When you get angry or sad you retrieve to your little sanctuary. Well mine is in the forest right in front of my back door. Almost every evening I go out for a walk, taking with me a rain coat or, what happens to be very British, an umbrella.761Please respect copyright.PENANAk3pll08EY5
I have noticed for quite a while that every season has its own beauty. The Spring where things start to a-grow and see the first few colours, gently. Then Summer with bright colours and strength the following with Autumn where the colours change from fresh, strong green to warm and fiery colours. Including the dry rustling sound, the faint smell of ice in the wind from the North. Of course Winter looks great too in dark and sunny days. Where everything is sugar-coated and feel a delightful crunching under your feet.761Please respect copyright.PENANAf51M0m6zl4
On certain evenings I even take with me my good old Nikon camera to catch moments in the right light. I even got a few times lucky to spot a deer and few rabbits, foxes or hedgehogs scurrying about under the dried leaves or bushes. Or hear the quick pecking sound on a bark or trunk of a tree of a woodpecker.761Please respect copyright.PENANAuVTa4anY2h
Actually I do not have a favorite season. I think every season is special. In Spring I enjoy the May morning dew, in Summer its bright green and warmth, in Autumn the rustling and fiery colours and in Winter the cold and snow with the black-and-white contrast.
So in a way I am a hobby photograph and hiker or wood-walker. For a long time I saw the trees as plants as it is proven in biology but a living being nevertheless. One fine evening in late Summer everything changed the way I saw the world. I met the people of the trees. They do not have a specific name but call themselves like that but it is not wrong to call them so because they are the very souls of the trees, only in human form or alike. It is hard to explain because I am not accustomed to them yet. They are my friends and I trust them but it is still hard to believe after all those years in school in bio class and more what you usually hear about trees. I finally saw a clear connection why many ancient cultures treated trees and plants with great respect. One thing for sure, I will never forget the day I met Géanhar. The leader of those tree people. Oh, and one thing! They look totally unexpected, almost alien you can say.761Please respect copyright.PENANAnvavINjL0y
I was walking as per usual through the forest with an umbrella and camera at hand. Enjoying the solitude and to be surrounded by its natural environment. Away from the nerve wrecking speed of stress in the city with its spoiled air and almost deafening noise of traffic. I took a deep breath of fresh air and walked on in my own leisurely pace. Letting my eyes suck up the fresh green colours of the leaves, my lungs fill with fresh air and my mind wander to scout ahead the tracks where I will walk further or where to catch a great picture.
Suddenly I hear loud roaring; almost that of a lion. Quickly in fear I paced off from the path and hid behind a tree yet kept my eyes focused onto the path. Afraid yet curious to know what causes this loud roaring. The roaring grew louder and soon I recognized it was the roar of some tractor. Now I began to hear wood cracking following by a loud thud. On the path I saw a tractor, that was specially designed to cut trees, was cutting down trees one by one. I knew most of the trees are in perfect health due to some book I read few months ago. There were few men at work chopping the trees and its branches. One in particular was laughing the whole time, no wonder when he holds a bottle, half full with whiskey. Why are they chopping down trees? I thought this forest is under protection? Quickly and silently out of safety reasons I backed away and hid behind another tree that luckily did not get chopped down on that day. I took pictures in case no one would believe me.
On the next day I kept a sharp eye and ear on the news but not a single word was uttered about it. Quick-witted I left my office and headed with the printed photos to the Major's office. His secretary was kind enough to bid me to take a seat at the posh designed waiting room while arranging an appointment. I do not know exactly how long I waited but it felt like an eternity until the secretary allowed me to go into his office. I took a deep breath and entered; trying my best not burst out in rage. The Major was not amused of my spontaneous visit and gave me good ten minutes to come to the point before his next appointment comes while lighting a cigar. With a controlled temper and in short words including my photos I explained what I witnessed last evening. His only reaction was a twitch of an eyebrow. He was not surprised to see these pictures and hear my story. He cleared his throat and started to talk around my story as an misunderstanding; the way he looked at me and his tone clearly pointed out that he was lying. There is something going on that I, a rightful citizen, should not know. Already half of his explanation I did not pay attention because I knew where it will lead me to-761Please respect copyright.PENANAyTdLQPkCxX
Suddenly the doors bolted open and a man paced in. From his pace I noticed his fury but what made me really scared was his skin. It was violet like lavender. Immediately I knew he was special but how I could not say then at the time aside his appearance. His hair was grey, straight and very long although tied to a ponytail. His eyes were ocher or rather honey coloured. As he paced I made space and began to walk closer towards the door. The man looked young, like in his mid-20s I would guess. The Major cringed in fear as the young man bounded a firm fist upon the Major's table. "How dare you do this! This is an outrage!" Roared the man with a thundering voice that made me anxious. I quickly ran out of the office. I noticed the secretary shaking in fear while dialing the police number on the telephone. Quickly I ran out of the building and back to my office. Why? I must have panicked and thought going back to my office would be the best. It was stupid. I should have stayed. Then what could have happened there with me? Would that odd looking man take me as a hostage? Or the Major point at me as guilty of charge? Hell no. Only because I happen to know too much now about what is going on the in the forest? This all sounds like some bad Hollywood film now does it? Before taking a seat in my office chair I poured myself some black coffee without sugar. My friends asked me if I was alright due to my pale complexion and trembling hands. I told them that I was fine that it is the lack of sleep causing this and acted up a yawn while doing some stretching. Astoundingly the stretching did me some good but what I could not follow was why lying to my friends right now? Maybe the time is not right to tell them. Hopefully soon it will be because I hate lying to my friends.
Now I know the time will never be right unless the world is about to end right now. I did my work for the day and went home as per usual by train. At home I ate a Swiss-cheese sandwich and a cup of tea before heading out with my coat and camera. While walking I hoped not to find the same men chopping further trees, alas my hopes were in vain. What was shocking was also how fast they chopped tree by tree, meaning how many in such a short time. Again like last time I hid at a save distance behind a tree and took pictures. The same men were drunk and laughed about as if it was all some joke. Huh, some joke. After a good while watching and taking pictures I decided to head home to catch some shut eye and maybe collect some inspiring words to convince the Major for a second time.
Along the way I tripped often than ever over roots of trees. Luckily I held up the camera high in my hands. Avoiding it to get damaged. Suddenly a root twirled round one ankle while another root round my face to cover my mouth. I was pulled abruptly to some direction in the forest. Panic clouded my mind and I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs for help but the root remained firm over my mouth; my hands were not strong enough to loosen them and liberate myself. I struggled for a while and soon gave up. My heart was up to my nose as the pulling ceased. Taking few deep breathes helped me to gain control over myself. Out of the mist emerged a figure of a man. Immediately I recognized him. It was the same odd looking young man who barged in the Major's office. The one with the violet skin and the white hair. His thick white eyebrows were narrowed to a V in anger at me. In his big honey coloured eyes I saw clearly what he saw in me. A traitor like the Major. "How dare you come here! How dare he betrays me! You are here to make sure everything's on schedule, is it? What is the schedule? What are the Major's plans? Tell me!" He demanded with the same thundering voice as before. The root lifted me up-side-down, bringing a bit closer to that man. The root over my mouth was gone.761Please respect copyright.PENANAzp5a5o4UyR
"What?" I blinked. "What schedule? What plans?" I wondered curiously.
"You are working for the Major, are you?" The man almost stuttered in disbelief.
"Do I look like I work for him? I'm only a citizen. Nothing more. Working in an office." I explained calmly yet my heart was still at my throat. Almost squishing away my voice. Quickly the man took hold one of my hands and looked at my palm like a visioner. His eyebrows remained narrow. Suddenly a voice of a boy called out some strange name like "Géanhar". Soon appeared a young boy at about the age of nine also with white hair and violet skin, only his hair was short to a boyish hair-cut. "Géanhar, let her go! She's friendly!" Gasped the boy almost out of breath. "She means no harm. She takes pictures and walks about but never did any harm. She only spotted the men like we did yesterday."761Please respect copyright.PENANAJtojbaKW51
Abruptly I was released and fell clumsily on the ground. Still holding the camera in the air and astoundingly still intact but therefore I will get awful lot of bruises on the chest and stomach from falling on other roots and few small stones. Slowly and groaning in pain I got onto my feet. Soon I brushed off the dust and leaves from my clothes and long, wavy, dark-blonde hair.761Please respect copyright.PENANAMpvPi7rOLP
The man whose name is Géanhar looked at me in a strange manner as if I was loony or strange. There was also a sense of skepticism. I first noticed now that not only was his skin and hair special but also his clothes and so the boy's. It reminded me of the simply black coloured tunics that ninjas would wear in Asia, tight but comfortable. Only instead of black Géanhar's was marine blue and the boy's was mocha-brown. Géanhar's nonstop stare made me feel uneasy. "What is it?" I wondered lightly nerved.
"You're the first human whom one of my brethren say is friendly. All the other humans I have met are not like you and above all friendly." Spoke Géanhar calmly. His voice was strangely mesmerizing now that it is calm and composed.
I did not know how to react so I gave a small grin. Not entirely sure if I should take it as a compliment or not. The young boy quickly in his curious way walked around me to have a better look and gave in the end a smile to me. I grinned back to show him that I am friendly and mean no harm. "See Géanhar. She's friendly and even pretty for a human." Pretty? I gave a short giggle. "Thanks but don't sugar-coat it." The boy continued to smile. I looked up to Géanhar and wondered what he is. I know he is a man but not human that is for sure. "I don't mean to be rude or anything but what are you?" I dared to ask.
"What? You don't know?" Wondered the boy. I shook my head.
"Those are different humans, Affir. They've all forgotten about it." Spoke Géanhar.
What odd names for odd people. Géanhar and now Affir? What kind of a language is that? Does it even exist?
"We are the People of the Trees." Said Affir with a grin while slowly taking my hand.
"People of the Trees?" I repeated.
"That's what the Celts called us in their language. Actually we are the spirits of the trees. There are only few of us but well hidden and strong in numbers. Together we guard the trees, woods and forests where ever we find ourselves. Although we are different from you humans and us have the same Mother; Mother Nature. The Celts, the Indians and many other ancient tribes knew that and respected that." Paused Géanhar. "Through time you people somehow changed and became this what is known today. Barely respect or even acknowledge Mother Nature; actually slowly through time with pollution and cutting trees killing her. The very Mother, the very Nature that gives you a home, gives you life and food and now you're killing her!" Said Géanhar seriously and very furious at the end.
"Easy Géanhar." Remarked Affir.
"Don't you dare say 'easy' on me, Affir! She should know the truth! No matter friendly or not!" He recalled with the same thundering voice as before at the Major's office.761Please respect copyright.PENANA3qg8IG7P1P
"Alright but don't scare her. She doesn't know you so well like I do or the others and you're the Eldest. You should actually know how to handle with humans."
Géanhar grunted with disgust. "Only with liars and traitors in today's time."761Please respect copyright.PENANAiEfIe29jIX
"Géanhar. As a human I know what is a traitor and a liar but I am none of those sorts. Okay I do sometimes lie out of private reasons or a promise but to cause such harm as you had to endure will not happen from me. I am one of few people who respects nature, does my best in recycling and cause less pollution as possible. During my leisure I go walking here in the woods or go hiking in the mountains. I respect nature and even admire its beauty and perfection in every season." I paused, hoping they follow me. "Those 'humans' you call traitors and liars are these people such as the Major and many others who owns a company or factory. They care only about what people want or worse only for the money. No wonder they all call it 'good business'. Nature is forgotten and out of the picture. Although she provides the land that is actually priceless and the air to breathe. Like Chief Seattle once said 'How can you buy or sell the sky?'."761Please respect copyright.PENANAjC2L9A33sI
Affir only nodded in agreement while Géanhar blinked at me surprised that I understood.
"What is recycling?" Asked Affir curiously.
"Umm..." I paused to think for the right words.761Please respect copyright.PENANAMppuD0l1fq
"So you where in the Major's office to argue about the same thing as I did?" Questioned Géanhar.
I nodded.
"What's recycling?" Repeated Affir. "Well, for example you use a filled glass bottle with wine. Once it's empty you don't break it or throw it with the main garbage but to a special garbage where they will clean the bottles and reuse it or even melt it to liquid glass and form it into something new." I explained.
"Oh." Gave Affir. "Did you knew that Géanhar?"
He shook his head. "But it's now nice to know that still few people care and you're right. I met the wrong, maybe even the worst, sort of people."
"Maybe." I noted.
"Can we show her our place, oh Eldest one?" Asked Affir excited.
"Place? Eldest?" I Questioned while my eyes wandered between Géanhar and Affir.
"Do you trust her?" Wondered Géanhar, ignoring my question.
Affir nodded enthusiastically his head and started to lead me the way by holding my hand. I was amazed how fast he was for a kid and secondly how he knew his way through the thick mist. In my mind I was still stuck with the question why Géanhar gets called as the Eldest? Eldest is another word for the oldest. Is he really? I wonder. Suddenly Affir lets go of my hand and I almost tripped over many roots, again. Strangely I did not and a strong arm held me up. I blinked as I saw Géanhar. "Are you alright?" He asked as he helped me.761Please respect copyright.PENANA7pCkgIFvHO
I nodded. "Thanks. Only Affir was very fast."
"You call that fast?" He chuckled. "Affir is not one of the fastest here but he's young and hopefully soon he will be faster."761Please respect copyright.PENANAxiisGC0sZO
I raised my eyebrows. "What?"
"I totally forgot. We people are faster than any human and for a reason."761Please respect copyright.PENANAX7qGG86hD2
"Oh." I acknowledged. "Affir called you before the Eldest. Are you the oldest from your kind?" I wondered.761Please respect copyright.PENANAd4Rm5KYA5L
"You're clever for a human. Yes. I am. The first and the strongest. Brethren see me as their leader and I see them as a big family. The leader thing was not my idea yet it went its way like that to them that I should lead and hold order and defend."761Please respect copyright.PENANA4iE5jUQ6uy
"And Affir?"
"What about him?" Raising an eyebrow.761Please respect copyright.PENANAIndZXgRh3K
"Is he like your first mate or some high rank duty thing?"
"Oh you mean like the system from military? No we have nothing like that. I trust everyone and they trust me. Affir only stepped in for you because I thought, well you know." Explained Géanhar and walked on.
Quickly Affir came running to me and took my hand again. "For a human you're damn slow." He giggled.
"So I've heard from Géanhar. You're not the fastest." I grinned.
"What? He told you that? That's so unfair!"
"But he cares for you. He hopes that you will get faster soon." I comforted. Ops. I hope I did not hurt his feelings in anyway.
"Really?" He wondered. His face lighting up with joy like at Christmas.761Please respect copyright.PENANADEpocAlDnL
"Really, really." I assured with a hearty grin.761Please respect copyright.PENANAihFh7PA89R
He smiled and giggled. "Well, here we are. This is the place."
A first glance I saw nothing but more trees and thick mist. As I looked closer I spotted soon more of those tree spirits hiding before my very nose. Almost like trying to spot the hidden animals in zoos or woods. Some hid extra behind trees and bushes. They all had that lavender skin, long, straight white hair and golden honey coloured eyes. Some were young like Affir or Géanhar and few even looked older than Géanhar. Old with wrinkles but they were still active and sportive like the young ones. If no one had said what they were I would have mistaken them for elves or aliens because they all had long pointed ears. Enthusiastically Affir showed me everything he knew and introduced to almost every spirit. Some were very shy and others were friendly. They lived through the trees that they protect. Barely nourish on anything but small bits of bark of a special pine tree and otherwise of a special flower that rarely can be found. I never heard of such a flower but it must be beautiful the way Affir describes it. Like a lily but it has few differences that points out it is not a lily. They bloom only during full moon and then have the fullest potent. Otherwise they would also nourish a bit from the roots of that flower; Léahnken I think is the name they called it.
After Affir finished showing me I decided to take my leave; not knowing how late it is. Géanhar decided to 'escort' me back. I think following would have been the better the word due to his suspicion. In a way I can understand due to what he went through but it is annoying too. Along the way Géanhar and I were silent as if someone just died.761Please respect copyright.PENANA7PBrwNYI8Q
"Everyone respects and sees you as the eldest. If I may ask, how did you become?" I dared breaking the silence.
He halted and looked at me. "You're different. Why do you wonder?"
"I just do." I said with sheer honesty and shrugged my shoulders.761Please respect copyright.PENANASlD06qCPfD
Géanhar sighed and looked away. "All spirits begin to exist for a reason. What reason? I've been trying to find an answer since I started to walk on this world. Like all other brethren we were created by the trees that died slowly of a natural death. Every tree has a spirit or a soul as you would refer to it. I too was created from a dying tree close by those flowers as Affir explained. With me everything began." He paused and faced me. It was hard to guess what he felt but some deep emotion went through him. It was as if some soldier of a war is telling some gruesome past and experience or an elderly woman from her 'younger days'.
"All I can remember is that the tree or rather me at that time dying. I just didn't want to let go and die and during those last few days I had left to fight; some young man died from a close village and got buried between my roots. Strangely I was very convinced that I could transfer or place my soul into that man's body and live on."
He gave a grin to me and a short chuckle. "Your face says it. There's no logic but when you are in a desperate situation you are willingly to try just about everything to survive, well." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm afraid I can't give you the fullest detail because some part of my memories went missing during that transfer. I can't even remember how my life was as a tree yet strangely I know how it felt. Here I stand for good 1000 years and haven't aged like others do. I know I am different but I guess it's because I'm the first. I have more powers in possession and am stronger and faster than any other of my brethren. Yet I wonder why this immortality? Why me? For 1000 years I wondered and found no answer to it. I figured that Mother Nature lets us live for a reason but what is my reason? Just to exist and lead my brethren? Protecting the trees or something else? Earlier I had questions and I found answers to them but not to this one. Hopefully someday soon." Suddenly he walked up to me.
I blinked due to his speed. Is it just me being tired or not? He looks not odd but handsome and yet mesmerizing now that he is calm. I must be tired to think of that.761Please respect copyright.PENANAl0fBhABGMm
"Call me crazy but since the moment I saw you; although briefly at the Major's office. I had this feeling that you can help me find something that I've been searching all my life. Maybe that very answer that I'm looking for."
I blinked. Astounded to hear it from him. He who is very suspicious. Secondly to listen to that wonderful voice knowing if I turn blind I would die happy hearing his voice. I bit my lower lip to focus on what he said. I must be tired. "I too do not accept what the Major does to the forest and I will gladly stand up for your people and the trees. He told us citizens that it's protected. So he lied and there was some change of plan that I would gladly like to find out. And if you think I can then I would like to help you find that what you're searching for."761Please respect copyright.PENANAMrFAXatNn4
"You- You're helping us?" He asked astounded.
"Absolutely! Tomorrow I will prepare to have another word with the Major." I said confidently.761Please respect copyright.PENANA2WNKy7nM6C
"But not alone." He grinned.761Please respect copyright.PENANAUByKORdVvp