Finally, I'm taking about Penana!
It was mentioned in a thread on Wattpad by a user helping another user look for alternative writing websites to try and increase their readership base. Looking at the site design, I really like the design of Penana. I know it's in beta at the moment but to see it looking new and fresh, time to join!
Five minutes after my account was created and made, I started to promote myself in the societies and slowly but surely as I write this, my fanbase is starting to build. I know that it won't be as big as it is on Wattpad since I have over 3,000 followers on there but I love the fact that the site is quieter but not too quiet. The writing that I've read so far is great and I really like the chart system and the various contests on offer. It's great that users on here want to help others with their creativity.
I have also received some lovely welcome messages which made me happy for the rest of day, thanks for letting me be part of the Penana family!
So, what can you expect from me and my writing? Well, a few things.
The main thing is passion, I'm very passionate about writing and creating fantasy worlds from my creativity and imagination to bring to an audience of online readers and writers, I try to create characters that others can relate to and really connect with them and their way of doing things and thinking, I work on plot lines, some that have been done to death but add in spins and twists that no-one was expecting to happen and plot lines that have been done a few times but I use my experiences to help strengthen them.
Ideas, inspirations like song titles and real-life things. If there is anything you want me to write about, let me know. As a writer, I always like to challenge myself, I am known in my family and friend circle for being ambitious (sometimes a little bit too much!)
I will bring in some stories from Wattpad but one currently up called The Kill Bill is totally brand new and was formed after a series of nightmares I've been having in my sleep recently. Scary I know. I've already brought one over called The Brother I Lost and if you would like me to bring anything else over, let me know. I have written a lot of things!
All that's left for me to say is to thank you guys for reading my experiences as an online writer on these various different sites. I hoped that you enjoyed reading about it all and feel free to follow me and stick around for my future works to come. I would really appreciate the support from the Penana community.
I may only be a teen writer but I am one with big dreams and a passionate heart.