And so there I sat at my desk eating alone from the tray chadaheir gave me, when I heard yelling downstairs. It sounded like Alician was having an argument with Father this time. It was not very often when Alice would be angered by Father, but there have been times when Father became irritated by Alice. I expected this time to be no different. After finishing my food, I was a little worried at how I only heard Alice screaming, but Father hadn't said a word, as far as I heard. If he wished, my father's voice could scare a murder of crows from their feast. His voice could be a powerful, fear-drowned yell that can scare anyone out of their wits. Alice was just annoying.
But Alice wasn't sounding annoying this time. She sounded scary. Almost as scary as Father. She might even be able to sport with the messenger of our Planet, who is an ex-assassin for the military; he's killed countless Union agents, and everyone who meets him turns back as a coward.
Because of my worry, I treaded down the stairs and out to the front gardens. There were guards going about their patrols that stopped to see what kind of event was going on. The whole manor was outside, including all of the servants and Ella, and my sister was arguing loudly with my father.
"I'd rather kill that fool than have to marry him," Alice publicly yelled out.
"Alice," my father quietly scolded, "Watch your words. You're attracting atten—"
"I don't care! You're a lame excuse for a father and I hate your choices!"
"I'll leave town and find another way to live, father! I'm done with this place."
I walked over to Ella, who was watching the fight on the sidelines. I asked her what was going on.
"The boy," she started, "Almost raped Alice, but no one listens and master whispers to try to calm, but he does not understand, and—"
"Alician Talisman!" the damn kid's voice called out, sounding like the bastard he is, "Come here so we can continue our 'discussion'!"
"Alice, please, just leave!" Father was yelling now, praying to God that his daughter would just shut up.
"Gladly, Father." She flew away into the main town.
I was bumped by someone from behind me. He was walking through the small crowd and started running towards Alice. That damn kid is trying to have his way with my only sibling? The daughter of the Major of 93-2?! Nope, just hell no, like that'd ever happen.
Good thing I always keep a knife in my shoe.
I took out the knife, as I had done years before as a child, and ran up to the boy. He's a mutant, so he's slow. Good. I ran up behind him and stabbed him in the shoulder.
"Get the hell away from my family, you Union bastard!!" I hadn't noticed I yelled. As I was stabbing some more, I heard another voice call out.
"You get the hell away from him." I turned around to see who just said that. I was sort of surprised.