos tone completely changed as he walked away.
"What the fuck just happened?" I said.
"You guys met captain Cooper. He's beyond nuts," said Cucumber jr.
"That was the most uncomfortable I've ever been in, in my whole life," said Bruce.
"Yeah. At base, he loves to give people that feeling and in the strangest ways. But on the battlefield, he’s completely normal. I don't get him at all," said Cucumber jr.
"Change of topic, do you know exactly what happened to your father, and the Brown Brigade?" asked Revin.
"There was a massive battle and things went wrong. We lost all contact with them and scouts reported no survivors," said Cucumber.
"Do you think we have what it takes to be the next Brown Brigade? The next group of kids to bring hope to the world again?" I asked.
"From what I've heard, you could be better. But from what I see you're far from," said Cucumber.
"I wonder what its like to be them. Their first mission wasn't expected to be a success by anyone. They were the only squad to take a tower on German soil to let all this possible. Their kids just like us too," I said.
"My father told me how he saved them a couple times actually. He told me that they will help turn the tides of war. He told me that when he fights beside them, its just not possible to lose hope," said Cucumber.
"So were the bodies found?" asked Hawkeye.
"Whose?" asked Cucumber.
"The Brown Brigade?" Said Hawkeye.
"Well. We didn't really have much of a chance to search very hard yet," said Cucumber.
"Until its confirmed they are dead. I will treat them as if they are alive," said Hawkeye.
"They are alive. How could the Brown Brigade die? They are from the original NASF and one of the best ones. They escaped I know it," said Revin.
"I wouldn't doubt if they are dead. But it's disrespectful to talk about a person as if they are dead unless you have seen the body with your own eyes," said Hawkeye.
"soon you will have the chance to find out. But not today. I'll see you guys later," said sergeant Cucumber walking away.
"Later boss," I said watching the sergeant walk away.
"Let's walk around the base and see what’s all here," said Bruce.
"Sounds good," said Kevin.
We walk around the base that almost seems empty since most of the kids are doing mandatory training. I haven't really thought about it much until now but I see most kids under the age of 18 here.
"Hey, guys. How cool is it that girls are allowed to fight now? Doesn't feel like a sausage fest like I was expecting," said Bruce.
"It will only distract and bring drama to the army. Especially at such young ages," said Hawkeye.
"Sometimes we need a little distraction. It also gives us a chance to find love," said Revin in an upbeat tone.
Hawkeye shows a rare smile and shakes his head.
"Maybe you will find a cute girl here at the base and fall in love and have 20 little Hawkeyes running around the base causing a ruckus. Perhaps maybe sorta you like Maya? I saw you're eyeballing her bro," said Revin in a fun tone to Hawkeye.
"Your eyes mistake you," said Hawkeye in a serious voice.
"I don't know man, your blushing," I said chuckling.
Everyone starts to laugh including Hawkeye.
"Shut up fags," Called a voice.
I look behind me and see 10 guys standing there in a cocky stance.
"Aren't you guys supposed to be at training?" asked Kevin.
"I should ask you the same thing. Or are you too good for training? I don't see what makes you guys so special. You're no different than anyone," said a guy in an angry voice
"we aren't special. We are just as human as you," said Hawkeye.
"Shut your mouth you dirty niche," said the guy aggressively
"Woah. Everyone calm down and go about our businesses. We don't want any trouble and we definitely don't want any special treatment," said Bruce.
"Why are you defending the worthless Indian," said the guy.
"You're pissing me off bud. Disrespect him one more time. Try me, I dare you," I said.
"Thain enough. If they want to fight me I will fight them. I don't need help," said Hawkeye stepping forwards.
"Guys if we get caught fighting we are fucked," said Kevin.
"He's got a point," said Cucumber jr who just arrived.
The 10 guys run as if the sergeant wouldn't remember their faces if they ran fast enough.
"Should you stop them?" I asked.
Cucumber smiles and says "if they were smart they would have stayed here and let me deal with them. Instead, they ran towards captain Cooper,"
Suddenly you can hear captain Cooper talking loudly, "woah there what's the hurry? Are you running from zombies? Quick! Drop and give me 100! 4 minutes! Wait how many zombies are there? A lot? May as well add on 50 burpees while I hold off the zombies."
Me, Hawkeye, Bruce, Kevin, Revin and Cucumber start to laugh.
"These aren't zombies. These are ladies who look nothing like zombies. Once you're done that you guys get your eyes checked," said the captain.
Sergeant Cucumber starts laughing hysterically and the rest of us wonder why that was funny.
"Right you guys are new. Getting your eyes checked here is waiting in a super hot lobby for 3 hours for your turn. Longest 3 hours of life. Trust me it's a funny punishment," said Cucumber.
We join Cucumber laughing.