Capítulo 10: Two ladies
Fortunately Elvira knew Morticia Addams' address, and drove her huge black car back to the city.
The voluptuous woman made a firm turn with the chain-shaped handlebars that unfolded the image of a pentagram, and soon they arrived in the Japanese town.
“What happened to the Victorian house? Percy asked.
It became a supermarket," Elvira replied. Boy, it wasn't real, nothing about the show was, of course Morticia is.
I guess from where we are, we'll find Morticia's Japanese hobbies to be real," said Lydia.
“Yeah, you're right, well, we're already at her mansion.”
The mansion was in the traditional Japanese style, with a large Zen garden on the front wall.
The group got out of the car with the exception of Gong, whom Elvira told to stay to guard the old Ford.
The woman rang the bell and soon Morticia herself opened the door for them. She kept her classic black, tailored dress and looked with polite interest at the unexpected visitors.
“Elvira, what do you want young lady?”
“Thanks for the young lady thing, though you only noticed the obvious.”
“Excuse me, Mrs. Addams," Lydia interrupted, "we're here to talk about a magical orb that Vampira gave back to you.”
“Ah yes, the orb of storms.”
“The orb of storms? Percy said strangely.”
“Come on in, let's talk inside.”
The interior of the house was a curious mixture of oriental and western style, a bit quirky but not surprising considering its owner.
Did you tell us anything about an orb of storms? Lydia took up the subject again once everyone showed up and sat in a dining room with a big pot full of rose stems, which had had their flowers cut off.
“Yes, an object with magical powers seems to have the capacity to generate rain, among other things.”
“That would make a good gizmo," said Elvira.
“Well, in the end it's nothing more than that, a gizmo. At least until you find Its pair. You see, secret societies are said to have created the two orbs of the storms, one was the Golden Dawn in England, the other the Fog Society in France.”
“That's impressive," said Lydia.
“It is, the largest and most secret occult societies at the end of the nineteenth century. Of course, after the disappearance of these, the Orbs went to this country, one was in my possession and the other disappeared in the 1920s, it is said that Theda Bara hid it, but these are unconfirmed rumors.”
“And who is that woman?” Percy asked.
“She was an actress from the time of silent films," said Lydia. “Theda Bara is considered the first actress with a Gothic feel on the big screen. Excuse me, but you say the orb was in your possession. Didn't Vampira give you the orb?”
“She did, but I had to give this one to Lily Munster.”
“Why did you do that?” Elvira asked.
“Because of the war of studies in the early 1960s, the ABC vs. the CBS. In the end, Universal Pictures won the game and I signed a contract to give the orb to Lily.”
“Lydia, I think we're going to keep going round and round to get the orb," said Percy.
“That's right, you better leave it alone, niece.”
“It seems strange to me that Universal Pictures has claimed the orb after so long and as soon as they heard about its return," said Lydia. “I don't think a Hollywood studio was interested in a mystical object or even knew about it.”
“You're right, it's very strange that they just came to complain. If you want, I can give you Lily's address.”
“Thank you.”
“Don't worry Lydia, how about I play you something on the shamisen? Or do you prefer the harp?”
Elvira promptly denied and the boys were afraid that the woman would be upset but fortunately this did not happen and after receiving the direction they resumed the search.
The black Ford drove along the city road again, this time heading for the shopping area.
“I guess we won't be seeing a goth house this time either, will we, Lydia?”
“That's what it looks like, Percy.”
This time they went to what looked like a modern electric or hybrid car dealership.
“Lily owns this place," said Elvira, "of course, from what Morticia said, she lives on the top of the adjoining building: the women's headquarters for decent work.”
The feminist headquarters was a solid brick construction, the group entered the place (this time with Gong) and waited at the reception until the conclusion of a meeting chaired by Lily Munster herself.
Once the meeting was over, the attendees left and the group took a small look inside. Lily, despite her age, retained the sublime beauty of her times on the small screen.
"I hope I look that good at her age," Lydia thought, recalling the phrase, "ultraterrestrial beauty", with which the woman was once described on television.
The boys entered the meeting room and after introducing themselves asked her why she was the president of the feminist organization.
“It's because of my old TV show. The producers tried to counteract the women's liberation movements in the 1960s, so they always made me have a lot of jobs in which I would later fail in a monumental way to become a housewife again. I'm trying to correct all the damage I caused to the girls' minds.”
“You judge yourself very harshly, girl," said Elvira at the same time as Gong barked at her.
“Thank you, but may I ask why you are here?”
“Madam, we are here to seek the orb of storms," said Percy.
“I'm so sorry, but I don't have it anymore.”
“What happened?” Lydia asked.
“The people from Universal Pictures came and took It away. They said the creditors made an agreement with the company.”
“That seems very strange to me," said Lydia.
“I think so indeed. I know that the orb is magical, but nothing can be done with it without its peer, so much recent interest and I think that somehow the second orb has already appeared there.”
“I understand, thanks anyway,” Lydia said goodbye.
“Bye, Lily. Just a word of advice: stop wearing the dress you wore on the show, it's pathetic, my friend.”
Lily raised her eyebrows at Elvira's words and then the whole group left the building, it seemed that they had reached a dead end in their search for the orb.
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