When I woke up, I was in Sierra's room. She was standing next to me, waiting for me to wake up. I saw the envelope on the floor. I saw the blue necklace around Sierra's neck and felt mine lying on my chest. I looked into her eyes, as a "Thank You" for saving me.
"You couldn't hold your breath much longer," she explained. "So you blacked out. I dragged you up to the surface and told your brother what happened. He found my sister and drove us to my house. Your brother is outside with my sister, and we know how that turns out." We laughed. "Yeah, but, one question." "What is it, Melissa?" "Well, we both dived at the same time. How come you didn't black out?" I asked. "I don't know Melissa, but it doesn't matter now. C'mon, let's open that envelope."
I made my way out of bed and opened the envelope. It had a mermaid spell in it. "You think it'll work?" I asked. "Only one way to find out!" We did the spell's instructions very carefully, and then the spell itself.
"A mermaid with a beautiful tail, with this spell our wish shall not fail!!"
Then, there was a huge blast of light. We were pushed back by the force. "Sierra!" I yelled. "Melissa!" She yelled. I couldn't see a thing. When everything cleared up, I opened my eyes. Sierra and I were face-to-face, sitting on the beach. "Why are we here?" I asked. "I don't know," Sierra replied, " but let's try out that mermaid thing now!"
We both ran into the water. Before we knew it, we WERE mermaids! I couldn't believe it! Sierra had a beautiful sea green tail and top. Her hair turned from blonde to brown. Her eyes were light brown instead of hazel. I had an aqua tail and top, and my black hair had turned to blonde. My eyes were blue instead of brown. "Hey, let's go swimming with our new tails!"
And that was just the beginning...