We finally arrived at the beach. Sierra and I rushed out with our stuff. We found the best place on the beach and ran into the water. "Yay!!" We cried out. "Hey! You mind helping?"said my older brother, Josh. "Yeah!" Said Sierra's older sister, Brianna.
Sierra and I had known each other since we were three. In time, we got our older siblings to meet. Since our parents were on a spa cruise, we got them to take us here for the day. We all knew that Josh and Brianna liked each other, so Sierra and I get to see each other more often.
"Come on, Melissa!" After we helped set up, Sierra and I built a sand castle. A little shell washed up onto the beach. I put it on the castle, but it lost balance and tipped over. We stared at our destroyed kingdom for many minutes. "Noooooo!!!!!!!" I yelled. "It was for the best." Sierra said. We both went back into the water.
We dived down. I saw something glowing in the sand. I quickly motioned to Sierra. We found two necklaces and an envelope. I picked up a necklace and studied it closely. Sierra put hers on and acted like a model. I suddenly felt weak and dizzy. Everything became blurry. I tried to swim up to the surface, but couldn't. Then, that was it. I, Melissa Davis, blacked out.