Chapter 3: First Lessons (Hawkeye)
"How did we do for our first mission sarge?" asked Thain.
Cucumber looks out the window of the helicopter and says, "it's not over yet."
I look out the window and see another Heli approaching.
"Hostile?" asked Thain.
"that's NASF. Its the hell we are on that seems fishy," said Cucumber as he goes to the cockpit door.
"It's locked! Shit!" Said Cucumber banging on the cockpit door.
"Wait what’s happening!" Asked Bruce.
"We are supposed to be on that heli. The Germans must be on our radio signal and sent a look-alike to pick us up," said Cucumber.
"Well that heli is going to help us, right?" asked Revin.
"How? Shooting us down? They wouldn't open fire with us in here," said Cucumber.
"Does anyone have any small explosives?" asked Bruce.
"I have a sticky bomb," said Revin.
"This is risky but we gotta try it. Revin do you think you can get the outside tail with it?" asked Bruce.
"I like to think I can. Although I may fall out of the Heli," said Revin.
"No, I will hold you while you lean. You can do this trooper," said Cucumber grabbing hold of Revin.
"They will close the side doors once they see what we are doing so be quick," said Bruce.
"Ready?" asked Revin.
"I won't let you go," said Cucumber holding tightly.
Thain grabs Cucumber with one hand and holds a grip on the heli with his other.
"Just in case. You know?" asked Thain.
"Now!" Said Cucumber.
Revin leans off the side of the Heli with the sticky bomb in his hand. He throws it at the tail of the heli and Cucumber quickly pulls him in and everyone braces for impact. There is an explosion and the heli jerks hard then start spinning wildly as we lose height.
"We're going down! Brace yourselves!" yelled Cucumber.
We crash into the ground hard. Luckily, we landed right side up so the crash wasn't as bad as it could have been. Unfortunately, I noticed some of our weapons falling out while we were spinning. But I still have mine.
"Anyone hurt!" yelled Cucumber.
Suddenly the cockpit door opens a crack and a grenade is tossed at our feet and the cockpit door shuts again.
"Grena!-" The grenade explodes before Kevin could finish the word.
The grenade was unlike any other I have ever seen before. The bright flash and the ringing in my ears is blinding and deafening.I lost my balance and collapsed to the ground. My vision is screwy from the flash and I try to look around. I see a few soldiers running to us on foot, I can't tell if they are friendly or not. I struggle to reach for my pistol but they got to me first and a foot stepped on my hand.
I realize now that these are Germans. My vision is clearing up a bit but I can't seem to hear anything. The Germans rushed to bound our hands. Next thing I know there is a German 3 inches from my face laying lifeless. There is blood splattered all over my face and I believe it's his. The effects of the strange grenade are wearing off and I sit up realizing that the Germans are dead. I see captain Cooper pulling a key out of a dead Germans pocket. He unlocks our handcuffs and we are helped to our feet. After a few minutes, my hearing is back and I look around to see if everyone is alright. It seems everyone is fine.
"What the fuck was that?" asked Bruce.
"Suspicious pinecones man. You should have listened to me," said Thain humorously.
"It seemed to be some sort of stun grenade. I knew it has been worked on but I didn't think anyone actually succeeded in making them," said Kevin.
"Cucumber. You made a mistake today. I hope you learned something from it and won't forget what can happen when that happens," said Cooper.
"I know sir. I got into a heli that came 1 minute before it was supposed to without confirming it was friendly. It won't happen again," said Cucumber.
"Let's just get out of here," said a feminine voice.
"You brought my other squad with you. Good idea Captain," said Cucumber.
"Wait. We were saved by Taylor, Daylyn, Maya, Daglin and Raymond? It was all Daglin and Raymond right?" asked Kevin.
"I don’t know who saved your ass. But Hawkeye definitely owes me one. I got the one on him," said Maya who looks me in the eye with an angry look.
"Good, now Hawkeye knows who to thank for the bullet," said Thain.
I figured it was just another joke of Thains but suddenly I start to feel a burn in my right side. I look down and see red all over my side.
"Hawkeyes hurt!" yelled Bruce.
I see Kevin about to help me but Thain hints for him not to. Next thing I know Maya is lifting my shirt.
"The bullet just grazed him," said Maya pulling out her med kit.
Maya starts to wrap the bandage around my torso. It stings like a bitch but I don't want to show that in front of Maya, I don't really know why.
"I'm very sorry Hawkeye. I didn't mean to," said Maya to me.
"It's alright. I didn't really feel it until Thain pointed it out," I said.
"Yeah-yeah tough guy," said Raymond.
"Hawkeye, are you good to go?" asked Cucumber.
"Yeah," I said getting to my feet. The pain in my side worsened when I stood and I try my best to ignore it. Kevin pulls out a morphine needle and injects me with it.
"I think she likes you, bro," Kevin whispered to me.
She only did her job. I see no reason why that means she likes me. She even seemed to be somewhat angry towards me.
"Let's go," said Cooper.
We start walking to the heli that Cooper and the others came with. Suddenly the heli starts getting shot at and it immediately lifts off the ground.
"Hostiles!" yelled Cucumber.
"Get down!" yelled Bruce.
"No. Follow me," said captain Cooper in the most serious voice I have ever heard come out of his mouth.
Cooper runs away from the gunfire and we follow him. Bullets are kicking up dirt all around us as we follow the captain. We come across a small trench and we take cover in it.
"I saw this from the air. I had a feeling I would need it," said Cooper.
"You had a feeling Ehy?" asked Thain.
"I didn't come with my normal pilot. I knew if there was any gunfire at all that new pilot would take off like that," said Cooper.
"Noobies. Bunch of fuck heads aren't they," said Thain sarcastically.
"I see three of you are without your weapons," said Cooper looking at Kevin, Revin and Thain who lost their weapons during the crash.
Cooper throws his Thompson to Thain who catches it and gives him a confused look.
"You need it more then I do private," said Captain Cooper.
Cooper draws his pistol from his holster and cocks it back. Then un expectingly reaches it out to Kevin who stands there confused.
"Take it private," said Cooper waiting for Kevin to take the pistol.
"But what about you sir?" asked Kevin taking the pistol.
"What about me?" asked Cooper who draws another pistol he had tucked in his belt behind him.
I realize Revin is the only one without a weapon so I hand him my pistol since I still have both a sniper and my bow. Cooper piles most of his spare clips on the ground for everyone to have access to.
"Wanna help a girl out?" Said Taylor jokingly as she and her squad mates are holding off the hostiles.
"Damn straight! But only shoot if you're going to hit someone. This ain't the time for spray and pray! Now kill these sons of bitches!" commanded Captain Cooper.
there are around 25 hostiles about 60 meters away shooting at us. I shoot an arrow at a hostile and hit him in the shoulder. The arrow went clean through, he will have to tend to that before considering shooting back. I look around for a target but I can't find a target open enough to hit. I put my back to the inside of the trench and wait.
Suddenly three hostiles with bayonets from behind charge into the trench at Cooper. I quickly shoot the closest one with my bow. Captain Cooper turns around quickly to grab the bayoneted weapon with his free hand. He then pulls the hostile closer and points blank shoots him in the head with his pistol. He uses the dead hostile as a shield as he puts a bullet into the other hostile.
"Hahaha! Nice try! But it'll take a lot more than that to take this bad ass mutha fucka out! Now come and get me!" yelled Cooper firing two rounds straight in the air.
"Captain! Don't waste ammo!" said Cucumber.
"It wasn't wasted. The flash would have been seen in any direction and if they thought they were hidden before, they can't be sure now. Trust me. If you thought you were hidden and you saw flashes and that there was a slight chance that it was in your direction, you would assume your not hidden anymore," said Cooper.
"This isn't the time for lessons sir," said Cucumber.
"Drop and give me five Sergeants!" yelled Cooper.
"Goddamnit," said Cucumber quickly pumping out five pushups mid-battle.
Cooper grabs three clips for his pistol and says, "this should be enough."
"Captain. No," said Cucumber.
"This is an order. Stay here and hold the line," said Cooper.
"Fuck. Alright. Maya and Taylor cover the North. Raymond and Daglin cover South. Everyone else keeps East. The Captain is going West," said Cucumber.
"Wait. Is he going alone?" asked Bruce.
"Not alone. I got my gun, got my ammo, and I got the craving to kill Germans! You hear that fuckers’! Captain Cooper is coming for you!" screamed Cooper.
"Cucumber I'm rather upset with your lie. He is not normal at all, even in battle," said Thain. "And that's coming from me.”
"It's hit or miss. Stay focused," said Cucumber.
Cooper peaks over the west side of the trench then charge out with only a pistol. I face east like I was ordered to and look for targets. It seems the hostiles are further than before. All I can see is flashes scattered all over and the earth around me being disturbed.
"Are there spotted tangos north or south?" asked Cucumber.
"Negative," said Maya.
"Negative," said Raymond in his German accent.
"keep your eyes open out there," said Cucumber.
"Fuck this. I can't see what I'm shooting at anymore," said Kevin.
"Giving up boys?" asked Maya.
"Yeah I notice I'm the only one shooting here," said Daylyn.
"Your wasting ammo," said Kevin.
"Alright, that's enough. I sense drama," I said.
Cucumber is looking West making signals to I assume the Captain.
"Alright listen up. We will be running west to the captain. 778 will go first while we cover them. We will follow behind them," said Cucumber.
Raymond, Daglin, Daylyn, Maya and Taylor get ready to run.
"Go-go-go," ordered Cucumber.
The 778 squad runs to the captain while we stay and cover them. Cucumber takes out a smoke grenade from his bag and throws it towards the hostiles.
"Let's go!" yelled Cucumber leading us West.
We meet up with Cooper and the others and I see around 10 dead hostiles on the ground. Captain Cooper with only a pistol and 3 mags did this by himself. Suddenly a series of explosions from the east gets everyone's attention.
"Its friendly artillery," said Cooper.
"Well played captain!" said Revin excitedly.
"Why did we have to leave the trench? The hostiles were at least 80 meters away," said Kevin.
"The smoke is for the heli that is circling above us trying to pick us up. He made the order and if he was a little off then no more push-ups for us. Also, keep in mind Cucumber likely can't throw a smoke grenade that far," said Cooper.
"None the less those hostiles are history," said Revin.
"Doubtfully. They likely scattered when it was called in. I think they are tapped into our radio signal," said Cooper.
"I think so too sir," said Cucumber.
Cooper grabs the radio from Daglin’s bag and says, "this is Captain Cooper, North, 7, 70. Requesting radio silence. I repeat, radio silence."
Cooper then changes the frequency to the backup the frequency. The one set up for this exact situation. The captain then contacts HQ on the new frequency and requested pick up. the helicopter that was circling us finally landed and picked us up. We head back to base.
"That's how captain Cooper gets shit done," said Cooper in the 3rd person.
"Aaahhhhh! It's Cooper!" yelled Thain pretending to try crawl out of the heli to get away from the crazy Captain.
"Thain, why are you such an ass," said a Daylyn.
"Whats that? Thain has a nice ass? Thanks, Daylyn," said Thain humorously.
Daylyn shakes her head with a smile.
"Are we there yet?" asked Thain as we land at the base.
"And people say us girls get special treatment, yet Cooper lets Thain be such an ass," said Taylor.
"Alright ladies good work! As a reward for such a good job you get the honour of doing 50 PUSHUPS!" yelled Cooper.
"What?" asked Daylyn.
"I said. 75 pushups! And 5 laps around the base! And private Maya! Extra 20 of each for staring at Hawkeye!" yelled Cooper.
Daylyn, Taylor and Maya start doing pushups. I wonder if Maya was actually staring at me, or if Cooper is just being an ass.
"Private Hawkeye! DROP AND GIVE ME 24 for letting Maya stare!" yelled Cooper.
Now I'm even more unsure. I start doing pushups without a word. I get to 25 pushups then stop.
"Did you fail grade one private! I asked for 24 and you did 25! Give me 51 more for not knowing how to count! 2 minutes go! And Thain, give me 51 for thinking about saying something," said Cooper.
"Sir! Yes, sir!" Said Thain in an exaggeratedly excited voice.
"One! Another one! Another one!" counted Thain pushing his luck like an idiot.
"See private Hawkeye! That's how to count! You know what I'm in a good mood. EVERYONE WHO CAN HEAR THIS! DROP AND GIVE ME 69! AND TELL ME WHO THE GREATEST MOTHA FUCKING CAPTAIN AROUND IS!" yelled Cooper as loud as he could.
Everyone in sight and likely beyond that start doing pushups and chanting, "Cooper! Cooper!"
"why are you all on the ground! Are we under attack? Give me another 69 for failing to tell me about the attack! Now someone tell me where the hostiles are!" yelled Cooper.
"Over there, Cooper!" Said Thain as a joke.
"Good work. You can all stop now," said Cooper walking away.
"Thain. How is it that the things you say should fuel him more, but it ends up being the best thing to say," I said.
"I dunno," said Thain.
"Hey, guys. There is information you need to know. Come with me," said Cucumber.
We follow the sergeant to a building that looks like a small classroom.
"Whats this about?" asked Bruce.
"Relax. I'm just going to quickly go over the chain of command to eliminate any confusion," said Cucumber.
"I'm the boss right?" asked Thain.
"I really don't have time for this. So I'll just tell you what you need to know for now and fill you in later. Your rank determines your authority. If you have a higher rank then someone then you have the authority to give them orders," said Cucumber.
"Even Thain could have told you that," said Kevin.
"You didn't let me finish. It's not that simple. For example, I am technically a sergeant specialist for 2 squads in the 70th regimen. Meaning the 777 and the 778 squads are the 2 squads that are my main responsibility. If I give you orders and somewhere along the way another sergeant tells you to do something else. Then you are to do what I tell you. My rank trumps other sergeants when it comes to the men under my command," said Cucumber.
"That makes sense sorta," said Kevin.
"You should also know that Captain Cooper is the one and only captain of the 70th regimen. His focus is mainly on squads 770-779. He is basically our boss. You will mostly only hear from me or him. Is that clear," asked Cucumber.
"I thought I was the boss?" asked Thain.
"That also reminds me. Bruce, you know your a private first class right?" asked Cucumber.
"I do," said Bruce.
"That means your the boss when it's just the five of you. I have to go now," said Cucumber leaving in a hurry. We leave the classroom and head outside.
"Hey," whispered a voice. There is a man standing behind the building with something covering his face.
"I need your help," said the man.