In the dining room was my sister, Alician. She had a white dress on with a green bow in her golden hair not much unlike our father's gold hair. Her skin was a pale-ish color, very visible in the light of the sun coming through the open windows. Her eyes were a crystal-grey (and note that my mother and father neither had or have that eye color), somewhat glittering in the light. She hated it when her eyes glittered. Which happened all the damn time.
While Alice was standing on one side of the dining table, a boy was sitting on the other. He had a buzz-cut for a hairstyle, with his hair black. His general look was burly and short, with an air of bravado. He had a dull grey, sleeveless shirt. He looked stuck-up, and I hated that. There's a word that describes him, but I couldn't think of it. It's an insulting word, perfect for this insulting presence. I could just tell he would cause trouble. The only 'goodish' thing about him was that he had the IMCMT, the Intergalactic Military Corporation Mutant Tag (sometimes called the 'Mickey Mouse Tag'), on his left arm.
The two were arguing loudly when I entered, but quieted down once I made it clear that I was staying in the room.
"Who're you?" the boy asked.
"I am Aegrov Talisman," I responded, "the brother of this stubborn girl here."
"Oh, Aegrov, I've heard much aboot you!" Aboot?
"Well, I've not heard anything about you, besides where you're from, but I can already see what kind of boy you are, kid. And so, what's your name." I didn't give him the honor of being asked.
"Ramar. And, I'd... hope that you think k'ndly of me?" He had a strange accent and choice of speech.
"I'm going to test you." I ignored his question. "I'm going to see if you're fit to be with my sister." He wasn't. I thought e never would be. And he's twelve... who gets married when they're twelve these days? Ah, a Minor-Major does...
"I'd like to hope that you'll judge fairly," Alice sarcastically said.
"He'll receive a no." I spoke in Periculum:acriter.
"Scuse me... ?" The boy was confused.
"You wouldn't understand," Alice commented.
"So," I began, again ignoring any other voices, "Let it begin." I paused. "If you had a chance to exterminate all Acriterians, would you."
He paused for a second, as if wondering if he should be truthful, then responded, "You mean the Critters like your slave there? Yeah, I would, jus' not the ones that c'n do labor fer us." Technically, that was all of them. Also, many of them don't even know how to fight, and the only reason why we haven't bombed them is because of their innocence. And also: Ella and Alice.
"I take it you're military-like."
"Then let's fight. Your second 'question'."
"'Kay, then, but you should know that I'm mutant."
"Indeed, Mickey Mouse. Now, follow me to the backyard." he looked oddly at me for calling him "Mickey Mouse". I supposed he hadn't gone to a training camp; Mickey Mouses were treated like aliens there.
We went through the kitchen and into the back gardens. There was a circle of stone in the middle of all the plants. Alice stood on the border of the grass and stone, and Ramar and I stood on the stone circle.
Without warning, I threw a punch. Not a hard punch, but not very soft, either. I hit the boy on his arm, since he had the reflex to block. However, he hadn't noticed my leg going for his shin, and I knocked him down. He jumped back up and regained his balance. This time, he punched. His punches were hard, but very inaccurate. He could only hit me on the arms, since he was slow. I dodged him many times, and hit him in the gut a few times. Long story short, I hit him several times in the face, and he gave up. He gave up. ... Pathetic. It didn't even look like he was hurt; he's just a coward. Then again...
"That's it?" I inquired, "You're just giving up?"
"Well," the boy began, "You've had more training than me."
"I was better than you are when I was six." No exaggeration. "You don't receive standard training on the isle?"
"Nah, I don't think so, sir."
"I'm not Major, so don't call me 'sir'. We have the same social status currently. Minor-Majors, that is."
"Well, then, back inside." And so, we reentered the dining room. "F."
"Scuse me?"
"If you were to be graded on your humanity and your military skills, I would give you an F."
"But you only gave me one question 'nd one fight..."
"If one subject is flawed (that is, your humanity), then you shouldn't receive the scholarship you're looking for. The scholarship you're looking for is one that is only granted to a boy with overall standard grades. Humanity is a very important subject, and if you flaw it, you shouldn't be near this girl. Fighting is also essential, since you'll have to protect your family. If you can't protect yourself, then you can't protect anyone else. My sister needs someone who has humanity, military skill, and overall standard grades. If you can't beat your opponent when he's even going easy on you, that means you should receive more training. If I were to guess, you're faking this all for the fun of it."
"More trainin'?"
"Yes. Now, I'm going back to my room. Try not to argue again."
"Wait," Alician started up, "That's all? You're going to bark but not bite?"
"I'm no judge or priest or father, so I can't legally end the relationship fixed between you two. The only thing I could do is kill the boy, but I'm not killing another soul until my military days."
"Another?!" the boy yelled, "The hell you mean by 'another'?"
"He killed our uncle," Alician stated, "Who is his birth father."
"Yes, now, I'm leaving, and I'd hope for Ella to accompany me." I'm not sure why I wanted Ella to follow, but for some reason I felt another argue would spark up. It's best to save at least a soul from Alice's nagging and that boy's stupidity.