Capítulo 3: From coast to coast
The office was illuminated by a 100-watt light bulb from its mobile base on a fine mahogany desk on the surface of which were some papers that were then read by a thin individual with glasses so thick that they looked like bottle bottoms.
The pronounced nose seemed to be made of wax that melted in the heat of the light bulb as it was aquiline and at that time was pearly with sweat.
“Director Ñañiquez," said a somewhat chubby woman who entered the poorly lit office after knocking on the door three times. “Here are the reports to be submitted to the Ministry of Culture.”
Lucio Ñañiquez barely looked up at the woman, scratched his pronounced bald spot a little and then looked again at the papers in front of him.
“Would you like anything else, director?”
“That will be all. I'm staying late tonight.”
The woman nodded and left the office, while Lucio saw the papers that were sent to him by a young woman by the name of Lydia Laura Deetz Cat.
The bus left early from Winter River to New York, not a very long but necessary route for the Gothic girl who was looking at the window with a young man who was reading some comics of the Suicide Squad in which the Penguin was the brains for a kidnapping operation in Russia of a writer, an operation plotted from Washington DC.
"I guess being about to be married against my will has its advantages," Lydia thought of her short stay in Hawaii, where she almost died with Percy.
Lydia was going to New York to deliver some important documents to her father's old job, and in the process take a plane to take her and Percy to Hollywood California, where she would try to meet the producers of Elvira's show.
"The curator of the museum did not answer my letter. I can't wait any longer," she thought as she looked away from the landscape to see her friend's face.
“How's the comic book coming?”
“It's very violent the way I like it.”
“It's a good thing you've improved your reading so much.”
“All thanks to you, thanks for teaching me to read.”
Lydia leaned a little on Percy's arm to thank him for saving her life and doing wonders for her self-esteem.
Percy was tempted to purr at Lydia's attentions, but since he couldn't do it on the bus, he decided to bend his face a little to make contact with his girlfriend's hair, which was as dark as the bottom of a burnt cauldron in the middle of a dark room.
To put the mind in white and to contemplate the landscape that changed from sad to animated with the vegetation or rural constructions at every moment was relaxing and more so when one had the presence of excellent company. Thus the two teenagers traveled, exchanging words from time to time when the occasion warranted it.
The arrival in New York and her father's assignment did not cause any problems, nor did the fact of taking a plane at the airport, except for the surprise of the person in charge of the tickets.
“I beg your pardon?”
“First class, two tickets please.”
“Sure, here you go.”
Lydia's parents gave her permission to travel so far, not that they had any other option considering that she could sue them for trying to marry her with beetlejuice, besides, the economic situation of the adults was not the best after Delia's resort fiasco and the poor sale of her father's books. Those two depended on their daughter.
A coast-to-coast trip through the United States took a long time despite being made in an airplane, fortunately good movies and comfortable seats made the flight easier.
Lydia played with Percy by showing him how she handled her tarot cards and time flew by, with the only funny anecdote when the stewardess offered them champagne, but Percy, neither short nor lazy, asked for warm milk.
Once they arrived at Los Angeles airport, the heating fooled the two youths, only when they left the huge complex could they feel the change in temperature which did not change much.
“Lydia, it looks like summer.”
“On the west coast you don't feel the change of season much, at least in California.”
“It's dark now, what do we do?”
“Let's find a hotel.... Look, there goes a taxi... Taxi!”
A driver who was apparently a fan of the music of the seventies took them both to the Hilton. Lydia was checking a map while Percy seemed hypnotized by the little Hawaiian doll wobbling over the driver's dashboard.
“Do you like the dancer?” asked the taxi driver.
“Yes, I like it a lot. Where can I buy one?”
“There are many in the street, don't worry. Have you been to Hawaii before?”
“Yeah, it was a really nice place, wasn't it, Lydia?”
“That's right, of course we didn't go to the main island, but to one called Kanoha, a very beautiful place.”
The boys gave the driver a brief account of their trip to the Hawaiian island, avoiding mentioning the parts where they almost lost their lives in the face of Beetlejuice and his horde of supernatural creatures.
They arrived at the Hilton and after checking in, went to their room where among other things they planned what to do tomorrow in their search for clues to unravel the mystery of the orb they had at the time and were watching as hypnotized.
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