This is a not-for-profit fanfic, for which I take the film as a basis, since the book takes place in several years, for example, when Bilbo leaves his party, Frodo is 33 years old and when Frodo and his friends leave where the town of Bree is 50. This fic was translated with the DeepL program and my knowledge of English. Forgive any grammatical and punctuation errors.
Chapter 1: From Hogwarts to Hobbiton
(The fellowship of the ring)
“Kill them quickly!”
“Give me the prophecy, Potter!”
“Protect the children!”
In the Department of Mysteries a battle was fought relentlessly, both dead eaters and members of the Phoenix order fought without quarter. Harry and his friends helped the members of the order but they were tired and battered, but somehow had managed to reach the Veil of Mystery.
“My little cousin can't beat me," Bellatrix laughed.
“I will soon erase that smile from your maniac face," Sirius challenged her and since he was ahead of the dead eater, the magician preferred to play for a while before defeating her.
“Damn it, you broke it now you're going to die!” cried Lucios Malfoy, pointing his wand at Harry. Sirius looked at his godson and Bellatrix took advantage of the distraction.
“Avada kedavra.”
“Sirius, no!” Hermione shouted, watching as the magician was about to be killed. The witch knowing that the spell could not be intercepted, knocked the wizard to the ground with her body and thus saved his life, although the spell almost reached her.
Hermione stood up and saw how a spell of the dead eater struck her right in her stomach (not the avada kedavra), which pushed her back. The last thing Hermione saw was the floor before falling into the veil of mystery.
Hermione opened her eyes and focused the place where she was, it looked like a kind of forest, in that the girl stood up raising her wand.
“What, where am I?”
“I pierced the veil because of Bellatrix, and... Oh for Merlin I pierced the veil!” Hermione said and lowered her wand.
“Harry, Neville? Ron?”
“¡Harry, Neville, Luna!”
"Ginny, Sirius! Please answer me back.”
"PLEASE ANSWER ME!.... please... please...”
Hermione, caught in fear, ran through the forest calling her friends, but got no answer, even cast a spell on her voice with the Sonorus spell to make it louder and flung flares into the sky, but apparently she was alone in the place.
Hermione started crying.
“No, calm down, Hermione, use your analytical mind... Well, you're in a place far away from the Ministry of Magic, the first thing you have to do is get out of this forest.”
With that resolution she went outside the forest but saw no sign of civilization.
She climbed a small hill and couldn't see any sign of a house or road, so she decided to camp on top of the hill.
"Hell, I should've bought that magic bag when I had the chance, I could've taken a few things out of there to spend the night like a camp or something."
The girl gathered a few branches with which she lit a bonfire and with the other branches she transfigured some sheets to cover herself. She conjured a few flares but no one approached her.
Hermione saw the hours passed and when the night sky cleared, her soul fell at her feet, she could not recognize any of the constellations.
“Oh no, oh no, this means that I am not on Earth.”
The implications of this discovery were revealing and crushing, no magician or muggle had demonstrated the existence of life on other planets and just now she was on another planet with a whole forest in front of her. She also saw that her return to planet Earth was unlikely.
“¡GINNY, LUNA!” she shouted desperately, throwing flares, but no one answered her and she started crying. After an hour she wanted to return to the forest to look for some clue but was afraid to enter this at night.
The next morning (she couldn't sleep at all), she returned to the forest and looked for clues to find a way home, but she didn't get anything. So three days passed without success and Hermione's guts roared, fortunately with Accio could call a few seeds and berries, but they were not enough. After three days she decided to go north as directed by her wand (she used the Orientame).
“I never thought I'd miss the broomsticks, at least I would fly at ground level," thought an exhausted Hermione.
After two days, she was exhausted from walking and hunger.
“I can't conjure food, but at least I can sprout water with the Aguamenti," she thought when she heard noises of explosions in the distance, which pushed her up a steep slope.
“Fireworks!” Hermione shouted almost crying with joy, and began to run toward the place, but she had to lie down when she saw what looked like a dragon and it exploded just where she was a few minutes ago.
"For Merlin... What was that?” said the girl whose ears were ringing, she got up with some fear and continued walking, after a couple of minutes a short man came across her.
“Well... Well, whoever we have here, good night, young lady," said Bilbo, who was retiring from the Shire.
“Very good evening sir.”
“Excuse me for asking, but what does a human do to Bag End?”
“Closed Baggage?”
“Bag End, where the good people of the region live, the hobbits," said Bilbo, and Hermione opened her eyes like dishes, she had read of the hobbits but thought they were creatures of fantasy.
“Then you sir tell me you're a hobbit.”
“Exactly, and May I know who you are?”
“Oh, excuse me, my name is Hermione Granger and I find myself lost.”
“Lost? My child, perhaps you were walking alone and ended up in these places.”
Hermione improvised a story in which she was a traveler and was assaulted by bandits, as she did not know how the hobbit whose name was Bilbo Baggins would react.
Bilbo believed that the girl came from faraway lands for the strangeness of her clothes, which gave a valid basis to her story and excused himself from not being able to help her because she was in such a hurry but recommended visiting her nephew named Frodo.
“Just ask where Frodo Baggins lives and they will show you the way, everyone knows me!” said the hobbit as he hurriedly said goodbye, reminding Hermione of Alice's rabbit in Wonderland.
Hermione hurried to the village and all the hobbits who saw her were surprised at her curious attire.
“Excuse me, ma' am, you know where I can find Mr. Bilbo Baggins' house.”
The woman who was Lobelia scolded her for annoying decent people at such a late night and withdrew, muttering angrily to herself. Hermione was not intimidated and asked other hobbits who told her where Bilbo's house was.
“Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Frodo Baggins.” Hermione knocked on the door.
“I'm sorry, but I can't take care of you right now, come back tomorrow," said someone on the other side of the door. Hermione insisted again.
“I'm sorry to bother you so late but, Mr. Bilbo Baggins told me a moment ago…”
Then suddenly a hobbit suddenly opened the door.
“Did you see my uncle, where is he?”
“I saw him on the outskirts of the village near the hill by the river, he was in a hurry and told me that you could help me," said Hermione and Frodo invited her in and introduced himself along with an old man who was in the place named Gandalf.
Hermione was surprised to see that there were other humans like her on that planet, but since she didn't know the man, she told them the same story she told Bilbo.
Gandalf did not believe Hermione's tale, but he considered it prudent to go along with it and then take Frodo to a room away from Hermione, told him to hide the ring and not tell the strange young woman about it, leaving after the place.
“That mister was in a hurry.”
“Gandalf is always in a hurry, I wonder where he gets so much energy because he's older than my Uncle Bilbo.”
“Exactly how old is he?”
“I don't know, for sure more than three hundred, well as a magician is no wonder...”
“What! He's a magician! I didn't know, why didn't you tell me!”
“Is something wrong, Miss Granger? Were you looking for Gandalf in particular?”
“Em, no, but I need the help of a magician. Don't you know where he lives? I have to go with him.”
“I am sorry Miss Granger, he is a wandering wizard with no known home and returns every five years or so.”
“Every five years! I can't wait that long, so please let's go look for him, maybe we can still reach him” she begged him with tears in her eyes, Frodo accepted and Hermione thanked him and told him to call her by her name.
Both ran in both directions of the village shouting Gandalf's name but it was all in vain.
“Frodo, don't you know if there are more magicians in the region?”
“I'm sorry Hermione, the magicians are very few people, I think that no more than five live in this world, besides they are all wandering like Gandalf, except one called Saruman, but he lives several days from here and Gandalf told me that he does not accept visitors.”
“Five years.... I can't wait that long," she moaned and fell to her knees crying.
Frodo comforted her as best he could and offered her food and drink. Hermione thanked him but excused herself from not drinking the beer that Frodo gave her.
“Frodo, you're a gentleman and an excellent person, so I have to tell you something... You see, I wasn't really assaulted by bandits, what happens is that I come from another world... I have magical powers like Gandalf.” She said, afraid about the hobbit's reaction, but apparently Frodo believed everything she said.
Hermione told him how she went through the veil and ended up in this place.
“My friends, I left them in the middle of a battle... What has become of them?”
Hermione cried again and Frodo comforted her, then offered her a bed, and Hermione had no trouble settling into it, and because of fatigue she fell asleep despite her worries.
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