I visited the mechanic in her shop on the opposite end of town in the residencies. I called out, "Joies!"
"Yeah," she replied, "What do ya need, Aegie?"
"... Don't call me that." She smiled her odd smile at me.
"You mad?"
Joies and I shared too many inside jokes to begin with. I had to act all professional and serious around others, but around Joy, I could allow my guard down. She wasn't a friend, mind you, just a stress toy. Not that kind of stress toy, though. You know what you were thinking.
"So about my air-conditioning machine..."
"You need it fixed again?"
"Yeah. And you know what, I realized that every month, I have to go back to you to get it fixed again."
"Oh, no~... you found out my secret~." She sounded like a cat playing with a new toy.
"So why should I continue paying you to fix something that should last for at least half a year?"
"So I can talk to you. Honestly, you never leave of that house."
"I have work to do."
"Work? Like... fixing up loose ends with the murder?"
"Shutup. No one talks about the murder."
"Oh, come on, that man deserved it. And plus, didn't you hate him with your very soul?"
"I did hate him, even beyond my hatred from the soul. He was a horrible man."
"Well now he's gone, so let's talk trash about him."
"... You do realize that the government on this planet issued the Order 13. Cameras and microphones are placed in all state-built buildings."
"Well I built this shop myself. Didn't let anyone else near it."
"You let me near it. I helped you out a lot with that while I was around."
"You did, but I trust you."
"But... I'm going to be a Major. I'm an heir. What if I placed those devices here without you knowing?"
"Then I'd bash your face in." She happily smiled. It was... unnerving; funnily so, though.
"Well then... can you go and fix my air-conditioning, again?" I smiled back.
"Of course."
We went to the manor and entered my room. I heard a servant whispering something about persistent actions to the cook. I ignored them. Let them think that I'm stupid for not fining Joy money for her incompetence, but I really do enjoy her company; a comic relief to my life of seriousness, the only comic relief since my childhood with Dawn. Unless if that's not what they were talking about at all...
"So here we are," I announced after we entered my room.
"Ah, this room," Joies sighed, "Still has that air of mystery around it. Well, let me get to work, then."
"You should."
She started to fix up the small machine while we talked about some inconsequential things. Time flied by and before I knew it, Joeis was finished with the machine.
"That's it," she stated, setting the air-conditioning machine back up to its place, "I'm done. If it has anything wrong with it until one month from now, don't worry about it. Heh." She smirked at me.
"Well now ain't that a surprise," I retorted, "I'm gonna have to fix it again next month, eh? Maybe I should just hire the freelancer veteran; he's been fixing up military machines for a while now. I reckon he can fix an air-conditioning machine."
"Aw, but then I won't get to talk to you."
"Stop complaining. You can visit whenever you want, you know."
"Yeah, but... everyone's saying that they heard arguments from Miss Alician and that boy that's been hanging around. No offense to her, but Alician is loud when if she really wants her voice heard. I don't want to get into that mix."
"I agree with you on that one, but sadly I live under the same roof as her. I hear her yelling all the time."
"Yeah. And ya know, that boy has been awfully suspicious. The vet said that he's been hiring him to fix some military tech, but it's stuff he's never seen the likes before. Do you know what that kid's up to, Aegie?"
"Not really, but I don't like the sound of it. Ella said something about the boy being suspicious, too, and two accounts of the boy being a bad figure is enough. I think I'll have to act, perhaps."
"Oh, God, Aegie, don't hurt the poor boy. He's just stupid, maybe is all."
"Oh, yeah, he is stupid, but suspicious. ... Anyways, thanks for fixing the machine. I guess I have to pay you now."
"No, no, not at all. This time it's on me. Just keep an eye out at that boy, and keep an eye on your sister, too. I don't think it would be great if she were hurt."
"I'll keep both eyes out. Ella can watch over Alice, though. That boy may be stupid, but he's a mutant. No telling what he could come up with."
"Well then, just make sure your slave kid stays up to par. Don't want her to slip away from Alician, not once. Have a good day, Aegrov."
"You, too, Joies." After Joy walked out, I began to focus back on the whole boat operation. I decided after a few minutes of thinking to stop by to Alician first. She's better at English than Ella. I need someone who speaks English.
Just as I was about to walk out the door, it was opened by Ella instead. She had my lunch.
"Aegrov, food is here." I noticed that I was rather hungry. An odd day brings up the appetite, I suppose.
"Thank you Ella. Now, hurry to Alice and watch her. I don't believe it's best for her to be left alone."
"Yes, exactly. You will be a bodyguard."
"Very well." She left me to my food.