Author's Note: I already know that Hermione's Patronum is an otter but first, she was traumatized to know that she would no longer see her friends and her cat; and two, I like cats, just look at my other fanfiction!
Chapter 5: Moria
(The Fellowship of the Ring)
As Hermione suspected, crossing the mountain was a colossal challenge, initially Gandalf led the way, but then she stepped forward and with the Hot Air spell, cleared the entire snow-covered trail.
“Thank you Hermione," Frodo said to her.
“Yes, you came from heaven to help us," Sam thanked her.
Friends were celebrating a red Hermione, when a storm rushed all over the place.
“I hear an enchantment," shouted Legolas, and Hermione gave him reason, Saruman's voice was heard in the storm.
Gandalf tried to counteract the curse but failed to do so.
“Can't you do anything, Hermione?” Merry pleaded.
“I don't know," said the girl who didn't think she could accomplish anything since Gandalf couldn't.
“Please try," said Pipin.
“Sunshine Luctus!” Hermione shouted, and the storm disappeared, everyone stared at Hermione with their mouths open, including Gandalf.
"I can't believe it worked!” Hermione said incredulously.
The hobbits and the others cheered for Hermione, Gandalf was still in awe.
In the end they reached an unfathomable abyss, apparently caused by the storm.
“Come on, Hermione, let us cross the abyss," said Pipin to her.
“Yes, you can do everything," Merry encouraged. Gandalf looked up at them with a frown.
“Emm, I'm sorry guys but this time there's nothing I can do, the chasm is very deep and wide," she said sadly.
“You sure you can't do anything?” Boromir asked. Hermione shook his head.
“If we can't go over the mountain, let's go under it," Gimli suggested.
In the end they left the decision of the road to take to Frodo and went to find the secret door of Moria.
They came down the whole mountain and at the end they reached the gates of Moria, magic runes shone in the moonlight, Hermione was impressed.
“Say friend and enter" translated Gandalf and proceeded to recite magic words to open the door but did not achieve anything.
“Revelio, Specialis Revelio," said Hermione and some runes shone brighter on the door.
"Friend." Said Hermione when translating those specific runes and the doors opened.
Gimli ran to Hermione and held her tighter than he should have.
“And to think that I had my doubts when you joined the fellowship, what a foolish dwarf I was! I'm glad you came with us, Hermione.”
“Ugh, thank you Gimli," Hermione told him as she was having difficulty to breathe.
All entered Moria, and Gandalf and Hermione illuminated the way.
“You'll see Hermione, my cousin Balin will receive us as kings, and the food..." continued the dwarf happy, Hermione did not pay much attention to him because of the feeling of oppression of entering a place so silent and not at all enlightened, but the word "spices" caught her attention.
"At last!" the girl thought. "No more tasteless or bittersweet meals."
Gimli kept talking about food and Hermione's mouth watered when something creaked under her feet... the remains of a dwarf half eaten.
Hermione shouted at the sight of the corpse and drowned another one as she saw that the whole place was full of corpses of dwarves half devoured by the orcs.
As if this were not enough, a noise caused Hermione to turn around and she could see with horror that a sort of octopus had caught Frodo and was pulling him out.
The men were trying to free Frodo, who was being lifted by one of the monster's tentacles, which emerged with his horrible head that looked nothing like a cephalopod because he had a pair of eyes and enormous jaws full of fangs, Hermione's blood froze from the body.
“Diffindo!” the witch shouted and the tentacle released Frodo.
"Aresto Momentum!” She screamed again and Frodo fell softly to the floor.
"Immobilus!” Hermione haunted the monster, but this one was too big and everyone had to run through the gates. The monster with its tentacles caused a collapse, filling everything with dust.
"Ventus," Hermione said, and the wind drove the dust away from the place.
“Hermione, can you get us out of here?” Legolas asked.
“I could use Bombarda Maxima, but it would cause a major collapse.” She denied with her head.
“Frodo, do you think the orcs are nearby?” Merry asked, and Frodo drew out "Dardo" his sword-open letters, but it is not shining with any blue light, the hobbits breathed relieved breath.
“That doesn't mean they're not in Moria,"said Boromir.
“Orcum Revelio," said Hermione and her wand vibrated strongly.
"Boromir is right, there are orcs in this place.”
“Can you tell us how many?” Aragorn asked.
“I don't know, but there are many of them.”
The group had no alternative, they would have to cross Moria, a journey that according to Gandalf would take them three whole days.
Moria was like a gigantic labyrinth, fortunately Gandalf had already been in that place a long time ago and was striving his memory to guide them out. Hermione helped the magician a lot with her Orientame spell, and they could always know where the north was.
“Repel Orcum," said Hermione every time the group stopped to wait for Gandalf to remember the road.
In the evenings the group set up a camp and Hermione put different spells of concealment like the Protego Totalum. Hermione could not sleep, due to the corpses of dwarves scattered all over the place, some with visible signs of being abandoned half eaten, half cooked, and even half tortured.
On the afternoon of the third day, they arrived at a fork with three passages to choose from, Gandalf did not remember which way to go.
“Can't you do something, Hermione?” Sam asked. Gandalf glanced upside down (again) because of Hermione’s power.
“I think I can try something," she said and went to the front of the fork, taking care not to fall down a huge gap in the middle.
"Why don't you put railings in this place? I hate the Middle Ages," she thought.
“Expecto Patronum," said Hermione but nothing happened.
“What's going on?” asked Pipin.
“I need to find a happy memory, but nothing comes to mind.”
“Try again," said Frodo. Hermione concentrated and tried again, but a faint silver smoke volute came out instead of the Patronum to disappear within seconds.
“What's the matter, Hermione, were you unhappy in your world?” Sam asked worried question
“What? No, I wasn't, what happens is that for this particular spell is not enough any happy memory, I need one really happy.”
“Try again, Hermione," said Aragorn, placing his hand on her shoulder as an encouragement.
The witch sat on the floor and, taking a lotus flower position, tried to concentrate. Several images came to her mind, and she decided that the memory would be useful when they cleared Hagrid's name at the end of the school year, she was crying with joy for her friend the semi-giant.
“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” This time a corporeal Patronum appeared, in the form of a cat.
Hermione asked her Patronum to take the road on the left, but when the cat returned, he shook his head. Then Hermione told him to go in the middle and when the cat returned, he grazed his witch's ankles happily.
“Very well done Hermione," Gandalf said to her, making a genuine reverence that made Hermione blush.
They reached a place full of huge and very high pillars that caused Hermione to lose his breath in amazement.
“The cathedral of the Holy Family of Barcelona could fit in here," she thought in amazement when Gimli rushed to a room.
The others followed and as Hermione entered, she saw Gimli lying on the floor and crying in front of a marble structure. Hermione approached, wiped the marble headstone with her hand and read:
“Here lies Balin, lord of Moria.”
Hermione's soul fell to her feet and next to Gimli she knelt and wept for the old dwarf. Gimli was surprised to see Hermione crying and trying to comfort him, he was supposed to be a male and his job was to comfort women, not the other way around, so he calmed down and hugged the girl.
Gandalf was reading an old book lying on the ground when a thunderous noise reverberated in the place, causing Hermione and Gimli to jump to their feet with their hearts pounding at a hundred per hour.
Gandalf scolded Pipin for his lack of good judgment when he and the others said they heard something. Hermione who had grown up in the Muggle city and the noisy school had not developed her senses, but after a few seconds, she could also hear the sound of orc drums approaching.
Boromir ran toward the doorway and his head was almost the target of two arrows.
“They bring a troll from the mountains," said Boromir, trying to stay calm.
“What, a troll? Not again!” Hermione shouted.
“Again?” Legolas asked.
“When I was eleven years old I faced a troll, I barely survived, since then I have phobia for those creatures," she said, and Legolas looked at her with eyes exorbitant by admiration.
“Hermione, can't you hide us with your spells?” Merry asked.
“It would be useless, they already know we are here," she said with trembling.
“Come green skins, there is still a dwarf alive in Moria and with Balin's blood! Gimli roared furiously, causing Hermione’s fear to vanish. Gimli was so small but at the time he looked so huge.
“¡MOBILIARBUS!” Hermione shouted, placing several benches in front of the door and locking it more effectively than the men were doing.
The orcs drilled holes in the door and Legolas fired his arrows, Hermione was not left behind and cast several non-lethal spells. The orcs entered but Hermione repelled them with the Aqua Eructo, which threw a powerful jet of water and his friends topped the fallen orcs. Then the troll came in and Hermione saw that it looked more brutal than the troll she faced long ago and stood still with fear.
The troll wanted to crush Gimli, but he dodged the blow, however, Balin's tombstone was destroyed, these two things made Hermione react.
“Conjunctivitis!” she shouted and the troll was stumbling blind.
"Wingardium Leviosa!” she shouted, and knocked the troll down just as he did when she was eleven.
The orcs in front of Hermione's power ran in terror to call reinforcements.
“Let's go quickly!” Aragorn ordered.
“Wait a minute!” Hermione claimed and went to Balin's tombstone.
"Reparo, Fregoteo," she said, and the tombstone was as good as new on Balin's remains.
“Orchideous," said Hermione solemnly, as she placed a bouquet of flowers on the stone. “Rest in peace Balin” she said with tears that came out, Gimli looked at her with respect and affection, just like Legolas who thought about how gentle and sensitive the witch was.
“Let's go!” Aragorn ordered again and everyone ran away.
In the hall of the pillars, Hermione saw with horror that the orcs stepped on their heels, were hundreds and the worst thing of all is that they also came out of cracks under the floor and through openings in the ceiling, it seemed that the orcs were a kind of gekos because they could easily and quickly crawl down.
"This is hell," thought Hermione blue of fear.
The whole group was surrounded by orcs and Hermione believed it would be her end, when a dull, distant strike followed by a supernatural grunt reverberated in place. Whatever it was made all the orcs flee in fear.
“Gandalf...” Hermione's moan, not daring to ask the nature of the horror that approached them.
“It is a balrog, a demon of the ancient world. Run!”
Hermione ran in haste without knowing what terrified her the most, whether the flight of the orcs, or the face decomposed by the fear of Legolas, Legolas who always kept a serene countenance that reminded him of Dumbledore, no longer looked beautiful. Hermione shuddered to the bone marrow.
The group was surrounded by a wall of fire and the balrog came closer and closer. Fortunately, Hermione conjured up a spell to freeze the flames, remembering her history classes, specifically about Wendelin the rare, and they all passed through the flames without burning.
“Hurry, we're getting close! We just have to cross the bridge!” Gandalf shouted and everyone ran toward the exit.
The stone bridge was narrow, long, without any railing and with a black and unfathomable abyss beneath it.
“This is a bridge? I HATE THE MIDDLE AGES!” Hermione shouted with all her might as she walked through it.
Gandalf, who was the last of the group, was crossing the bridge when the balrog was present. Hermione shouted as she saw the hellish flaming form of the devil, which began to attack the magician, who with his power destroyed the bridge causing the balrog to fall into the abyss. Unfortunately, with the help of his whip he dragged the old man along with him.
Hermione and the hobbits wanted to help Gandalf but the others dragged them out of that place.