Crickets chirp. The wind whistles through the dark trees. In the distance a lone owl cries out. I can smell rich soil as I wake up. Moss tickles my nose. My eyes flutter open. Darkness surrounds me. I drift back to sleep. I wake hours later. Where am I? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is…. Nothing. My breathing quickens. The lone owl screeches from a nearby tree top. I try to stand. Thick black vines hold me down. I rip at them struggling to get them off. I suddenly hear a man. He is calling out. “Cearo! Cearo! Cearo where are you we have to get out of here! You have to get back to ……” His voice trails off. I know he is calling for me. I just know. “Please! I am hear please!” I cry out before the vines cover my mouth. I tear the vines away and manage to rise. I desperately run. I can hear the vines following me. They move like snakes through the under growth. I stumble. My hands are covered in red. I sob tears streaming down my face. I am so scared. The vines grab at my hands I drag myself away. I sob as I tear through the undergrowth trying so hard to stay in front of the vines. “Cearo! Cearo I see you! Run! You can make it.” I struggle forward. The vines are ripping at my heels. I see him. He is just in front of me. Leaning through a nonexistent door way reaching out to me. I stretch forward. My fingertips brush his. I can see him smile. He tries to grab my hand. He believes he has me. He tries to pull me to safety. The vines around my legs yank me down. They drag me backwards. He lunges forward. “No Cearo! No no no no. I- I can’t lose you. Cearo!...” His voice breaks. I can hear him crunching through the leaves that cover the ground. The vines cover me. I want to call out but I can’t. I can’t……..
….Crickets chirp. The wind whistles through the dark trees. In the distance a lone owl cries out. I can smell rich soil as I wake up. Moss tickles my nose. My eyes flutter open. Darkness surrounds me. Where am I? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is….. Him. The vines wrapping themselves around me dragging me away. The vines are wrapped around me. I hold my breath. I quit moving. They loosen. The longer I hold my breath the looser they get. I break free. I run. Screaming for him. I run to where he was. I try my hardest. I see light on the forest floor. Just as the door closes I reach it. It snaps shut. Darkness surrounds me. The lone owl screeches from a nearby tree top. I sob tears streaming down my face. I slump to the ground. I cry out begging the door way to reappear. I scream. I call out to the dark. I stay slumped on the ground. Alone. Cold.
Crickets chirp. The wind whistles through the dark trees. In the distance a lone owl cries out. I can smell rich soil. Darkness surrounds me. I give in. The darkness takes me. I am gone…