Chapter 4: Help (Bruce)
"I need your help," said the man.
"You aren't from the base, are you? Why should we help someone who won't show us his face?" asked Kevin.
"My identity is not important. But what is important is that you guys help me," said the man.
"Why us? We don't have the authority to give you help even if we wanted to," I said.
"It's the people that do have authority that I want to avoid. There are too many people here. Meet me at the great elm tree north of the base. Don't doddle," said the man.
"Who are you guys talking too?" asked the man with a colonel symbol on his uniform. We all turn around and don't say anything to the colonel.
"Move maggot," said the colonel forcing his way past us to see the man behind the building.
"fucking recruit's. Something wrong with their heads," said the colonel as if he didn't see the man there.
The colonel walks away so I assume he didn't see the man. That is strange since there is literally nowhere to go back there.
"Where did he go?" asked Thain.
"To the elm tree. I think we should hear him out. I doubt it's a trap, he seemed sincere," said Hawkeye.
"you doubt it ehy? That's not good enough for me," said Kevin.
"I'm sure Hawkeye is right. we should at least hear what the man has to say," said Revin.
"What did he mean by its people with authority that he wants to avoid?" asked Thain.
"I guess the only way to know is if we meet up with him. Which is what I'm doing. I don't know about you guys," said Hawkeye.
"I'm with you Hawkeye," I said.
"Same. Someone's gotta look out for suspicious pinecones," said Thain.
Kevin looks at his brother and says, "I guess we are all going."
"Let's go," I said walking North.
We walk out of the base and approach the great elm tree. "So you decided to come," said the man whose face is still covered.
"Tell me exactly what it is you need help with, how we can help you and why we should," I said.
"Well if I'm going to do that I would like the person who followed you to come closer," said the man.
"What? We were followed?" I asked looking around.
"I don't see anyone," said Thain.
"Come out of the bush," said the man.
Cucumber comes out of a bush and says "are you who I think you are?"
"That depends who you think I am," said the man.
"First of all how did you follow us. Second of all how do you know this guy?" asked Kevin.
"He's the great northern ghost, aren't you?" asked Cucumber to the man.
"That's what some call me. But that's not important. I see you're a sergeant, maybe you can help me as well," said the man.
"I don't think I trust you yet. I am sergeant Cucumber Jr, what is your name?" asked Cucumber.
"Cucumber jr ehy? Your father was captain Cucumber of the marines right? And as for my name, I have no name," said the man.
"Yes. That would be my father," said Cucumber.
"even more reason for you to help me," said the man.
Cucumber gives the man a suspicious look and says, "how so?"
"Because you can carry on your father's legacy. To serve, help and protect your country until the very end. And your help could be the thing that turns this war around," said the man.
"My father helped the 360th squad, also known as the Brown Brigade. Possibly the greatest Underdogs of all time. How could I ever live up to that level of greatness?" asked Cucumber.
"By doing what he did. Help the Brown Brigade like your father before you did. That is why I'm here," said the man.
"Wait. The Brown Brigade is alive? Are you sure!" asked Revin.
"Yes. And I need your help to break them out," said the man.
"Break them out?" I asked.
"Yes. They are currently in a German prison. Filled with Germany's worst criminals. Will you help me?" asked the man.
"Why are you asking us? Tell this to the high commanders so the whole NASF can help. We are just 6 men," said Cucumber.
"No. This has to be secret. I have reason to believe that there is someone on the inside feeding the Germans intel. You must be discreet and quiet. Also, it will not be just the 6 of you. The first thing you can do is find this man," said the man handing Cucumber a piece of paper.
"Mexico. You want us to find someone in Mexico?" asked Cucumber.
"His name is Carlos. He leads the freedom fighters. When you find him give him this," said the man giving Cucumber another piece of paper.
"After you find him I will need you to find another person. I'll tell you more when you find Carlos," said the man.
"What makes you think this Carlos will help?" asked Cucumber.
"Because he is a lot like your father. He sees life as the big picture and puts that before selfish actions. Trust me, he will help," said the man.
"Alright. We will help," said Cucumber.
"Good," said the man who threw a smoke pellet at the ground then disappeared.
I wonder who this Carlos is and why he is needed to save the Brown Brigade. I've heard about the freedom fighters and they have their own problems to worry about. they are hardly scratching by. Even if Carlos would like to help, can he is the big question.
"Well. I have some arrangements to make," said Cucumber.
"How are you going to do this? Without telling them why? Is that even possible?" asked Kevin.
I think about it and I can't see that the NASF will just allow troops to do their own little side quests.
"You leave that to me. Get yourselves ready, I'll come to your barracks when I'm ready," said Cucumber walking back to the base.
"I'm so excited! We are going on a top secret mission to save the Brown Brigade!" said Revin.
"This is going to be dangerous. There is a lot of conflict in Mexico that may not be so easy to avoid," said Kevin.
"We should go get ready," I said walking back to the base.
We make our way to our barracks and I start thinking. This mission may require me to be a leader and make life or die decisions. I'm not sure if my friends will even accept me as a leader since we have all been equals since we all met.
"You good bro?" asked Thain who put his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm good," I replied.
We arrive at the barracks and we start to pack our bags.
"Guys. What if this is all for nothing? What if this is a wild goose chase? Or what if the Brown Brigade is killed before we get there? Or what if Carlos doesn't help us?" said Kevin who is clearly worrying.
"Don't worry brother. This is the real deal and the Brown Brigade will be fine. There the fucking Brown Brigade. They can handle prison," said Revin.
"Can they? I mean, it's clear they can pull their own and then some in battle. But prison? They are hardly older than us," said Kevin.
What Kevin is saying is true I will admit. But if I agree with him then what sort of leader would I be? If the sergeant said that it's unlikely for this to be successful I probably wouldn't want to even bother. It's my job as a leader to never let hope fade.
"Boys. The Brown Brigade is out there, locked up behind bars. And we are going to get them out. Remember who we are. The next Brown Brigade! People expect us to turn this war around, and what better way than to save the allies greatest underdogs. The Brown Brigade, They might have lost hope already, everyone thinks their dead. They don't think anyone is coming. But I can't wait to see the look on their faces when we prove them wrong," I said.
"I can taste the glory," said Thain punching air excitedly.
"Your right Bruce. We got this," said Kevin.
"I can't wait to meet them," said Revin.
"I think I will bring my bow again," said Hawkeye.
The mood in the room definitely brightened.
Cucumber walks in the barracks and says, "let's go."
"What's the plan?" I asked.
"Shh," said Cucumber speed walking to the helipad. We follow Cucumber to the helipad and see a heli already prepped and ready for take off. We are about to get on the heli then suddenly a major approaches us.
"Where are you going troops? I am not aware of any troops dispatching today so whatever it is it can wait. I need you to go help mud at the south end," said the major.
"Sir. We are going on a mission requested by captain Cooper," said Cucumber.
"Well, the mudding needs to be done. Get down there, that's an order," said the major.
"Are my ears mistaken?" asked captain Cooper who just arrived.
"Good day captain," said the major.
"Major, did you just give them orders?" asked captain Cooper shifting his ear towards the major.
"I need something done and I'm getting them to do it. Is there a problem?" asked the major in a firm voice.
"As a matter of fact yes. That is a problem. Don't you EVER undermine my authority again. I was given the authority to handle these men for a reason. And my superiors know better than to pull this shit. Are you new? Or from the south company," said Cooper who is getting worked up.
"I am a major loft. you will lower your tone when you talk to me," said major Loft aggressively.
"I am mother fucking specialist captain Cooper of the 770th regimen. I don't give a fuck who you are Major shit face. I don't know how the fuck you dumbasses in the south company do shit, but in the north company, we are efficient. If my superiors want my men to do something, they tell me and I decide which of my men does it and how they do it. Now DROP AND GIVE ME 50!" yelled Cooper who is making this major shit his pants somehow despite being a lower rank.
I just realized that since captain Cooper is a specialist captain. He may have the same level of authority as a major from the south company.
"Not many people have the balls to stand up to superiors like that. I'm impressed," said major loft.
"Biggest sack around. Now if I may, may I get back to my job? And perhaps you should get back to yours?" said Cooper.
"Continue captain," said major loft saluting then walking away.
"I feel bad for that man," said Cucumber.
"How the hell did Cooper even get away with that?" laughed Kevin.
"He's likely from the south company. It's true that our superiors here in the north company know not to undermine Cooper's authority. I've seen him roast a Brigadier once. Honestly, any other captain would have been demoted or something along those lines, but something about Cooper just makes him untouchable," said Cucumber.
"That brigadier was a pussy. Anyways. If you need something, you call for me. Got that?" Said Cooper.
"We discussed this captain," said Cucumber.
"Good. I almost made you do 100 push-ups for forgetting. Well done. You better get going now, load up and move out," said the captain.
We get onto the heli and get ready for take off. "I should introduce you all to the best mother fucking pilot at this base. Everyone meet Wire. This champion has dropped me off and picked my ass up under all sorts of fire. He ain't afraid of shit. Now get going," said Cooper as he walks away.
The heli lifts off and we make our way to Mexico. I look at the back of the bald pilots head and see a huge scar diagonally across the whole back of it. Wire turns to face us and I see his face is even more beat up then the back of his head. The lower right part of Wires' jaw is scared in a way that looks like it was burned or blown off. He also has what looks like 2 stab scars in his left cheek and an indented scar on his forehead the size of a thumb. It must be from a scrape or something.
"Are you a zombie or some shit?" asked Thain.
Hawkeye nudges Thain hinting to shut up.
"Basically," laughed Wire.
I was surprised with how humorous he was about that. He looks like that hardened by war veteran kind of guy.
"So. You guys are the North Dakota kids right? The 777?" asked Wire.
"Ya. That's us," said Revin.
"Did you know that some people call you the next Brown Brigade?" asked Wire.
"Are we talked about that much?" asked Kevin.
"You sure are. My brother is actually a pilot in the marines, and told me about how he transported the original Brown Brigade once," said Wire.
"Really! That's so cool! That would be such an honour," said Revin.
"At the time the Brown Brigade was hardly known. The classic underdogs," said Wire.
"It's funny to think it’s only after everyone thinks they die when they appear in stories. They lived as underdogs and died as heroes. Unless they actually are alive," said Hawkeye.
"I bet you, there are countless more stories they have that no one knows," said Revin.
"Definitely," said Wire.
"I bet you have some stories of your own, Wire," I said.
Wire chuckles and says, "I've been shot 7 times, stabbed 4 times, crash-landed 11 times, lit on fire once, grenaded once, taken as a prisoner and beaten twice. What pilot can say that?"
"Holy shit. You might be more immortal than Breaker from the Brown Brigade," said Thain.
Wire laughs but says nothing.
"We should get some rest during this ride," said Cucumber.
"Awww-maaan. I forgot my night light," said Thain as a joke.
"I guess you will have to sleep with the monsters tonight," said Hawkeye.
"My favourite is the green one," said Thain shutting his eyes.
We all shut our eyes rest the rest of the ride.
"Everyone up," said Cucumber waking us up.
I open my eyes and see that we are landed. I look around and see a city in the distance.
"Where do we even begin to look," I asked.
"That city there was where the Brown Brigade met Carlos. So we will start there," said Cucumber.
"Good luck my friends. I will return back to base and wait for your next call," said Wire.
"Thanks, Wire, fly safe," said Cucumber.
I watch Wire take off and we make our way to the city. As we get closer the city looks more and more like ruble. there seem to be very little locals that I can see and no building in good condition.
"Be alert guys. The Mexican army are enemies. But also the freedom fighters may shoot on sight at us. Be nice to the locals and maybe they won't," said Cucumber.
"Sorry, bro. That means no rapping today," said Thain jokingly to Revin.
Revin laughs and says, "oh darn," to play along.
"That's ok. I'm sure you wouldn't want to rape anyone in that city. Seems. Dirty," said Thain.
"Alright, guys were getting close. Don't offend the locals. Don't point your weapons at anyone that isn't pointing one at you, and most importantly. Don't piss them off," said Cucumber.
I put the strap of my Thompson around my shoulder so I don't have to hold it. I hope I won't need quick access to it.
"Greetings Americans. What brings you here?" asked a local in a Spanish accent.
"We are looking for someone," said Cucumber.
"Who might you be looking for?" asked the local.
Cucumber hands the man a piece of paper that the northern ghost gave him. The local looks it over and looks at each of us.
"What do you want with Carlos?" asked the local.
"We need his help," said Kevin.
"Mexican army!" screamed a local.
I look to the open sandy desert we just walked across and see a few vehicles driving this way. Most of the locals are grabbing their children and going indoors.
"You Americans brought trouble here," said the local we were previously talking to.
Another local runs up to us and says, "Salvestor. What are we going to do?"
"Anthony, hide," said Salvestor to the local.
"Salvestor. You get everyone off the streets. We will deal with them," said Cucumber.
"How. With just 6 of you," said Salvestor.
"Just do it," said Cucumber.
Salvestor and Anthony starts yelling in Spanish at the locals.
"Thain and Hawkeye, use that ladder and set up on that roof. Hold your fire until I signal," said Cucumber pointing at a 2 story building to the right with a flat roof and a ladder leading up to it.
"Bruce and Kevin, quickly go through that building and check for hiding locals. You will use the main level of that building as cover, so move any locals out of the potential crossfire," said Cucumber pointing at a building to the left.
"Revin your with me," said Cucumber to Revin.
Me and Kevin run to the building on the left. We enter it and we start checking the rooms. We go down a hallway with 3 doors in a row. we open the closest one and see nothing. We move on to the next room, open it and see nothing. We move to the third room and open I try to open it, but it's locked.
I knock on the door and say, "it's ok, we are going to help you. We need you to move upstairs where it is safer."
The door opens and a middle-aged man with a wife and five kids behind him stands there.
"Upstairs," I Said pointing up in case they don't understand me. The locals move upstairs and I see the back door behind us. I hope I don't need to worry about the rear.
Me and Kevin move to the living room which has an already smashed giant window facing the city opening. I can't see the hostiles from this angle but I can see Hawkeye on the roof across from me making signals.
Hawkeye signals, "5 light armour transports. No heavy armour, hostile count 20 plus."
I signal back with, "affirmative."
"Well. you ready?" I said to Kevin.
"Let's find out," said Kevin.
The vehicles drive into the city and one of them explode from a rocket. I assume Revin did it. Everyone opens fire on the hostiles. The hostiles quickly get out of the vehicles and fire back at us. Me and Kevin are taking a lot of fire and we are taking cover behind a wall. I hear Thains brownings’ steady stream of fire and the hostiles stop shooting at us. Me and Kevin take the opportunity to shoot. Suddenly the door behind us is kicked open and I find myself staring down the barrel of a gun. Then a loud bang makes me flinch and the hostile falls to the ground.
I look at Kevin and he shakes his head. The Mexican man from upstairs comes down the stairs with an old style repeater then cocks the lever. I nod to him and he nods back. I peak over the window and see all the hostiles dead and what I think are freedom fighters everywhere.
A man walks up to the window and looks and me and says, "What brings Americans to my country?"