Chapter 6: Arrival at Lorien
(The Fellowship of the Ring)
The sunset light was pale, but it still wounded Hermione’s eyes, who leaned back on the ground and began to weep over the old magician’s fate.
The girl was forcibly lifted by Aragorn, and led her by the hand into the forest.
“We must be careful," said Gimli, "in these forests lives a dark witch who is the perdition of all travelers, besides...”
Hermione was nervous at Gimli's words behind her, and expected Bellatrix to jump out of the blue in front of them, as a whole clan of Malfoys out of nowhere pointed their arrows at the group.6
The elf in charge, Haldir, who reminded her of another young version of Lucius Malfoy, led the group in front of the Silvan city and had to climb grandstands placed on the sides of giant trees.
“I've never seen trees so thick and huge in my life," Hermione said, "everything looks beautiful, but couldn't they have put up railings on the steps, I hate the Middle Ages.”
The group was taken to Lady Galadriel and she welcomed them, but Hermione could feel how at the same time she spoke directly to her mind with another less pleasant and more intimidating voice.
“Welcome, witch of another world, welcome your power from other stars, will you use it for the benefit of the fellowship? Or you will bring misfortune and treachery to it!” She spoke to her mind as Galadriel smiled at her. Hermione couldn't decide whether or not she liked her.
Hermione, who could not sleep because of Gandalf's death, decided to walk a little and unwittingly saw Galadriel overcome the temptation to accept Frodo's ring. The witch wanted to return without being seen but halfway Galadriel appeared from nowhere in front of her.
Galadriel approached smilingly, but Hermione could not help but tremble due to fear.
“Soon the fellowship will take different paths," she said as she stared into her eyes, "your path will have to take a different course from that of the ring bearer, you will decide the fate of many, but Frodo, Sam and Gollum will decide the fate of the world," she said mysteriously.
“Lady Galadriel, I will give my life if necessary to help the fellowship, but why can't I help Frodo?”
Galadriel only smiled at her and drew a fine elf knife.
“Lady Galadriel, no!” Hermione shouted, seeing Galadriel cut off not a lock, but all her long hair.
“I will soon go to the everlasting lands and I will continue to be Galadriel, I will not need this," she said, giving to her the hair that was blonde and silvery at the same time.
“I, I don't understand...”
“You will forge your power with them in the future, when the things that live are no longer and will take away the sorrow from your heart by giving you long awaited encounters," she said to her, and with this she left elegantly.
The next morning, Lady Galadriel bid farewell to all the members of the fellowship by giving each of them a gift. Hermione was given the knife with which she cut her hair, carrying an exquisite silver case with several tiny diamonds on the surface.
“Use it to go to the white city and fight Angmar's shadow," she whispered for no one else to hear her.
Hermione gave her a nervous bow and the group broke into rafts along the river.
When they arrived at their destination, they disembarked and got ready to prepare a camp, the tension was noticeable in the atmosphere as Boromir wanted to go to Gondor but Aragorn continued with the original plan of going to Mordor. Hermione finished performing the occulting spells when everyone noticed Frodo's absence.
Hermione and the others were looking for Frodo, and she complained that the Accio spell didn't work on people, when she heard the sound of swords and went quickly to the source of the noise, she arrived just in time with Gimli and Legolas, and they helped Aragorn who was being outnumbered by some black orcs.
The witch used non-lethal spells and her companions were in charge of finishing off the orcs, when she believed that everything had passed and heard the sound of a horn.
“It's Boromir's horn, come on!” Aragorn shouted.
Friends ran downhill and scattered as they did not know the origin of the warrior’s call.
Hermione was confused by the echo but came up with an idea.
“Boromir Oriéntame," she said, and her wand pointed to where Boromir was.
The gryffindor found Boromir who was fighting with the black orcs, to protect Merry and Pipin. The human received an arrow on the left shoulder, near the heart and was about to receive other arrows, if not for the help of Hermione.
“Aresto Momentum!” she exclaimed and the arrows delayed their advance, so Boromir was saved, but not the hobbits who were forcibly carried by the black orcs.
Hermione tried to go after the hobbits but the orcs were already attacking her so she had to stay to fight and help Boromir. The orcs tried to kill Hermione, but she repelled them with non-lethal spells, fortunately Aragorn, and then Gimli and Legolas helped her by killing the orcs who stayed to fight.
Aragorn carefully removed the arrow that was nailed to Boromir and Hermione with Férula, bandaged the man’s torso and shoulder.
“Forgive me Aragorn, I failed you all," said Boromir.
“You fought to save the hobbits.”
“No... I attacked Frodo, I tried to steal his ring," he said, and Aragorn looked at him seriously.
“But you were willing to die protecting Merry and Pipin... rest Boromir.”
“What do we do now? We cannot leave the human here," Legolas said.
“I will take him to the shore," suggested Hermione, and with Levicorpus he led Boromir where they landed.
“Boromir needs help fast," Hermione said.
“We cannot do anything, we must go after Frodo and the other hobbits," said Gimli.
“Passing the waterfall you can reach the capital of Gondor, but I can't think of how to pass the waterfall," Legolas said.
“We could put Boromir on the raft, he and I would go on it, I could levitate the raft and...”
“Hermione, we need you to find Merry and Pipin. Neither can we do without Legolas or Gimli," Aragorn reminded her.
“The Elven rafts are magic Hermione," Legolas told her, "they will take Boromir safely.”
Hermione deposited Boromir on the raft and with Wingardium Leviosa, lifted the raft over the waterfall and with Descendo carefully placed it in the river far from the waterfall.
“Good luck Boromir," Hermione whispered and set sail for a boat with Legolas and Gimli, but Aragorn stopped them.
“The way of Frodo and Sam differs from ours," said and Hermione recalled Galadriel's words.
The four then decided to follow the track of the other two hobbits.
"Merry Pipin, don't lose heart, we'll meet again..." Hermione said in a prayer.
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