Chapter 13: Victory
(The return of the King)
The day of the attack came and the girl saw with horror that the number of orcs dwarfed Saruman's army.
“I better attack immediately Gandalf.”
“I thank you for the value of your long distance spells Hermione.”
The witch went up to the second level of the city and began bombarding the army with the spell Bombarda Maxima, not even bothered to aim, and that was that there were so many orcs in the distance resembling a black tide.
As soon as the assault towers appeared and the catapults, Hermione gave account of them, however, the orcs rushed the march and already arrived at the defensive wall erected by order of Hermione.
Unlike Saruman's army which was commanded by cruel foremen, Sauron's multitudinous army was commanded by the leader of the nazgul and other experienced captains. They stopped the advance of the assault towers and catapults, and ordered the orcs to first tear down the weak wooden and rock wall.
“Gandalf, they became smart and no longer send siege machines," Hermione informed the magician.
“That I fear, they will surely remove every last rock to pass later.”
Hermione continued to attack, but that did not stop the orc from clearing all the way.
Once the orcs were able to pass, they tried to exterminate the guards of the outer wall, but thanks to Hermione's magic, no archer was injured.
The siege machines advanced and Hermione began to attack them, but then the enemy commanders commanded the orcs to go to the outer wall of the city and climb the walls using ladders which once they reached their destination were tied to each other to lengthen their size and thus be able to take the first line of defense.
The orcs suffered many casualties due to boilers with molten lead or boiling oil, but possessed by an insane fury they were still trying to climb. Hermione, who went with Gandalf in grey shadow, barely managed to increase the amount of lethal liquid in each cauldron.
“It's not working, Gandalf! They don't need assault towers to climb up the wall and I can't be behind every cauldron at the same time.”
“Chestnut lstari, assault towers and catapults are advancing again!” one of the captains informed him. The magician looked at the girl in a worried way.
“Let's leave the guards to protect the wall and concentrate on the siege machines," Gandalf suggested.
Hermione went with Gandalf from one end of the wall to the other and began to destroy the siege machines.
“The catapults are shooting at us!” Hermione had to go to another section of the wall to destroy them, but as soon as she destroyed them, they informed her that other catapults were firing at the other end of the wall.
“Hermione can't do it all alone!” Shouted Gandalf, “shoot the catapults of the city," he commanded, and massive catapults threw huge pieces of walls at the orcs. However, the catapults and their endowment of men were immobile and were destroyed by the nazgul in their winged mounts.
One of the nazgul passed near Hermione and she covered her ears tightly as she screamed.
“Try to calm down, Hermione!” Gandalf said to him.
“Gandalf, that was that," the girl moaned.
“The nazgul impregnate the hearts of men with fear with their attacks," said the magician, Hermione did not remember that before they had this power.
"Aura of fear? That's cheating!” Hermione thought.
At last all the catapults were destroyed, but the assault towers were advancing ever more, and all the debris that gathered the men at the edge of the walls to keep the towers from approaching was cleared by the orcs.
“Gandalf, we will not succeed," said the witch.
“Hermione's courage, we must resist," said the magician when Hermione had just destroyed the assault tower that threatened that sector.
“Chestnut istari, a raiding tower reached the other side of the wall and the orcs began to attack us!”
Hermione and Gandalf hurried to repel the orcs, and in that they saw a particularly brutal orc approaching Pipin.
“Avada Kedavra," Hermione shouted and the orc fell down.
Gandalf sent Pipin to a safe place and both magicians continued the attack.
“Cover Hermione, so she can destroy this tower!” Gandalf and Hermione shouted and destroyed the assault tower, the girl could not give a break because she had to go to another side of the wall to destroy the other towers that were approaching.
At night the battle continued, fortunately all the assault towers were destroyed, but he saw a giant battering ram in the shape of a wolf's head approaching.
“It is the last siege machine, we can achieve it Gandalf," said an exhausted Hermione. And she proceeded with the archers of the wall to destroy the infernal machine.
The orcs, seeing all their siege machines destroyed, did not stop in their attack and decided to continue with the plan of using small stairs to climb the wall. The attack was so massive that Hermione could not contain it with her spells or the cauldrons, and the orcs attacked the first level without breaking down the front door.
“This place is lost! Back to level two!” Gandalf commanded.
“Hermione, Faramir was wounded by an orc and now they are taking him to the healing houses!” Pipin informed her.
“I understand Pipin, stay close to Faramir and Boromir's side," he pointed out, and the hobbit ran back to the healing houses.
The cauldrons of the second wall caused many casualties, but Hermione could not fill them as quickly as necessary and the orcs had gathered a lot of wood next to the doors and began to set fire to it.
“Aqua Eructo," conjured the witch and put out the fire, but the orcs were already climbing up the other end of the second wall.
the orcs would have come in like a wave if it hadn't been for Hermione, but she had to return to the gates as the orcs renewed their attack against it.
So the battle for Hermione was going, going and coming from one side to the other, thankfully she was in gray shadow and Gandalf held the reins.
“Hermione, Gandalf!” cried Pipin, "Denethor took Boromir and Faramir to the house of kings and try to immolate himself with his sons, you must do something.”
“I will go Hermione, you stay and protect the second door," commanded Gandalf.
Hermione obeyed and defended the doors.
“In case this place falls, I will tear down the adjacent buildings," she told the men so that they would not remain unawares.
In fact, the gates gave way at dawn and brutal-looking trolls (or ogres) dressed in armor, in addition to carrying huge and brutal mallets, made their way through the door. The presence of the monsters was so intimidating that the soldiers took several steps backwards.
Hermione decided in milliseconds that using the Bombarda Maxima would be a waste of effort and decided to use the Avada Kedavra, because the monsters were huge. The first three monsters fell in a jiffy and were followed by another six trolls, but then a whole wave of orcs entered the place.
Hermione thought she would not count it, but then the sound of several horns of war rang in the place, and the orcs fled in haste.
“King Théoden, come to our aid!” Gandalf shouted.
“We cannot stay here, we must help them!” Hermione shouted.
“You're right, between the anvil and the hammer we'll kill those beasts," said the magician and they all went to fight the orcs in the open field.
The orcs seeing that they were attacked on two fronts fled everywhere, Hermione believed that everything was over, when she heard the sound of other horns of war, they were the Harads, with their olifants.
Hermione opened her mouth of impression, never before had she seen such large animals in his life.
“They're not elephants, they're not mammoths, what the hell are they?” The girl said as she saw the colossal beasts and on each one of them an endowment of archers.
All the men stared at the beasts in fear and Hermione made a decision.
“Gandalf, you take the right and I'll take the left.”
“What are you trying to do, Hermione?”
“I will blind them with the Conjunctivitis, you will blind them as you blinded them with the nazgul.”
“I cannot blind the olifant Hermione.”
“I don't need you to blind them, I just need you to stun them until I put the curse on them.”
Gandalf nodded and went away in gray shadow, while King Théoden himself led Hermione.
“Lord, I am sorry for all the trouble I cause," Hermione said to the king.
“Don't worry Hermione, now let's attack those beasts.”
The olifants formed a uniform row that facilitated the work of the two magicians and Hermione blinded the remaining group of olifants, while immobilizing them with the Incarcerous pointing at their legs.
The men began to shout with joy when the lord of the Nazgul attacked Hermione, fortunately the witch realized in time.
“Crucius!” Hermione shouted, pointing to the head of the monster and the monster tumbled to the nazgul, moving away from the place.
The nazgul stood up and raised a brutal and huge weapon, the king's horse stepped up and threw the king and Hermione to the ground.
“You have already meddled several times in the way of the dark lord, prepare yourself to know death," said the nazgul with a supernatural voice.
The men around him, including the king, did not bear the "aura of fear" that the nazgul unfolded and did not dare attack him. But Hermione, taking her courage out of Gryffindor, overcame fear and faced horror.
“Expelliarmus!” She shouted, but the weapon was haunted to repel magic, apparently the nazgul had learned his lesson.
The nazgul attacked Hermione on one side, fortunately the girl cast a spell on her clothes with Protego, but she could still feel the bones of her arm breaking.
Hermione was on the floor and pointed her wand at her arm.
“Braquiam Emendo” said, and her bones healed.
“It's a good thing I do know the right wand movement," Hermione thought as she remembered Lockhart. The nazgul was impressed.
Hermione took advantage of the distraction of his enemy and grasping the dagger Galadriel gave her, she stabbed in what would be the nazgul's stomach.
“No.... No man or woman can kill me,” said the nazgul when he first experienced the pain of steel.
“Perhaps not from this planet, but I come from the stars," Hermione told him and plunged the dagger deeper into his adversary.
"This is what it feels like to die!” Hermione shouted, and the nazgul hurled a huge cry that was heard throughout the battlefield.
The nazgul was not yet defeated and turned around to flee, even though he was already imploding, when Hermione jumped and climbed up on his back, stabbing the specter over and over again.
“Fucking bastard! You have to die!” She shouted, taking out all the frustration she had been carrying since she arrived in the Middle Earth, and the nazgul giving other thunderous cries imploded completely.
The orcs and other green skins fled from the place prey of demoralization when they saw their leader down, only the humans beside Sauron followed the struggle, but they were overwhelmed by the combined forces of the men of Rohan, Gondor, and the spectral army that arrived at that time along with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.
The men shouted victory and the comrades of the fellowship embraced Hermione as they saw her again. Hermione was very happy to see them and headed back to Minas Tirith.