Capítulo 8: Chase inside the house
The two young men had their mouths open from the impression. Lydia closed it again but then opened her lips to express her surprise.
“What do you mean you're my aunt!”
“Yes, Evelyn was my older sister, of course we were very different in appearance and everything else.”
“I never, ever heard of my mom having a sister who was a hostess for horror movies.”
“Are they really scary? They don't scare me at all.”
“No wonder kitty cat, after all, they are B category films, you don't have to expect much from them, they profit more from jokes and the very hot girls running away from the monster in turn.”
“But neither my dad or Delia told me anything.”
“Lydia remembers that your dad missed that "cousin Elvira" thing when we were at home.”
“Yeah, I'm sorry to tell you this, Lydia, but your father was always a jerk. I met your stepmother once and she was a great B....shame to meet her.”
“That's a terrible thing to say, but I believe you," Percy said, as Lydia was speechless.
“Excuse me, but this is so sudden.”
“I've got some pictures over here, I'll get them. Come with me, children.”
The boys went up to Elvira's room and saw that the mess downstairs was repeating itself in the room.
As Elvira searched the place, Percy saw that Elvira's bed was moving, not a person, but underneath all the clothes was a poodle dog whose fur was cut not in the traditional way for this type of pet skirt, but had a very aggressive style, even had a red and black tufted head and a spiked collar.
“Gong, there you are, boy, I thought you ran away!”
The little animal sniffed at the two strangers, wagged his tail when he felt a scent similar to that of his mistress in the Gothic girl, but with Percy he showed his fangs and began to bark with the roar of small dogs and bad temper.
Gong jumped out of bed and started chasing Percy, who, pulled on his instincts, became a house cat and started running around the house.
“Percy, calm down!” Lydia asked him, as he went after Percy from one side of the house to the other.
The cat climbed through high curtains and then jumped up to the inner sill of an upper window, hissing at the lapdog from there.
Elvira went to them as she swung some old photographs in her hand. In the presence of his mistress the poodle stopped barking but still showed his fangs to the cat.
“Percy, calm down. Come down here at once.”
The cat stopped bristling his tail and jumped straight into Lydia's arms, who then placed it on the ground and the kitty again turned into a catboy who hissed at the dog who was not intimidated and stubbornly insisted on grunting at him.
“The two of you stop fighting," said Elvira and proceeded to show the pictures to Lydia.
There was no longer any doubt, Lydia recognized her mother posing with Elvira, both of whom looked very young.
“Like I told you, we were nothing alike. She was the good girl who dressed like a hippie and I was the bad girl who was addicted to rock, I wanted to be special while she was special.”
“Lydia is special, not only because she is Lydia, but also because she has magic.”
“Thank you, Percy.”
“Do you know magic?”
“Yes, that's right.”
“So young and pretty, you look like I imagined I would at your age. When my great aunt Morgana died, she bequeathed me a spell book, which was lost in a fire; the irony is that I discovered that I also had powers like my sister when it was too late.”
“I'd love to hear that story.”
“Sure, sit down, I have a lot to tell you.”
Elvira told the kids about her adventure with her great aunt's book and how in the end, after defeating Morgana's brother, who was a Satanist who wanted to destroy the world, she managed to raise enough money to perform in an important show in Las Vegas.
“I thought after the show my life would be good, but now I have to live in this house owned by Black Widow and most of what I earned I have to pay to the producers.”
“That's terrible.”
“I know, I should have had better lawyers.”
“Aunt Elvira, we came looking for you because of an orb we saw on one of your TV shows.”
“An orb?”
“Yes, like a crystal ball but this one is different, it gives off its own light from the inside.”
“Oh yes, I remember. Was it very important?”
“I believe so, I'm sure the orb is magical. I've got one just like it. Maybe they'll make a couple.”
“Is It around, ma'am?”
“No Percy. I'm sorry, Lydia, but I don't have the orb anymore.”
“You don't have it anymore? What happened?”
“Well, it's a funny story when you think about it. Vampira has it.”
“Vampira? You don't mean The Vampira? America's first horror movie hostess.”
“Yes, herself.”
“And why does she have it?” Percy asked.
“Like I told you, it's a funny story. Turns out that Vampira thinks I plagiarized her image... and she took the orb.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Lydia asked.
“Well... the orb, let's say I borrowed it once..." said Elvira as she bit one of the very long false nails. Lydia and Percy looked at her in amazement, in the mood to stamp a palm on their faces.
"But the judge ruled that I didn't do any plagiarism! Just, just adapt the image of a fictional figure she was using that time...”
Not only the boys, but even Gong seemed to nod his head. The search for the orb was postponed when they thought they already had it in their hands.
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