Capítulo 9: Spiders
A powerful machine, a 1959 Ford Thunderbird, drove down the street with a row of tall palm trees in its center window box and wide leaves in full sunlight.
The car matched in colour with the dark garments of the woman and the young girl who were the driver and co-driver, while the back seat carried a poodle with his red and black dyed coat as passengers, as well as a dyed Mohican "hairstyle" and a spiked collar; next to him was a black cat who looked at the landscape boredly.
“Stop sticking your head out the window," said Percy, the house cat, "I guess you have to be a dog to understand this taste.”
Gong, unlike the cat, could not speak, but he still barked against the wind that distorted the skin of his muzzle and made his fangs show.
“We're almost there, Lydia," Elvira told her niece, "Vampira likes her privacy.”
Elvira turned left and drove along a road without any garden, only a few cactuses were visible along the side of the road.
“Is that the house?” Lydia asked when she saw a construction that broke with the previous image that the Gothic girl had imagined of the home of the horror film hostess.
A modernist building from the mid-1960s showed an elegant house with wide windows by walls and large eaves next to a large pool, a whole complex protected by a medium sized fence, all this set in a rocky area, a cliff actually enjoying a spectacular view of the ocean.
“I imagined something more Victorian," said Lydia.
“Nah, the only gothic thing Vampira has is her clothes.”
Elvira drove to the entrance and after pressing the intercom button announced her presence. Needless to say, their arrival was neither expected nor desired, since only a loud noise was heard through the transmitter.
“To be honest, I wasn't expecting anything different," said Elvira with the clear intention of returning to where she came from.
“Mrs. Vampira, please welcome us, we have a magical orb and we believe you have the pair," said Lydia leaning over her aunt. Percy and Gong, they watched closely.
There was no reply but the entrance gate moved to the left.
“Well, I guess you have to hurry up with the bad drink," said Elvira and drove the black Ford to the main entrance.
Along with the women, Gong and Percy, the latter who had left his cat-like form to become an ordinary young man again, got out of the car.
Lydia knocked on the door politely and it opened by itself.
“What do we do, Lydia?” asked Percy, who sniffed the inside just like Gong.
“I guess we have no choice, we must go in.”
“I'll take the lead, Lydia.” the Catboy offered.
As soon as the whole group entered the wide hall, a fog came out of one of the corners, its presence was so thick and so unseemly that Gong was almost completely hidden as he grunted at the strange fog.
“Hello... Mrs. Vampira," said Lydia.
“Enough Vampira, stop the drama.”
As soon as Elvira said these words, a door opened and through it Vampira emerged, with her black and tailored suit, very similar to that of Lydia's aunt except that this was not very revealing, but the young Gothic girl was impressed to see the very narrow waist of the woman, it was impossible for anyone to have such a small waist.
"That corset must not be healthy," thought Lydia.
Vampira approached the group with her eyes on them and then gave a cry that would have frozen the blood of a "normal" visitor.
“You don't even impress an old cat," said Elvira, jaded with all the Gothic paraphernalia unfolded.
“You... You damn slut, how dare you come to my house after what you did?!”
“I beg your pardon? But I think I heard wrong, did you call me a slut?”
Both women seemed to throw sparks through their eyes, ah, if looks killed, those two would be dead, cremated and buried.
Percy went to hold Elvira, while Lydia stood between the two adult women. Gong behaved well and neither grunted nor barked at Vampira.
“Who are you, little girl?”
Lydia introduced herself and made her aware of her interest in the magical orb.
Vampira watched Lydia from head to toe and felt that starting a fight with Elvira in front of the young Gothic girl would not be appropriate.
“A truce?” asked Vampira.
“All right," said Elvira, who was frowning as much as her interlocutor.
The group went to the living room, from there they had a magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean, which in the distance looked like dark clouds that threatened to unfold a storm, similar situation was occurring in the house of Vampira.
“You say you have a magic orb?” Vampira said, cutting the atmosphere of tension.
“That's right, Percy and I discovered it in an abandoned Indian cemetery," Lydia told her and then told her the details of her discovery.
“I'm sorry, but I can't tell you much.”
“But why...?”
“I'd rather discuss this only with you.”
After an exchange of glances, everyone came out to the pool, including the poodle.
“I accused Elvira of having plagiarized my character, but I myself "adopted" my image of Morticia Addams.”
“And this has to do with the orb, doesn't it?”
“I'm afraid so, yes. I promised Morticia I'd return the orb as soon as I got it back from Elvira.”
“I understand, can you give me Morticia's address?”
“Of course...”
The two women went out to the pool and Lydia told the group about Morticia Addams.
“Thank you Vampira.”
“Don't mention it to anyone, Elvira.”
“Why did you decide to help us?”
“You'd better ask something else.”
“All right, where's that bunker door going?”
Both Lydia and Percy thought Vampira was not going to answer but then they saw how her face lit up, apparently she was dying to tell someone what she was hiding.
Vampira took them underground where there was what looked like an underground laboratory where there were several spider specimens except that these were mutations.
“Meow Lydia, look at the size of these things! They're huge!”
“I knew you liked spiders, but how did you get...?”
“The best of German genetics," Vampira interrupted Elvira. “I'm trying to recreate Rollo.”
“Rollo was not real, woman," said Elvira.
“It was to me. I'll try to get these arachnids to communicate with me.”
>”I see... Well, we have a lot to do! Good luck with your... madness. Come on, guys, let's go!”
Lydia and Percy exchanged glances with Elvira and decided to continue their search for the orb.
Thank you for reading, don't forget to comment and vote, pretty please