"Alfeo, do you think help is coming?" asked Agent.
"That's hard to say. Shadow Fang delivered the message to Bert. He's going to try to find Carlos. That's all I know," said Alfeo.
"What can Carlos do anyways? thinks he the shit. But he all bark no bite. He won't come," said Reznikov.
"Reznikov. I don't know what it is you have against Carlos. But the fact that he was a gang Lieutenant is the past now. He doesn't do things for himself, he's always helping people. He will come," I said.
"Was hardly gangster. People forget what true gang bangers do. Mexican gangs shit. Carlos doesn't have the manpower or the coordination to get us out of here," said Reznikov.
"Reznikov. He has broken people out of prison before. He has experience. He is a born leader whose men will follow him to whatever end. And He's someone we can trust," said Breaker.
"Its a game of chess and Carlos has half the pieces we need," said Elio.
"He no born leader. He coward who can't even tell his men what he did in America. Do you think if they found out, they would still follow him? And we need all pieces, not half," said Reznikov.
"After Carlos is found, they will then find Leonardo. He will bring helpful pieces to the table," said Alfeo.
"Breaker more likely to get us out of here," laughed Reznikov.
"Breaker has been a huge help here. He can communicate with the other inmates as if he's one of them. He told us everything to watch out for and for what to do in certain situations. Bro. Where did you learn all this?" asked JJ to Breaker.
"I don't know what you're talking about," said Breaker.
"No? They threw us in here thinking the other inmates would break us. But thanks to you we get along with most of them. And the ones we don't, just leave us alone," I said.
"Just common sense. We are a pretty big group as it is. We don't rep or take part in gang wars so other groups like to let us be. Taking sides in prison can be the biggest mistake of your life. And is often the last mistake you will ever have," said Breaker.
"That's not common sense Breaker. You learned this somewhere," said Agent.
"Bro. You got us in as good as a spot you can be in prison. I can finally sleep knowing we won't be shanked the second I close my eyes," said Destroyer.
"Well let's just say, I did some things a few years ago that I'm not proud of," said Breaker softly.
"We all have done things we aren't proud of," said JJ.
"Boys, heads up," said Andrew noticing some guys approaching us.
A guy with 15 or so men behind him walks up to us and says, "its time to choose a side. If you choose wrong. I'll kill you."
I see the guy pull a shank out of his pants and I think about what to do. Breaker has done well so far here, I will let him speak. We look at Breaker and wait for him to say something. Breaker steps forwards towards the guy and says nothing.
"You scared? All you have to do is join the 7th street gang and you will have nothing to worry about," said the man.
"This group will stay neutral. That is that. Now let us be," said Breaker in a firm and loud voice.
"You're not thinking very clearly here boy. I got weapons, you don't. I'll give you one more chance. Before I stab you," said the man.
"You won't stab me," said Breaker.
"I'm in here for 29 counts of murder boy. What makes you think I won’t?" said the man getting closer to Breaker.
I go to stand beside Breaker but he puts his hand out telling me to stay back. I hope he knows what he’s doing.
"Because I do have a weapon. A great one I might add. I have leverage," said Breaker.
"What leverage?" laughed the man.
Breaker grins and says, "look around. I see at least four groups around ready to jump in. Although we aren't on their side, they will fight to make sure that my large group doesn't take a side that's not theirs. Heck, I bet they would even work together if this conversation continues."
I look around and see that we are the centre of attention.
"You're too smart for your own good kid," said the man backing up.
"I'm not smart at all. Just observant," said Breaker.
The man and his followers walk away, getting the look of death by everyone.
"Guys. They will be back. Be ready for it," said Breaker.
"What would we do without you," said Reznikov.
Breaker ignores the comment.
"The outside doors are open now. Let's get some fresh air," said Elio.
"That sounds great," said Andrew.
We walk through several hallways to get outside. Seeing sunlight is a sight for sore eyes in here. We sit down at a large table and I say, "has anyone received your message Alfeo?"
Suddenly what sounds like a bird call catches my ear.
"What is that?" asked Andrew.
"Its an attack signal!" hollered Breaker jumping from his seat.
Several guys with homemade weapons come at us from all around. We all get off our seats and start brawling. A guy thrusts his shiv at me and I direct it away with my hand then break his arm. Then I take his weapon stab him in the back. Another guy point blank points a tiny gun at me. He was stupid enough to be within arm's length of me. I quickly swing my arm at the weapon putting my finger behind the trigger so he couldn't fire while pulling him closer then elbowing him in the head. He's knocked out and I grab the gun while he falls. I know I can't be caught with a gun so I drop it and kick it under the table behind me. 2 more guys come at me and I knock them both out. Suddenly another group jumps in to help us and the brawl ends after just a few moments.
The remaining guys that attacked us ran away. I look around and make sure everyone is accounted for. It seems everyone is fine. Although I see Breaker looking at a guard on a watch tower that saw it all.
"Are you not entertained!" yelled Breaker at the guard who decided to not stop the brawl.
The guard ignores Breaker.
"They usually stop brawls. I don't know why they didn't stop this one," said one of the guys that helped us.
"Because he was told not to. We aren't locked up here for the same reasons as everyone else. They want us dead, but they want to have it as brutal as possible," said Alfeo.
"All prisoners to your cells immediately!" said a voice over the intercom.
All the inmates funnel back into the prison and go to their cells. I get to my cell and remember how strange some things are here. Each cell has a 3-bed bunk on each side fitting 6 people per cell which to me seems foolish. There is a metal sink and toilet with no privacy at all, not that it even bothers me. The military is a step down from this, besides all the criminals.
Me, Breaker, JJ, Agent, Andrew and Destroyer are all loaded into the cell. After a few moments, an alarm sounds and the doors to all the cells start to shut automatically. Everyone except 1 inmate is in their cells. The 1 inmate is locked out of his cell and he begins to panic.
"No! Open up! It wasn't my fault I wasn't late! Please! Please!" begged the only inmate not locked up.
I slightly chuckle to the irony of that.
Suddenly a very loud bang from the door down the hall opening; silences the room. There is a moment of silence then a slow but loud clicking of a man's boots on the ground echoes throughout the room. Not being able to see who it is but hearing it get louder every step seems like something out of a horror movie. All I see is the 1 inmate that's locked out looking down the hall as if it was a monster approaching. It is strange to see such fear from supposedly the most brutal criminals in the country.
I see the man whose footsteps I hear. He isn't a guard. He is wearing a white lab coat, I'm guessing is the prisons doctor. The doctor slowly and steadily approaches the inmate. The room is still silent other than the clicking of his boots.
"Doctor, please. Please forgive me! My cellmates pushed me out as the door was closing! It wasn't my fault!" begged the inmate on his knees.
"Easy son. Just tell Dr. Zichtofen why you were late," said the doctor in a soothing German accent; with his arm around the inmate to calm him down.
"I wasn't late Doc. They pushed me out," said the inmate crying.
"I know they did. That is what I told them to do. Now tell me. Why were you late?" asked Dr. Zichtofen in his soothing German accent.
"I don't understand sir," said the inmate.
Zichtofen pulls out a necklace with a Jesus cross on it and says, "this is yours yes?"
"Yes sir," said the inmate.
"What do you do with this my son?" asked Zichtofen still using a soothing voice.
"I pray to god sir," said the inmate.
Richtofen lets off a sigh and with his arm still around the inmate, he pulls out a pistol and shoots the inmate in the head.
"I am god my son. The only god. And I don't like when people pray to other gods," said Zichtofen soothingly to the dead man that he still has his arm around.
It is clear to me that this doctor is no ordinary doctor. I can tell by looking into his eyes that he is insane. Zichtofen lets the body drop to the ground and holds up the cross.
He then says, "my sons! This man's faith to a god that can't protect, is what sent him to hell. Remember that."
The insane doctor lights the cross on fire with a zippo and drops it on the ground.
"Bring him in," said Zichtofen to the guards standing by the exit. 2 guards force a person with a sack over his head into the cell room. They bring him to the cell beside us that has Ashton, Sean, Kyle, Connor and Hunter in it. They remove the sack from the man's head and it's Wetherby, who looks like he was beaten. They open the cell door beside us and throw Wetherby in then shut the cell door again.
Zichtofen walks over to our cell and faces us, "Breaker. You have been interfering with your god's will. It is your and your friend's fate to die. You're a far too valuable asset to your group and that is not your fate," said Zichtofen.
"So shoot me," said Breaker.
"No my son. That death is too peaceful for you and your friends. Now guards. Bring him," said Zichtofen pointing at Breaker.
Me, Andrew, JJ, Agent and Destroyer get ready to fight.
"No. There is nothing you can do right now. Just let it be. I'll be fine," said Breaker.
"You see Breaker. You're too smart for your own good," said Zichtofen.
"Don't worry guys. Remember, I can't die," said Breaker winking at us.
2 guards come into the cell and grab Breaker. I have to fight the urge to do something. They take him out of the cell and the cell door shuts.
"Oh, my son. We won't kill you, but you're going to wish we did," said Zichtofen walking away with Breaker.
"Zichtofen!" yelled JJ.
Zichtofen pauses and turns his head to JJ.
"Look into my eyes. you will see this look again when I kill you. I swear I will kill you, I swear it!" said JJ emotionally.
Zichtofen continues to walk and he leaves the room.
"Relax JJ," said Elio from another cell. The cell doors open to let us out but the door Zichtofen used is still shut.
"What are they going to do with Breaker," said Sean softly.
"They are going to break him," said an inmate.
"What do you mean break him?" asked Kyle.
"They are taking him to the old insane asylum that is attached to the prison. It's been abandoned for over 100 years. My best friend was taken there and the things he told me. He said he could hear the screams of the old torcher patients’ spirits. He said it was always dark and lonely. After his 3rd visit, he said he could not only hear them. But see the ghosts as they get torchered in front of him. He was never the same after that," said the inmate.
"That's a load of crap," said Agent.
"When I was new I thought so too. But over the years I’ve seen people get taken there. Not one person has ever stayed sane after the 3rd day," said the inmate.
"I stopped believing ghost storeys and monsters when I was 3," said Agent.
"Some people say that the doctor injects them with something that makes them see it, and believe it. Others say that the old asylum is actually haunted," said the inmate.
"What do you think?" asked Sean.
"I don't know. All I know is you will see your friends' sanity fade away before your eyes," said the inmate.
Sean's eyes start to poor tears and I try to comfort him. I look at the inmate with a look that said, "that was too far."
"Hey. Better to know now so you can at least expect it," said the inmate walking away.
"Breakers a tough son of a bitch. He won't forget his promise to you, Sean. Remember that," I said to Sean.
"Where did you guys learn to fight?" asked another inmate.
I look at the inmate and say nothing.
"I'm Larz by the way. But seriously. I know your military, but no ordinary soldier can fight like that," said Larz.
"What you expect from navy seals and Brown Brigade?" said Reznikov.
"I expect not to be seeing them in a prison," said Larz.
"You want fight?" asked Reznikov clinching his fists.
"Not at all. I want what you want. Out. And I'll help you if you help me," said Larz.
"All inmates to your beds," said the intercom.
"Just know that," said Larz heading to his cell. We all get into our cells and lay in our beds.
"Hey Wetherby sorry, I haven't had a chance to say anything to you yet. So what happened?" I asked.
"They beat me and told me to deliver you guys a message," said Wetherby.
"What message," asked Agent.
"God is a cruel but necessary thing," said Wetherby.
"Whatever that means," said Ashton.
"Get some sleep guys. we will need it," I said.
"Get up scum! Sleep time is over. Now get your lazy asses up and get into the courtyard," said a guard.
We wake up and head to the courtyard. On the way there we walk across Breaker who looks like shit.
"Breaker! Over here!" called out JJ.
Breaker comes over to us and we make it to the courtyard.
"Bro what happened?" asked Agent.
"I walked around a dark old ass insane asylum apparently alone. Every corner I turned would have something there for a moment then in the blink of an eye, gone," said Breaker.
"Bro you should get some rest. You look like you need it," said Destroyer.
"No. Whenever I close my eyes I see them," said Breaker.
I look at JJ then look back at Breaker and ask, "whos them."
"The torchered souls. I can still hear their screams in my head echoing over and over like a bad song on the radio," said Breaker holding his head.
"It's not real man. Their playing mind games with you," said JJ.
"I know mind games. This isn't that. It seems too real for that," said Breaker.
"Bro, it's all in your head," said Agent.
"I have to see the doc. Doc can fix me," said Breaker in a monotone voice that seems out of character.
Breaker stares into space for a moment.
"No Breaker. He's doing this to you," I said.
A guard walks over to us and points a gun a Sean's head then says, "Breaker. Just come with me and no one gets hurt."
"Fine," said Breaker in his normal voice.
"Hope you enjoyed your time out here. Cuz you're going back," said the guard leading Breaker away.
"Yeah-yeah," shrugged Breaker.
They go back inside the prison.
"We just got him back. Those fucking monsters," said Sean angry and sad at the same time.
"Everyone stay focused. The reason they let him come to us before another session is to mess with us. They want to see us lose hope," said Elio.
Suddenly I'm hit in the head with something and everything goes black.
I open my eyes and find myself in the prison hospital.
"You're awake. Good, you can leave as soon as you are able," said a nurse.
"What happened?" I asked.
"An inmate threw a rock the size of a softball at you. You've been out for a couple days," said the nurse.
"A couple days from a rock?" I asked.
"Yes. Now are you ready to go?" asked the nurse.
"I guess so," I said.
The nurse hits a button and a guard comes in the room and escorts me back to my cell where everyone is. The guard opens the cell door then pushes me in. The door shuts and the guard walks away.
"Breaker. How are you?" I asked looking a Breaker.
Breaker stares blankly into space and says, "the monsters are coming," In a childish voice.
"He's been like this since he got back from his 3rd time," said Destroyer softly.
I look into Breakers eyes and see nothing. I can just tell by the look in his eyes that he is completely gone.
"How are you guys?" I asked softly to Destroyer, JJ, Agent, and Andrew.
Agents eyes are blood red from crying and he says nothing.
"One of my best friends just went fucking insane. How do you think I am," said JJ angerly.
Destroyer and Andrew lower their heads in sorrow.
"The green one," said Breaker childishly.
"What is it Breaker?" asked Alfeo from the cell across from us.
"In my dream. my favourite monster was green," said Breaker.
"He's gone, guys. There's no point in listening to him," said Ashton in the cell beside us.
I can hear Sean crying loudly.
"Change of topic. Why are we all in our cells?" I asked trying to get everyone's mind off it.
"Lockdown," said Kyle.
Suddenly the loud bang of the door in the hall silences the room. The same clicking footsteps echo in the room as before.
Zichtofen walks up to our cell and says, "Hello son."
"Breaker hears voices. Can Breaker walk to find voices?" asked Breaker childishly.
Zichtofen chuckles and says, "let the boy walk around. Just to show his friends just how crazy he is."
The cell door opens and Breaker walks out of the cell. Breaker walks around the room mumbling to himself and is acting as if he isn't in this world. Zichtofen begins to evilly laugh and it echoes in the room.
"That fucking bitch," said Agent angrily clenching his fists.
"Breaker! Look at me!" yelled JJ.
Breaker continues walking around the room as if he can't hear JJ.
"Damnit Breaker! Look at me! Do you remember us! Is there any part of you still in that maze of a head you got! I'll make you find your way back to sanity! Do you hear me Breaker!" yelled JJ so loud it echoed multiple times.
"There is a man hanging on the ceiling. Being held by a red string," said Breaker looking at the ceiling.
Zichtofen laughs even harder. I look at JJ and see him holding the bars tightly. Being so angry that his body vibrates.
"Shut your mouth. Shut your fucking mouth," said JJ evilly.
"Breaker. Your walking time is over," said Zichtofen.
"But the man on the roof needs help. The red string is hurting him," said Breaker.
Richtofen walks over to our cell and waves Breaker over. Breaker walks over to us and the cell door opens and Breaker walks in. Before the door could shut JJ and Agent jump out and attack Zichtofen. I immediately join. Only the three of us got out of the cell before the door shut. JJ is the first out of the cell and he right hooks Zichtofen in the jaw. Then a guard clubs JJ in the head with a nightstick knocking him down. Me and Agent are tasered to the ground.
All the inmates start yelling and cheering. The shock flowing throughout my body is numbing. I try to get up but the guards start beating me and Agent. Next thing I know six guards pounce on me, JJ and Agent. We are getting kicked, punched, and beaten with batons. After about three minutes of beating, the guards throw us back in the cell. The door shuts behind us.
"You guys alright?" asked Andrew.
Agent nods yes.
"Yeah," I say.
"No. And I won't be until I kill him," said JJ while wiping the blood from a cut on his cheek.
Zichtofen walks right up to the cell door, looks directly into JJ’s and says, "do you see yourself saying you're I give you mercy bull shit then killing me? Well, that's not going to happen. And you better behave yourself."
"Doctor. Breaker has a visitor," said a guard who just arrived.
"Who is it?" asked Zichtofen in a very confused voice.
"Some old lady. Shes unarmed and she's German. No potential threat," said the guard.
"Take him. I have things to do," said Zichtofen walking away.
The guards pull out their handguns and point it at us.
"Back up," said a guard.
We back up and they open the cell door again. I hope no one does anything stupid, those aren't tasers their pointing at us. Breaker walks out of the cell and the door shuts behind him. they then take him out of the room.
"This is so fucked," said Destroyer.
"Everyone listen up," I said. "They are trying to break us by any means necessary. Don't fall for it. We will be getting out of here, help is coming. We must stay strong and play our next moves smart. Once we are out of here, we will help Breaker. I know it's hard to see your comrade like that, trust me I know. But you can't let it get to you."
"I'm starting to think help isn't coming," said Agent.
"Yeah. You would think they would be here already," said Andrew.
"Cut the shit and pull it together. I don't want to hear that shit anymore," I said.
"He's right guys. Sorry I lost my shit there," said JJ.
"No one can blame you, man. I acted irrationally too. Let's calm down and think this through," said Agent.
"Agreed. So does anyone know who might be visiting Breaker?" asked Alfeo.
"An old German lady? Not a clue," said Agent.
All the cell doors open and we leave the cells. I notice Alfeo looking at the roof where Breaker said a man was hanging from.
"What is it?" I asked.
"A man hanging by a red string. That rather specific," said Alfeo.
"It doesn't seem like he catches glimpses of these things he sees. They are real-time images so seeing details is a given," said Elio.
"He didn't describe anything about the man other than the fact that he is a man. The only thing he pointed out was the fact that he's hanging, from the roof, by a red string. I think the things he is seeing are things he has already seen, before we got here," said Alfeo.
"That doesn't make much sense. You're not losing your mind too are you?" asked Elio.
"I lost my mind a long time ago," said Alfeo.
Elio chuckles and says, "so what is the importance of Breaker seeing things he saw before he got here?"
"It means he still has memories from before. Meaning Breaker is still there, he just needs help finding his way back," said Alfeo.
Out of nowhere someone bumps into me and I can feel him putting something in my hand. The bump is to hide whatever it is so I hide the paper like object in my fist.
"My bad," said the guy then walking away. I see a guard watching me carefully across the room. I need to pass the paper in case I get searched.
"What was that?" asked Agent.
"What was what?" I said winking at Agent.
"Bro shakes all around," said JJ taking the hint.
We start bro shaking to throw off anyone who is watching. I slip the paper into JJs hand.
A guard comes up to me and says, "what was the little nudge all about?"
"Just an accident. No harm done," I said.
"Arms and legs apart," said the guard.
I do as I'm asked and the guard pats my body and finds nothing.
"What’s this about?" asked Elio.
"go about your business," said the guard walking away.
I say nothing and I walk towards the cafeteria. We all sit down at a table and JJ opens the paper.
"Its a note from Carlos. He says he has men inside the prison but can't do much yet. He needs us to find a way to cut the power," said JJ.
"for what?" asked Agent.
"It doesn't say," said JJ.
"So help is coming," said Hunter.
"Only if we can cut the power. And that is pretty much impossible for us," said Ashton.
"see? Carlos can't do shit. He isn't half big shot everyone thinks he is," said Reznikov.
Suddenly I notice three guys, not in jumpsuits standing right behind Ashton, Hunter and Connor. I nod my head to let them know.
"What do you want?" asked Edwardo.
"I'm here to break you out," said a man in an American accent.
"Who are you?" I asked not recognizing his face.
"Cousin?" asked Reznikov.
"Yeah, it's me. But keep quiet," said the man.
"Is this one of Carlos's men?" asked Sean.
Reznikov quietly laughs and says, "this is my cousin, you know him as Al Capone."
"Your fucking cousin is Al Capone?" asked Agent.
"This isn't the time. We need to get the power off so they can't emergency seal all the doors," said Al Capone.
"How?" asked Hunter.
"Sir," said a guy beside AL Capone getting his attention. I look and see Zichtofen and two armed guards walking to us. Then suddenly an alarm went off and all the doors of all the rooms shut.
"Shit. Lockdown," said Al Capone.
"Trying to escape? No one escapes," said Zichtofen.
Then suddenly the lights go out and the room goes pitch black.
"What the fuck happened?" asked Zichtofen.
Then I start to hear a soft yet scary laugh. The kind of laugh you would hear in a horror movie.
"Onnnne. Twoooo. Breakers coming for youuuu," said a soft voice.
I look around and can't see anything.
"Who is that!" yelled Zichtofen.
"Threeeee. Fourrrr. Better lock your doorrrr," said the voice.
"Its Breaker," said JJ.
"Breaker. I am your god. You will stop that right now!" yelled Zichtofen.
"Fivvvve six. Your blood HE licksss," chanted the voice getting louder.
A short burst scream that came from Zichtofens direction then came the sound of two bodies hitting the floor.
"Sevennn. Eight. You seeealed your fate," said the voice.
"I'm not the only Zichtofen! There are six others who will ensure Germany will not fall. We Zichtofens will be the end of you! Your friends! And your families!" yelled Zichtofen.
"Niiine ten. It'll happen again," said the voice as the emergency power suddenly turns on.
Breaker is standing in front of Zichtofen pointing JJ’s engraved colt at him. I have no clue how he got it or even if he's going to use it on everyone including us.
"You went insane! You can't be sane! It's impossible!" said Zichtofen.
"I went insane long before I got here," smiled Breaker.
"Shoot. Do it!" said Zichtofen.
Breaker walks up to JJ and hands him the colt.
"It was all part of the plan wasn't it?" asked JJ taking the colt.
"For the most part," said Breaker.
"how cute. Gives him the gun so he can give me mercy? But other then that well played kid," said Zichtofen.
JJ points the colt at Zichtofens head and waits.
"Say it," smiled Zichtofen. “Say your Italian mercy bullshit.”
JJ, with the deviled look he gave Zichtofen earlier he says, "I'll see you in hell," as he pulls the trigger.