He looked to his right, a squirrel scurried along the walls of a tree. He looked to his left, a snake egg hatched and slithered away quickly. "The books told me magic lives in woods, my mom needs magic," Thought the child.
One hour passed, and the child still walked. The yellow sun on the top of the sky was now orange, and was slowly sinking down like the Titanic. The steps of bears and the growls of pumas echoed through the forest, but the child still walked.
Two hours passed. The moon replaced the sun, the little dots of light were now scattered everywhere in the sky, and it was dark. The child's knees were straining, his muscles were becoming weaker as he walked. "They lied, there is no magic in the woods, just trees." The boy turned back to leave, only to find out he was lost. He didn't know when he turned or when he didn't.
His heart was taking deep breaths, and the hairs on his limbs and body stood up straight. "What do I do!" Thought the child. His brain didn't know what to do, but his feet just ran as fast as they could.
The child didn't stop, his fear fueled his feet now. The wind danced with his hair and clothes, and also ran past his face fast. The world around him was getting blurry. Until his legs couldn't go any further, and just stopped. Not by running, but by working, no muscle operated in his legs now, so he fell.
And his head felt the sting as it splashed on a puddle. The boy looked at his own reflection, only that in his world, his reflection is not in the woods, he is in his village. Flames after flames is tearing down houses, and the sound of gunshots screams in the air accompanied by the screams of his people. The clouds are dark.
But all that happened through his reflection's window. Inside is his mom in her bed, she isn't moveing. The blankets are covering her from head to toe, and only her arm is standing out in the world.
Something is beside his mother's bed, he wears a dark cloak with a big hood, he carries a massive scythe in his fleshless hand. The boy is hearing the mysterious thing whisper in an unknown language. And slowly, the thing raises his free arm, lifts his pointer finger, and guides it towards the boy, and in a low rusty voice, it says "Times up."