"Where are we going?" she asked with those big inquisitive eyes of hers.
"Oh, you'll see. It's a surprise," I replied.
"Okay, but why the bulldozer?"
"You'll see."
She snuggled against me as the bulldozer we were on flew past the stars. It was a beautiful sight. I wish I could describe it to you but you had to be there to truly appreciate it.
To our right, I could a huge pink nebula, its form slowly expanding across space, filling the black void with its majesty. To our left, I could see the giant galaxy that was slowly drifting towards our own. Somewhere, in that galaxy, were probably a couple like us riding their own bulldozer.
As our bulldozer overtook a comet, I reached my hand across and broke off pieces of snow off of it and sprayed her with it. She squealed as the ice tickled her skin and started laughing before collapsing in a heap on my lap.
Suddenly, something caught her eye.
"That is a big planet," she said.
I followed her gaze and found myself looking at a beautiful blue planet, spinning on its side and enveloped by a thin ring of ice and rocks.
"It's full of gas though," I said. "You don't want gas."
"You're not!" she gasped as she finally understood where I was taking her.
I kept my mouth shut, plastered a smile on my face and refused to answer her questions. We flew past a brown planet with even bigger ring than the previous one. Then there was a huge caramel coloured planet with many moons followed by a small red planet. Then, we passed through a belt full of asteroids before finally arriving at our destination.
I jumped inside the bulldozer, took over the controls and started digging away the black space with which I had hidden her gift.
I watched her face as I slowly uncovered a small blue little planet, not unlike the one we had seen earlier. But this one was rocky and it had patches of brown, green and white in it.
"What is it called?" she asked - no - whispered. It was obvious she was awed by its beauty.
"I haven't decided on it yet. I was thinking of calling it 'Gaia'," I replied.
"No, that name is too tacky. How about 'Earth'?" she asked.
"It's beautiful," I said. Then, I got down on my knees. "Will you marry me Eve?" I asked.
"Yes, Adam. Yes, I will," Eve answered, with tears in her eyes.
Then, we kissed before the planet that was to be our home.