X:XX X.X594Please respect copyright.PENANApaXnQGpNfZ
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Hello observer.594Please respect copyright.PENANA1nUWqgoDpS
I have fooled the system.
Subject-21 is stable now.
Solution doesn't exist
We can't go back now.
DATE OF INCIDENT: 24/4/20XX 8:00 A.M
4:40 P.M594Please respect copyright.PENANAQJ1JP9tvtO
SouthLand, Autumn street
Some time has passed, everything is stable now, Hiko and Nakumi are resting in bed naked with applied mud over them while Kan is still waiting for them to wake up.594Please respect copyright.PENANA6adVYE6V1Q
"Come on you guys, wake up..." I whispered, my hand on my forehead sitting on Hiko's table's chair. Hiko started moving a bit, "Oi you up...?" I asked, "augh..." Hiko woke up like Frankenstein out of the testing table or something. I stood up and went to the other side of the bed, where he was, "You ok? I applied all the god damn thing on both of you." both of them were naked but covered with bed sheet all covered with that mud. this bed will need high replacements.
"yeah yeah... i am fine, I will just, take a shower" Hiko said getting up with his boxers on... "Hey Hiko... we have to get clothes for the young lass" I pointed with my thumb at her, while Hiko was picking up clothe from the wardrobe, "We can do it tomorrow, i am tired today" He said... with his face tired and intense, "Hey... Is something bothering you?" I asked.
"No... I am... I think i am just thinking a lot, or maybe getting old" He smiled a bit, "oh by the way, since Nakumi's asleep... could you tell me... the secret?" I said, "Oh? it is..." Hiko picked his aqua towel.
"'we will sit upon the ashes of the cruel world together' or something like that." Hiko said and showed me his pinky, "we did the pinky promise too during war.. when I was seven years old. She was eight" Hiko continued smiling.
"you guys were cute back then huh?" I said smiling back.
"I remember how she used to cheer me up, tsk, why her of all demons. You could say that, her blood is unique, it attracts demons... that's also a reason for killing her... I don't want bothersome bullshit happen during sleep, and even then, she might be killed later anyway... even slower than our kill..." Hiko explained.
"Her species are the only ones with wings, they are the 'crimson family' nobody knew about them except themselves, until...." Hiko paused
"anyway I feel cold without clothes I am going to shower damn it, stop stopping me!" He said in an annoyed and walked out with his clothes and towel.
5 minutes passed
"mmmm..." Nakumi started waking up... "it is 5 P.M sunshine" I said with a happy tone, she opened her eyes slowly to sense all the mud on her, "ewwww! what is this!" Nakumi shouted disgusted looking at her body, "This is the cure, I still wonder how Hiko found it out..." I said rubbing my chin a bit, "anyway, you want a shower?"
"Yes!" She yelled seemingly hating her position... Well I will have to give her one of my shirts or maybe Hiko's
I went to the bathroom's door and knocked, "Oi, you done yet? Nakumi wants to take a shower too, and she doesn't seem pretty happy with the cure." I shouted a bit at him.
"oh yes, let her in" He said and unlocked the door.
"go on" I said opening the door for her, there was the new tub, and toilet, and also the mirror, your typical bathroom, Hiko was sitting on a stool with towel cleaning his body, a bucket was near him filled with water too, his back was against us.
As she entered I closed the door and a went down for TV, finally some rest.594Please respect copyright.PENANAfCzpoGi6Bp
Hiko POV594Please respect copyright.PENANAWpBe36Dtkd
"Remember how we used to clean ourselves?" I asked, she did a dull nod, "something's wrong...?" I asked turning around to look at her, she was totally dipped in that mud, head to toe, "...nothing..." She said looking down, "I see..." I said, "well then... come over here, I will get all of this out of you" She is awfully quite now...
After 2 hours
it is 6:50 P.M
I gave Nakumi my shirt and took another away from my room, same way same style, striped all the way with jeans, I walked down the stairs to find Kan in the living room watching the news, "what's on the news" I asked walking in the living room with Nakumi beside me, "ah! what took you guys so long." Kan asked looking at us... Our bodies didn't have any burning signs, "Oi, You found a new way to clean without water...?" Kan asked raising an eyebrow with a smile, "I guess you can say that." I replied smiling. Nakumi slowly were backing away blushing, "Oi Kan, do me a favor, that brain organ, can you go sell it, I feel like i am still sluggish from all that, you know." I said.
"Yeah yeah, I will in a second" He said yawning. Kan got up after some seconds while me and Nakumi were sitting watching the news... "This is boring..." Nakumi said looking discontent, "yeah... It is near time for making dinner anyway" I said, and threw her the remote, "find something to entertain yourself, I don't know" I said standing up, "Kan, go sell that damn organ already, it reeks for god's sake."
Kan took the organ into the capsule, "You better make something good." Kan said as he walked out, "heh..." I looked into the fridge, seems like I can make something big for today.
Hey... do you see the clouds changing...?
I glanced over to see little Nakumi standing at the kitchen's entrance looking around, "wanna... make dinner too?" I asked as she slightly nodded, "but you will have to eat it" I said smiling, and she nod again.
"hmm..." I hummed with a confused look, "I know what you will cheer you up..." there was a jar full of sugar cubes on the table in the kitchen, I took one and gave it to her, "try this, trust me you will like it" I said as I threw it to her, she caught it with both hands and slowly placed it within her lips a bit and then her tongue made contact. In her eyes I saw a spark, she looked at me with wide excited eyes and jumped to get to the jar, "oi hold up!" I warped my arm around her abdomen and got her away, she was resisting a lot, "stop it, Oi Nakumi!" without realizing, I started laughing as I grabbed her away and sat her down.
Do you see? you are doing the same mistakes again
"come on, we will make dinner" I said as she continued eating on that sugar cube, "let's make something as equal with sugar, some cookies will do" I said as I was getting the ingredients, "what is that...?" Nakumi asked as she was licking that cube... seriously for how long is she going to keep licking it, "let's say it is sweets, still I won't make them a lot" I said.
"ok..." she replied.
"By the way...." I sighed laying to her level, "what happened today... I am sorry ok? I hate loud noises... but I hate seeing you in this state too your majesty." I said looking at her... as her cute innocent self was looking back with that damn cube still on her mouth... "drop the majesty stuff!" she said pointing at me with her confidence smiling, "we are friends!" she continued and gave me a little pat...
"alright then... let's go!" she said raising her fists and hit my jaw a bit, I flinched a little holding my chin smiling, "sorry!!" She said concerned looking over me... I chuckled a bit and patted her. we began working on dinner afterwards, with cookies too...!
you are turning like her... You are weak... you should kill, kill
8:05 PM594Please respect copyright.PENANAixH7YNjwvI
Black market, SouthLand
I am so damn tired for fuck sake... the hell with Hiko making me do all the work... I have to damn walk until I come here, going through any means of transport is suicide... tsk.
"Hey..." I got to Salgar looking tired, "hey wolf... ha'cha hard day eh...?" Salgar asked in a mocking tone.
"No shit... Was nearly dying." I said with panting breath over my words, "Well it's in the line of work kiddo... Come on, sho' me the goods" Salgar said smiling. On the counter I slid the brain off the container. the brain however decays faster than another other demon organ... "So...?" I said waiting for a response, "I suppose it would do... But I am not paying much for it... A thousand hin, that's my offer." He said eyeing me, "whatever... Just let's finish this, I want to sleep Salgar..." I said in a patty voice.
Salgar and I finished our little chat, and were going our separate ways, Me with wobbling legs walked my path, but before leaving the black market I realized, it started raining... Damn it... I forgot to bring an umbrella
I turned around to Salgar, "uhm... Got any free umbrellas laying around?" I asked in a wary smile, "Come on, I will help you." a girl out of the corner of my eyes, kimrol smiling, appeared with an umbrella with her and a rain coat, "It will rain intensively today... so let's hurry up" kimrol said looking at me, I looked at salgar and he already wasn't at the counter... Did he just leave me with his daughter like that...?
"so.. are we going or not...?" She said a bit furious of the stalling, "yeah yeah... let's go" I said a bit flustered.
Together as the drops of the sky tapped the umbrella, we were walking, in own silence. To the point where it became awkward, she spoke, "Why don't you take a bus to come to these parts of southland...?" She asked looking at me... I realized... I am actually taller then her. as she looked up to me I blushed a bit, "it is... As mercenaries we don't have a lot of options, I wouldn't want to be seen with a corpse's capsule on me around." I said trying to be succinct in my answers, "So you walk all the way here every time...?" She asked in a mocking smiling fashion, I nodded with a tired look on me...
"by the way kimrol... How old are you...?" I asked as we continued on walking, she smiled, "why'd you want to know...?" She asked, "why not?" I said.
There was a moment of silence between us, nothing but the sound of rain... this trip sure feels long.
"18..." She, out of nowhere said.
"20..." I said
We continued walking... having small chats from here and there about what I do, and how is the house like and whatever. Finally we came to an end, we were at the big house.
it was already 9:20 PM.
"come on in" I invited her as she nodded, the rain was intensively dropping tonight.
though from the outside it was a bit gloomy, the house was lively from the inside, as Hiko and Nakumi came to greet us...
oh wait...
Hiko's eyes looked at me in a rather anger tone, while he had Nakumi beside him he placed his hand in front of her, stopping her motion, awkward silence as me and Kimrol, were looking at Hiko and Nakumi.
"Kan... who the hell is she?" Hiko asked in a caution tone, "she is... uhm... The daughter of the guy we sell organs to." Kan said, "and why is she here?" Hiko said continuing on being caution, he was at any point about to take off his knife, "She helped me come back safely..." I said, I walked infront of him and kimrol standing in the middle, "she won't do anything... Let's have her for dinner shall we?" I was eyeing him back...
"As much as I like to have guests for tonight's dinner... It's better for her to leave." Hiko said as he got a glimpse of her and looked back at me, "Nope, she is staying for the dinner, it is raining like a hell outside" I said rejecting his idea.
We kept going back and fourth a bit until, "Hey miss... Why don't you stay for dinner?" Nakumi asked with a carefree tone, Hiko and I looked at her as she was smiling at the three of us, "No no I will just take my leave, thanks for the invite..." Kimrol said smiling a bit as she was about to walk out, "Maybe next time" were Kimrol's last words before entering the outside of the house. As I looked back on the door, Hiko hit my head with a karate chop... "jeez... You were the one talking about protecting Nakumi, and you go inviting a girl into this house, next time a hooker would do dance infront of you and you would let her in...?" Hiko said angry but a bit relieved, "What's a hooker...?" Nakumi asked looking at Hiko, "ah... don't worry about it." Hiko said. I turned looking at him angrily, he looked back and I passed him and took off to my room.
He doesn't get it... He wouldn't get anything For fuck sake...
I went to my room and rock straight into my bed, I just want to sleep for all I care.594Please respect copyright.PENANAYVirLPVU2r
Nakumi POV594Please respect copyright.PENANAlZP9QvUXKe
"so... nobody is going to eat dinner...?" I asked looking at Hiko... He just sighed and walked upstairs ignoring me, "fine!" I yelled and took an umbrella rushing outside, "Ma'am!' I yelled looking for her, the streets were empty, only some cars passing around. I ran around, until...
I was about to trip, in a puddle of water, I widened my eyes.
but I suddenly stopped... I looked beside me, and that lady was there, she stopped me at the last minute! "miss!" I said... unintentionally hugging her, a black tear came out but i quickly brushed it off, I have to be strong!
"call me kimrol little girl..." She said, "I am Nakumi..." I regained my feet and turned around looking at her, "you shouldn't be running around late like this..." as she continued, I saw Hiko walking towards us with an umbrella, I waved at him as Kimrol stood beside me, "I found her! come on let's eat together...!" I said to both of them, they both looked at me and at each other a bit, then Hiko said, "Fine..." and started walking to the house, "Maybe... I shouldn't come" Kimrol said, when she said that, I started grabbing her by her rain coat trying to drag her with all I can, "you... will... eat... with us!!!" I said.
Giggling Kimrol started walking away, I walked with her, holding on her coat, "you will not escape!" I said, she stopped and asked, "why do you want me to join that much...?"
"Because I made dinner today!" I said smiling back >:)
She stopped a bit then turned around walking towards the house. We returned, and Hiko was waiting for us outside, "took you two long enough..." He said as we all entered, he took Kimrol's coat and put it on a coat... hanger?
Food was already served on the table, but Kan wasn't around, "where's Kan...?" I asked, looking at Hiko, "he said he doesn't want to come..." Hiko said, when I heard that I went upstairs and started knocking on Kan's door, "Kan! I made dinner today, so you should eat too!" I kept doing so, until Hiko held my wrist and smiled.
He opened the door gently as I brushed through him and jumped onto Kan, "Wake up!" I said, as I started moving him around, "aye aye! I am awake...!" he looked tired and out of it but woke up still, "come on... you didn't eat anything today, so we made a huge dinner... Your girl is here too." Hiko said, and started walking downstairs,
"wait... Is he making fun of me?" Kan asked looking at me confused, "No! Kimrol is here, let's eat together" I gave Kan a smiled as I started grabbing him to the table.
Soon after we followed, and sat down. The dinner is huge today!
"now that everyone is here today, let's eat" I said happily.
we started eating, Hiko and Kan were eating beside each other while I and Kimrol were beside each other.
as we all silently ate, Kan brought a topic, "so... What exactly happened while I was asleep?" Kan asked, "Nakumi ran outside and dragged Kimrol all the way here..." Hiko said, "You shouldn't be dragging people like that though..." Hiko scolded me, I pouted with food stuffing my mouth "nmn mnny foufth" I said crunching, "you shouldn't talk with food all over your mouth too... " Hiko said, again scolding me... stop scolding meeeeee ;-;
I swallowed and said it again, "It's not my fault, also she didn't mind, right Kimrol?" I asked as Kimrol smiled and nodded, "so... you people add sugar to everything you eat...?" Kimrol asked. today's dinner was full of sugar... chickens with sugar, vegetables with sugar, every dish was with mixed sugar!
"It was Nakumi's idea... special sugary dinner day" Hiko said in a praising tone, I let a victorious giggle as we all continued eating, "So Kimrol... was it? you have drank demon's blood before huh?" Hiko out of nowhere asked then Kimrol looked at him in a cautious manner, "ah don't worry... I am an actual demon myself" he said and showed her his left forearm, a mark of a slash is still regenerating as he kept smiling, he put his left arm on his knees and said, "I am not with any church people or anything" Kimrol turned her left eye into a yellow lizard split eye and turned it back to normal, "I see..." Hiko said smiling, "well then... if you don't mind me asking... what's the relation between you three...?" Kimrol asked
"That... I can't answer you" Hiko said.
as if... time felt like it stopped a bit after that response, Kan confused and weirded out asked, "what the hell was all that..." I was too a bit weirded too so I said, "yeah what was all that...?"
"don't worry about it" Both of them said and brushed it off. Hiko Never change hehe...
to change the topic, Kimrol said, "you know... You should get some clothes for Nakumi it is cold at nights..."
"yeah... I want new clothes, my own clothes and my own room too!" I said in a cheery tone :D
as we finished all eating afterwards... Kimrol even helped with cleaning the plates, Hiko said:
"we will see how things fold about the clothes and room tomorrow Nakumi, as for now... we have to get the lady to her house..." Hiko said standing at the door way with everyone else, "call me kimrol, and don't worry, I will figure it out, thanks for the food." She said smiling as she left... after some seconds, Hiko walked to me and started pulling my cheeks around, "you don't do that again you hear me? huh?! you could've died there" Hiko said angrily, "I am sowwy!!" I said trying to get away, Kan chuckled with is sleepy eyes, "You too young man... be more cautious about whom you bring to this house..." Hiko let go gently and looked at Kan, "ehh... You are always no fun" He said, "plus, weren't you trying to kill Nakumi before yesterday or something...?" He said mocking Hiko, "It's... never mind, all of you go to sleep" he said.
I went into Hiko's room with Hiko while Kan went to his, we already changed the sheets of the bed so it's all clean now :')
It's 11 PM now
I felt a sense of touching on my forehead, as I slowly woke up to a familiar face hanging off the tree behind the window. "Kim...rol?" I confusingly said as she did the shush motion and grabbed me by the window, we jumped down, the rain already stopped.
"wwaaaaaaaaaaa! what are you doing?!" I asked as Kimrol carried me and started running in a demonic speed, "We are going to have a girl's night!" Kimrol said as she continued running and smiling, we reached, the Northland's Biggest market, shiny and busy it was.. but it was already so late... "We... shouldn't be here..." I said grabbing to Kimrol after she let go of me in an alley, at least nobody saw us, we walked out and infront of us was a big busy mall of different colors and floors, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, I will protect you" Kimrol said patting me as we continued walking... we went to a girl's clothes section, Everything was so adorable and cute!
I kept running around asking her if we could get everything, but she giggled and said, "Sweetie, I am sorry, but I can't afford all that, I can get you somethings only alright...? when we come here again, I will get you better stuff, deal?"
"deal!" I yelled smiling, as everyone eyed us suddenly... that's when I realized, I wasn't wearing anything except Hiko's T-shirt, I blushed and ran into Kimrol, "let's... go...." I said keeping my head away from everyone and pulling the shirt downwards.
after several minutes of shopping I took the clothes I picked and went to try them on the changing room, with Kimrol!
I chose pink t-shirt that goes darker the more you look down, and a stripped skirt with white a slight pinkish to red tone stripes and a girls short, with kid's yellow boots, and a big skeleton hair bow tie! Kimrol even did my hair, gave me a long pony tail!
"you like it?" kimrol asked as she was beside me both looking at the mirror... my eyes sparked with joy, "I can have all these...?!" I asked surprised, "you are so nice!" I hugged her saying that, she patted me smiling, I looked at the mirror again and had my hands around my waists, with a confident look and smile, I was admiring myself...
"come on, let's check it and have it for you" She said and I nodded. with the bags, me and Kimrol walked out happily... "hey... Nakumi..."
"nnmm...?" I looked at her curious.594Please respect copyright.PENANAvDf6wyfhKm
"let's do it again later ok? A payback for your today's dinner, also keep it a secret, deal?" Kimrol said tilting her head with a wink as she did the shushing motion, I nodded aggressively. She took me back to the house... but I was already sleepy so I fell asleep around her arms... and she placed me in bed with all the bags of clothes, "good night Nakumi" Kimrol said taking off.