Chapter 15: A girl in Middle Earth
With Sauron defeated, everyone prepared for the festivities, Aragorn wanted to do it on top of Minas Tirith, but Hermione wanted to do it in front of the fortress gates.
“We will celebrate the final defeat of Sauron, the enemy of the world for two eras. Aragorn, I want both knights, nobles and peasants to be present. Remember that Sauron not only wanted to exterminate the nobility, he wanted to kill us all," Hermione told Aragorn convincing him with this argument.
“That will mean delaying the festivities, the whole place still has the scars of war," Aragorn told her.
“You'll see how everything is cleaned up in no time at all," his wife said and Aragorn begged for that to be true.
Hermione was right, people even though they were tired of war, worked hard to celebrate a future without the horrors of the two previous eras. The camp was cleared in just a couple of days.
“Aragorn, I don't want the olifants killed.”
“But Hermione, what shall we do with such monsters?”
“They are no different from the huargos or horses, they only attacked because of their masters.”
“But we don't even have enough food for them.”
“I think I can perform the Gemini spell, so don't worry," said Hermione, not too sure of being able to perform such a complicated spell.
Hermione performed the spell perfectly after the twenty-third time and was thus able to save the olifants. The elves helped her with the training of the beasts.
The long-awaited feast day Frodo and Sam (along with Merry and Pipin) were recovered and were the guests of honor to a celebration that was not only to rejoice at the defeat of Sauron and the end of the war, but also to celebrate the enthronement of Hermione and Aragorn as the kings of Rohan and Gondor, in addition to celebrating the marriage of the heroes.
The celebration lasted three days and three nights (not much compared to the parties that organized hobbits or dwarfs), in the end an exhausted Hermione and an even more exhausted Aragorn retired to enjoy their well deserved (and postponed) wedding night that at the end turned out to be noon weddings, because both were so tired that they went to sleep all night.
The kings at night received all the guests (nobles and peasants) and in the morning decided to give a special tribute to the hobbits. At the end of this, Hermione went to where the hobbits, they tried to make a bow but the girl was the one who bowed to them, as well as her husband and all present. Gandalf who also bowed also lifted his face and smiled paternally at the witch.
“Yes, I'm sure she'll change the world.”
The fellowship stayed a month to please Hermione and she had a meeting with Gandalf the day before her friends left.
“And what is it that has you so worried about Hermione?”
“First of all, Gandalf, I am very worried about having children.”
“You know that in Middle Earth things are different, you are not too young to have children.”
“But like women in the middle ages of my world, I run a high risk of dying in childbirth, or am I wrong Gandalf?”
The magician didn't know what to answer.
“I have been taking herbs given to me by the women in the healing homes so as not to get pregnant, I haven't told Aragorn yet.”
“Surely Aragorn will understand that you still do not want to have children, in fact Aragorn by having the blood of numenor in his veins will age more slowly than other men and can afford to wait to have children.”
“In my world during the Middle Ages, women in each childbirth risked their lives and the worst thing is that of every ten children, seven or eight died, I would not want to have to risk my life and much less have to endure the pain of watching my children die one after another. I'm sure the statistics in Middle Earth don't differ much.”
“It is true Hermione, but as I told you, you can wait to have children and Aragorn will surely be happy if you just give him one heir to the throne.”
“That brings me to my second concern Gandalf," Hermione said with a look of fear on his face.
“What's going on, Hermione?” the magician said with a worrying gesture on his face knowing that Hermione had left the worst for the end.
“In all this time I spent in the middle Earth... my hair or nails didn't grow.”
Gandalf opened his eyes like plates and made Hermione lie on his bed, checking her with his staff, his fears were confirmed.
“You will not grow old in the same way as others.”
“As much as Aragorn?”
“I fear that when Aragorn dies of old age, you will still be young," the magician said to her, and his face grew old with grief.
Hermione hugged Gandalf and cried. When they retired, they agreed that they would not say anything to Aragorn.
The fellowship departed the next morning and Hermione said goodbye to them, promising to visit them someday, whether in Hobbiton, in the dwarf kingdoms or in the elf forests.
After another month, Hermione went to the capital of Rohan. There together with Aragorn, put several matters in order and Théoden assured them that they did not worry because he intended to live many years and continue to govern Rohan until Hermione's turn came to assume her responsibilities as sovereign of the kingdom.
Hermione saw the little girl who was formerly abused and asked the old lady in the kitchen to go with her to Minas Tirith. The girl's name was Tina, her hair was a little short and black, as well as her eyes, she was beautiful considering the fact that it was noticeable that she was suffering from signs of malnutrition, but that could be remedied.
Hermione asked her husband and King Théoden not to be so lax about the humiliation that the knights commited to the young peasant women.
Upon returning to Minas Tirith, something strange happened, a group of Rohan riders passed through the place and Tina fixed her eyes on one of the men, suddenly a strong whirling wind surrounded the girl.
Aragorn asked, but Hermione didn't answer him, got off her horse and gave Tina a big hug. Hermione had found her first witch.
Tina and Aragorn were surprised and Hermione promised the girl that she would teach her all the magic she knew.
The next month, she agreed with Gandalf to meet at the tower of Saruman. Hermione was surprised at Saruman's fate and grima in the land of the hobbits and along with Tina, entered the tower to take away the magician's library and any other important documents to Minas Tirith.
“It's amazing Gandalf, Saruman was over a thousand years ahead of his time, here there are designs of magical carriages and similar, as the infinite chain for mass production and graphics for the construction of serial weapons and many other things.”
“That knowledge can be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands, Hermione.”
“I know Gandalf, I want to bring some technological advancement to this world, but many of the things Saruman planned would ruin Middle Earth if applied immediately.”
“It is true, everything has its own moment and time.”
“But even so, I am willing to transform this feudal system, do not worry Gandalf I will not hasten things.”
After a few years, Hermione talked to Aragorn about the impossibility of having children and decided to adopt little Tina.
“Dear daughter, the truth is that you look more like my older sister," Hermione joked one day.
“But Mom, can't that really be avoided?”
“I'm afraid that being from another world, I'll meet your great-great-grandsons and I'll still be a young girl," she said, and Tina hugged Hermione fondly.
Minas Tirith had been remodeled thanks to the help of the elves, making it a greener city and thanks to the dwarves placed basic hygiene services throughout the place. The same system was applied in all the towns and villages of Rohan and Gondor.
Hermione wanted the capital to be located in Osgiliath because it gave her the impression that they were moving away from the people by staying so long in Minas Tirith and Aragorn accepted his wife's suggestion.
The years passed and Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo, together with Galadriel and the elves of Rivendel (Elrond and Arwen) took the ships to the imperishable lands, the fourth age of Middle Earth had begun.