Capítulo 11: The old lady with the mangoes
Since it was forbidden to park next to the feminist headquarters, the group had to cross the street to go to the front sidewalk where there was a garage where Elvira's car had been parked.
“What are we going to do now, Lydia? We don't know where the second orb of the storms might be.”
“I don't know, Percy, but for the moment I think the best thing to do is to contact the executives at Universal Pictures, maybe they'll give us the address of the creditors who asked Lily for the orb.”
Before the other members even nodded at the idea of the Gothic girl, they were surrounded by about three individuals in suits and wearing huge sunglasses that did not match their elegant costumes of different colors and that shone brightly in the light of the star king at the zenith. The strangers pulled out guns and fired on the group.
“You'd better not make a scene here or you'll be sorry," threatened one of the guys in the light blue suit. Follow us without resistance.
“Easy, Percy, don't make any sudden moves.”
“Come on, doll, move that cute ass of yours," said another guy in the light red suit sneering.
“Listen, watch where you're pointing that thing," Elvira said.
“Calm down, breasts, I'm not trigger-happy. Are you impressed with my magnun?”
“I was referring to the revolver between your legs, and because of its size, sure it's a derringer," said the woman, smiling smugly, causing the subject to frown.
“You better shut your dog up or I'll shoot him in his ugly face," threatened the other mobster in his yellow suit.
Elvira tried to reassure Gong, but the poodle of irascible character continued to bark at the three subjects in the broad shoulder pads and bulging cups.
When the mobster pointed his gun at the dog, a woman in her seventies appeared. Their skin was coppery and very rough due to the desert climate.
“Don't you want some nice mangoes, sir?”
“Don't bother, old woman, we're too busy.”
“They're very tasty and cheap. Come on, gentlemen.”
“I told you, no, you old witch, get out.”
“The mangoes are good for the skin, and they are sure to make your beautiful long sideburns look shiny and bulky.”
One of the mobsters lost his patience and tried to beat the poor old woman with his gun, but his attempt was stopped by a giant with coppery skin and a big dewlap under his chin.
“What the hell...?”
The subject did not have time to finish as a huge fist crashed into his jaw.
The attack was so sudden that the second individual did not react in time and was punched by the man right in the mouth of the stomach.
The other mobster pointed his gun at the newcomer but his entire face was hit by one of the old woman's handles.
Cursing, he took off his big black glasses but could do little as the coppery big man crashed his fist right into his face. All three assailants were knocked out.
“Hurry up, we've got to get out of here!”
“Who are you?”
“There's no time now, dark dressed girl! Your car's too flashy, you better get in my truck!”
The members of the group exchanged glances and agreed to the old woman's request as they did not know if any more mobsters were around, ready to help their henchmen.
The van was old but had the advantage of being a double-cabin. In the back there were many boxes with lots of chickens in them that kept making noise.
The vehicle was lent to the highway, if it had been followed by the same car it would not have been precisely located, as many vans were driving along the road carrying several boxes of fruit or various animals such as chickens.
“My name is White Feather," said the old woman at Elvira's request, "but that's my name from the reservation, everyone knows me as Gertrude. My grandson next door is named Isaiah.”
The subject was not very fat, but his dewlap made him look softer than he really was, a sweet, grown-up boy's face gave the group a warm smile by the rear-view mirror, and the similarity to his grandmother's could be seen.
The woman explained to them on the tour that she was the great-granddaughter of Gray Raven, the old shaman of her tribe who received more than seventy years ago the orb of storms from the hands of actress Theda Bara.
Gertrude repeated to them what Morticia had told them before, adding that both orbs could create rains in an area that would equal the surface area of the state of Texas.
“I wonder who wants both orbs? And most importantly, what do they plan to do with them?” Lydia asked herself, but no one seemed to know the answer.
“I don't think they can do much damage," Percy said.
“It depends on the amount of rain that the orbs can summon, we are not talking about a heavy rainstorm, but a deluge. Something like the orbs that were created to produce benign rain can be used as a devastating weapon in the wrong hands.”
Everyone looked at Lydia and swallowed saliva except for the old woman who nodded her head and her grandson who kept his eyes on the road, which was difficult considering he had Elvira right next to him.
“And me without an umbrella, but first of all, we have to find out who were the little dickheads who wanted to kidnap us a while ago," said Elvira.
“Maybe this will help," Percy said and showed the group something he had in his hand: the identification of one of the thugs. “He dropped it when he collapsed to the floor and I picked it up.”
“Well done Percy," Lydia praised him, and the whole group felt that they were approaching to solve the mystery of the orb of storms.
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