This was the wrong time for a plan to go wrong. How this day ends, will affect the outcome of this war. It may not be the deciding factor, but it may be a catalyst of the deciding factor. No matter, I just hope this day doesn’t get any shittier.
We were supposed to hit the prison hard and fast, a quick in and out rescue. But here we are in a firefight in the field in front of the prison. It was almost as if they were expecting it, or maybe even just looking for us. I can’t let this bother me, I must move on. What happened, happened and no matter what, I need to focus.
Cucumber Jr, my friends and I are pinned about 150 meters in front of Carlos and his freedom fighters. We are taking cover in an explosion crater with a lot of bullet focus on us. The Germans have an established position with sandbags and we are outnumbered.
We have been stuck in the crossfire for about 30 minutes. We can’t even stick our heads up to see without the risk of getting hit.
I look at Thain who is on the right of me. He is laying on his back pretending to yawn. Thain always does little things like that to brighten the mood, I feel every squad needs a Thain.
“Alright boys,” announced Cucumber Jr. “It may just be me, but I’m sure fucking sick of this god damn hole, and I have a plan to get us out of it.”
“Damn it,” complained Thain. “I was just about to have a nap.”
“Here’s the plan,” started Cucumber Jr. “Revin, I want smoke cover, 20 meters 12 o'clock, and 40 meters 2 o’clock. Are you able to throw that far?”
“Hell yeah I can,” replied Revin.
“Okay, on my signal you will throw the smoke,” continued Cucumber Jr. “once the smoke is thick enough we will be going straight west.”
I reach into my pocket and check my compass and realize that the second smoke will be thrown east of the first. I wonder why he wants the second smoke to be on opposite side as us, perhaps it’s a decoy. I trust Cucumber Jr, so I won't say anything.
Kevin who is the furthest away from me is talking and I can't make out what he is saying. It is really windy and all I can hear is the brutal whilst of wind blowing in my ears.
Wait, I think I figured it out, the plan, the strong wind is blowing west. The wind will make a thick wall of smoke for us to us to flank the hostiles.
Revin stands by with 2 smoke grenades ready. Cucumber pats his shoulder twice and Revin throws the two smoke grenades. We wait patiently for a few moments.
Cucumber peaks up and ducks back down and says, “Fuck, its too windy, the smoke might not be thick enough. Revin, throw another between the two.”
Thain throws Revin a smoke grenade and he throws it. After a few moments Cucumber hand signals for us to get ready to move, double time.
“Fuck, I hope Carlos doesn’t follow us,” said Cucumber Jr.
“On it,” Hawkeye made known as he folds a piece of paper into a paper airplane. “But we really need to get a radio in this squad.”
There is no way that he can get that paper airplane to go all the way to Carlos, even without this crazy wind.
Hawkeye throws the paper airplane towards Carlos and his men and a large hawk swoops down and grabs the paper with its feet and flys towards Carlos.
I forget at times that he has that hawk. Thank God.
“Hawkeye, I ask for your blessing to marry your Hawk,” said Thain.
Hawkeye looks over at Thain and smiles.
Cucumber Jr starts to count down from three with his fingers. On zero, we run like Hell. We sprint as fast as we can west, the blanket of smoke is doing its job, but the Germans are just spraying and praying, hoping for the best. I pray that all of us make it out of here safely.
We continue with haste, I keep looking back to make sure we still have everyone, and we do. So far so good.
Suddenly in mid-stride, a bullet ricochets off my steel toe, without piecing it luckily. However, the force and the momentum threw me off balance and I fall to the ground. Without any delay, Revin who was right behind me grabs me by the collar of my uniform and he basically throws me to my feet. Shit, that guy is so strong.
We seem to be far enough now and I think the plan worked. We are not taking any more fire and as far as I can tell, the Germans think we are still in that crater.
We make it to a square trench that must have been dug by the Germans, however, there are no Germans in it. We jump in the trench and we take a moment to breathe. There is a decent sized brush about 55 meters North of us. And pretty much hills and fields south and east of us. We are far enough from the smoke that the smoke is thin enough to forget about.
“Everyone good?” asked Cucumber.
Each of us does a quick check and we all give a thumbs up, except Thain. Thain, who is rather winded gave a thumbs down.
“You hit?” asked Kevin.
“No, I’m just really tired and grouchy because I didn’t get my nap,” he joked.
Revin says, “Thain, it is very nice to have someone like you brightening the mood all the time.”
Thains face changes on a dime to an alarmed mode.
“What is it Hawkeye?” asked Thain
Hawkeye looks to the sky and breaths in deeply, “movement in the brush.”
“The wind?” asked Cucumber Jr.
All of us except him, know that Hawkeye can somehow pick out unnatural noise and movement in nature from the actual nature. It's really handy, but this means we may be intercepting a flanking party.
Hawkeye shoots an arrow into a bush and the body falls beside the bush.
“Tangos! Light em up!” commanded Cucumber Jr.
Suddenly flashes light up the brush and we are in the same situation as before, only this time I don’t think there are any MGs judging by the sounds.
We are all ducking and taking cover.
“Wow, its like we have been here before,” said Thain sarcastically.
“Stay low! Let em come to us.” Ordered Cucumber Jr.
I lay on my back and load a fresh clip into my Thompson and wait. Everyone else copied.
Cucumber Jr gives Hawkeye a little nudge and says, “I am putting a lot of trust in you with that bow of yours, you demonstrated midrange, but point blank I am trusting you.”
“You are right to trust me, sir,” said Hawkeye as he puts his ear to the soil under us.
“Wait, I have an idea,” I said.
“I hear nothing but good things about you, I trust you as well.
“Revin, do you have any incendiary’s?” I asked
“Two,” he replied.
“Good, Hawkeye, can you hear when people are close?”
“Yes,” he replied. “If they are running, If they are light on their feet then not likely.”
“Good enough,” I said. “Hawkeye, you keep your ear there and let us know when they are approaching. We will be ready and it will give us more of a chance. If you are able to tell about how many, let Revin know and he will throw the Nade.”
“Great plan,” said Cucumber Jr. “be ready.”
“2-4 hostiles coming in fast,” Hawkeye hollered.
We are all on our backs guns ready, other than Hawkeye whose ear is pressed against the wall of the trench. My sights are lined up and I wait anxiously.
I see a grey German helmet raise right over the tip of my sights, I immediately burst fire a few rounds. I see red spray out behind the Germans head time times. We all oven fire and drop the other 2 hostiles.
“5-8, coming in fast,” Hawkeye said.
I spray down two Germans while the others kill five.
“15 plus! I repeat, 15 plus!” Hawkeye yelled.
“Revin! Now!” I ordered.
Revin pulls the pin and throws the Nade straight ahead.
“Put-em down!” commanded Cucumber.
We all spring up and start shooting at the large fireball full of burning Germans. I put down as many as I can with this clip. I reload and wait.
The Germans return fire but this time only from a few flashes.
“We are making a stand here!” Cucumber announced. “We can't let them flank Carlos!” Hold them back!”
Two Germans run out of the bush and I kill one and Hawkeye puts an arrow right through the other guy's neck.
A flash comes from a little bush to my left and a bullet rips up dirt a few inches ahead of me. I shoot about 10 rounds at the bush and I’m pretty sure I got him.
I hear Thains Browning pumping off rounds in long bursts. The fire from the Nade has cleared up for the most part and there are no signs of resistance.
About 40 minutes pass and all I hear is the distant noise of battle from where ever the fuck Carlos is.
“Ight’,” announced Thain. “Wake me when something happens.”
He Lays down on his side and puts his helmet over his eyes.
Cucumber Jr chuckles.
“He’s not kidding,” Hawkeye clarified.
About 10 minutes pass and Thain begins lightly snoring.
“Is he fucking serious?” asked Cucumber Jr.
“Yes,” said Hawkeye.”
“Wake him up! We are in German territory,” said Kevin.
“Grenade!” I fibbed.
Thain springs up desperately and panics to get his pistol. He then figured out what I did and he flipped me off. I flip him off back and we both smile at each other.
“Thain, you know how much I hate that shit man, common,” said Kevin.
“I’m sorry dude,” Thain apologized.
“You're lucky I’m excited to meet the Underdogs, otherwise I’d be pissed at you,” said Kevin.
For some reason that made me wonder about Carlos and how his front is going.
Suddenly I hear someone land right behind me. I turn around gun pointed and realized it was Carlos followed by four of his men.
“Do you want the good news or bad news first?” asked Carlos.
“Let’s hear some good news first,” said Cucumber Jr.
“We have taken over the prison, no more resistance left, the battle is over,” Carlos said.
“And for the bad news?” asked Cucumber Jr.
“They aren’t here, The Brown Brigade are gone,” said Carlos.
Everyone goes silent and Thain asks what we were all thinking, “they're dead?”
“I am unsure,” said Carlos. “but it looks as if they already escaped… recently.”
Fuck, we go through all this work and they aren’t even here. At least they're alive. I know they are, I can feel it.
“Do not be discouraged,” assured Cucumber Jr. “They get out, that isn’t necessarily bad news, its different news.”
“Tangos!” yelled Hawkeye shooting an arrow.
Carlos and his four men dive into the trench with us, there isn't really enough room but we made it work.
“Anthony, we will cover you and you will run back and get the others!” ordered Carlos.
“Thain!” I yelled, “suppressing fire! Everyone else covering fire!”
Thain opens up on the attacking Germans from the brushes.
“Now!” signalled Carlos.
Anthony sprints to get the others and we cover him. The Germans are being aggressive, Thain is tearing them apart but he will have to reload at some point.
“You and you,” I pointed to two of Carlos’s men. “As well Kevin and Revin. Hold your fire for when Thain has to reload. We gotta keep them pinned while he does that.”
The two Freedom Fighters look to Carlos for approval.
“do as he says,” said Carlos.
Me, Kevin, Revin, and the two freedom fighters hold our fire and sit tight.
The others continue holding the line.
I peek over and see how the battle is going. I pick out a single German of the many, and I get a bad feeling. Then I see in his hand a grenade, he crawls slowly towards us and everyone else seems to be distracted.
“Hawkeye, beside me,” I said.
Hawkeye leaps over to my side and I say, “They are trying to get close enough to nade us. I'll point them out and you take em out.”
Hawkeye nods to me and gets an arrow ready. Hawkeye is perfect for this, he can actually see exactly where I’m pointing no matter how far and has the skill to land a shot. Its faster than military terms that I still need to have some refreshing in, to be honest. But for now, this will do.
I point to the German crawling to us. Hawkeye immediately lets loose an arrow and I watch the arrow make its way too and all the way through the German.
I spot another German with a grenade, this one is in a ghillie suit and very close. I point at him and the guy immediately throws a grenade right towards us. Hawkeye killed him but it was too late. Suddenly a Hawk rockets past us and catches the grenade with its talents and drops it in the brush. It explodes and appears to have killed at least three Germans.453Please respect copyright.PENANALhTUcmIlMb
“That’s my wife!” screamed Thain still suppressing fire. “Shit! Reloading!”
“Now!” I ordered.
The rest of us open fire at the Germans who are still trying to advance on us.
“Around 40 or so hostiles in total, counting the dead,” Hawkeye made known.
We open up and the Germans are aggressively pushing now. They must realize Thain is reloading and they are trying to take advantage of it. They are gaining ground but losing numbers. I feel no panic In us, I am not worried at all, besides… Thain should be done reloading right about-
Thain starts spraying down Germans like dirt on a sidewalk.453Please respect copyright.PENANA8PTotgkqOd
The few remaining German’s turn to retreat, but didn’t get far.
“Hold fire!” ordered Cucumber jr.
We all stop firing and we wait for about thirty seconds. There is no return fire at all, the battle may be over. Just as I was thinking that a loud hum of a large engine accompanied by the squeak of metal gears rolling. A tall tree that extends from a bush is snapped down and we fear for what made it do so. The turret of a tank is just visible over a thick bush.
“Get down!” ordered Cucumber Jr.
“Everyone down!” I repeated to make sure everyone heard.
We all get as close to the ground as possible. Shortly after follows a powerful and rapid tone that I did not want to hear. Dirt is being shot up several feet in the air from the large rounds.
“50 Cal!” Kevin made known.
“Fuck!” shouted Thain.
Carlos peaks over the crater to our rear and raises his arm. He is making a hand gesture that I am not familiar with.
I can feel every bullet that hits the ground. Every single bullet shakes the earth, the anxiety of feeling a close one. It’s horrifying, to be honest, but we can't let this get to us, Carlos’s men are here.
blood splatters on to my face and uniform.
Carlos screams in agony. I look and see blood gushing out of Carlos’s left forearm. I then notice a part of his left arm dangling, hanging by a thread of skin. About three inches of his forearm remains intact. Carlos’s uniform is bleached red, luckily he is still alive and functioning.
“Kevin!” screamed Cucumber Jr. “Get the fuck over here!”
Kevin takes the risk and exposes himself briefly to get to Carlos. There was a couple near misses but nothing landed. He begins treating Carlos.
Dirt rolls down the crater onto my face and I wipe it off.
Revin takes off his backpack and pulls out an anti-tank grenade.
“It’s too far Revin, even for you,” said Kevin.
“That’s why I am going to get close to it,” said Revin.
“We are out of smoke grenades, you are not going anywhere,” I said.
“I’m sorry, but I must do this to keep my friends safe. If I get court-martialed, oh well. The rest of you will live to fight another day,” Revin insisted.
“Don’t do it!” said Cucumber Jr.
Revin, without any of his gear or weapons, other than the grenade; charges out of the crater against all of our wishes. However, I do trust that he will succeed.
Cucumber looks at me with a frustrated expression.
“Trust me, trust him,” I assured him.
He nods back to me. I look to see how Carlos is doing. He is alive but losing a lot of blood.
A large explosion in the direction of the tank steals our attention. I peak up and see the remains of a tank still burning strong.
“Was that my love muffin?” joked Thain referring to Hawkeyes hawk.
“That was my men, but you remind me of someone, and I don’t remember who,” said Carlos, trying to be strong.
Hawkeye takes out a small dried up herb and sprinkles it on the ground, and throws some towards Carlos. He shuts his eyes and mumbles to himself.
“Are you a witch, American?” asked Carlos.
“Do you trust me?” asked Hawkeye.
Carlos looks at me before answering.
“Trust me, trust him,” I said.
Carlos looks to Hawkeye and says. “I trust you.”
Hawkeye places a mix of herbs in Carlos’s mouth, “it will taste like shit, but chew it anyway.”
Carlos chews the herbs and his face goes red, it must taste bad.
“Do not throw up. Prove to the earth that you are worthy of its resources, fight the temptation. Keep chewing,” Hawkeye made clear.
Carlos keeps chewing and cringes with every bite, he’s more focused on how bad it tastes than on his injury. Is that maybe what Hawkeye was going for? Its hard to say, I have only seen this a couple times. Thain would likely know though.
“spit it out,” said Hawkeye.
Carlos spits out the mushy brown mix of herb, he looks at Hawkeye and says, “Thank you, friend.”
“It was not me, it was just a mixture of natural medicines grown around my home,” said Hawkeye.
Kevin has finished bandaging up Carlos’s arm. Unfortunately, he couldn’t save the whole arm, what was hanging off by a thread of skin couldn’t be saved I guess.
Carlos’s Freedom Fighters move up to clear out any survivors.
“I don’t feel a thing,” slurred Carlos.
“Good, my medicine is working,” said Hawkeye.
“Am I going to make it?” asked Carlos to Kevin.
“We need to get you out of here, fast,” said Kevin.
“He’s going to make it,” said Hawkeye. “help is here.”
I look up and see a dozen or so helicopters flying towards us.
One of Carlos’s men is rushing to us, likely to give us an update. Suddenly a mine goes off from under his feet only a few meters ahead of me, some of his blood is on me.
Suddenly a heavy force from atop my head pushes me to the ground. I fall face first onto the ground and lift myself back up with my arms. My helmet splits in two and falls off my head. Blood from my scalp chases the two halves of my helmet. My vision goes blurry.
I hear the guys screaming my name, but I can't move.
---------------------End Of Chapter---------------------------------------------------453Please respect copyright.PENANAUr6naY31O9