Don't give up583Please respect copyright.PENANA48l31zEHLy
10:00 AM583Please respect copyright.PENANAyJa8RoC53f
SouthLand, Road of life
After Hiko took Nakumi and Keyo for buying some new clothes. Keyo chose long orange sweater... longer than her arm a bit, appearntly Hiko got the wrong size by accident but Keyo liked it nonetheless, and a brown short; long socks and boots. 583Please respect copyright.PENANAzcyMGdQ3VJ
Hiko, Keyo, and Nakumi went to the school's place after Kimrol told them the directions, The place was quiet peaceful and calm, birds chirping, kids playing, people walking... the place was lovely, and as they walked to the alleged special school.
"I guess... this is the place" Hiko mumbled, while Nakumi and keyo were beside him, astonished by the architecture of such building. It goes into 5 different floors, each floor doesn't follow the plain square look, rather zigzaged spheric with glasses to see the outside and show the inside. The enterence by it self looked fancy. They all entered the campus of the school looking around the vast place. At the yard, some children were playing, the sparks in Nakumi's eyes overstock as she couldn't wait to have fun with all the children, yet Keyo was the shy one.
They all walked in path to the huge school building, the enterence slid apart as they stepped in, to the reception exactly at view. The lady working there greeted them with a smile, it seemed as if, the place wasn't really full of humans, perhaps because of their early presence.
"How may I help you today?" asked the receptionist, before Hiko could reply Nakumi jumped a bit putting her arms on the receptionist desk with a sparking eyes, "Hi!" she said smiling with sparked eyes, Hiko let a sigh and the receptionist replied with a "hi" and a little wave, "I want to enroll these two..." Hiko answered, "Oh surely can you give me your name, their names and age?" She asked, as Hiko took Nakumi off the table and straightened her stand, "yeah, this one, Nakumi, she is ten" He said putting his right palm over head, "This is Keyo, she is seven" He put his left palm over her head, "and I am Hiko... age 21".
The receptionist typed off their names and ages in the system and then asked, "You may go to room 6... They will continue your enrollment procedures, after that... go meet the principle at the top floor" she said as she gave Hiko a paper she printed, their names were in there and all other details regarding request of enrollment.
"Dad... what does proc...proc.." Keyo tried to ask but seemingly having a hard time... "Procedures? It means... doing something... in an order to get something, something like that." Hiko answered, "Oh... procedures..." Keyo said... it seems as if... she just lit a bit when she said it, seemingly happy from learning a new word, "You got it right so fast! proce...proc... ah! this is hard..." Nakumi said praising Keyo... Sparking like a gentle flower after a rainy day it seems Keyo is happy.
they finally reached their destination, room 6 a teacher seemingly in his 40's greeted them with a smile and while still working on his computer he offered his hand to get the files from Hiko to which Hiko gives him, "Oh please take a seat" the teacher said... Room 6 is wide and comfortable seemingly only one teacher uses it, like it's his own room in a way.
The man was in his 30s and had a look of a youngester despite the age, he was though a bit chubby and wears glasses, his hair was short but fancy.
"The enrollment program... I see, welcome to The Road of Life school" he said smiling, "for starters... My name is Ian, it's a pleasure to meet you" Ian the teacher said, Hiko nodded... "The school provides excellent education and combat services with a lot of facilities to the children's needs... A lot of the children here are refugees With no parents, so we take care of them unconditionally, like an orphanage" he smiled as he finished reading the request paper.
"Your name's Hiko...?" Ian asked, and Hiko nodded cautiously...
"What a surprise! You must've came from Kimrol's part, what a pleasure, then you two must be them." Ian said.
"what...?" Hiko asked confused. "Your papers have already been submitted and everything is due mr' Hiko... You kids are ready to start school tomorrow!" Ian said happily, Nakumi jumped out the chair in excitemen, "really?!" She shouted, "Yes" Ian replied, "I will be your teacher from now on" he said smiling, "Yay!" she shouted again... Hiko let a sigh and a sign signaling her to sit down, she nods to it still in excitement. "Well... if that's all Ian... I suppose I should take my leave" Hiko said, "oh one more thing... I am sure you are a busy man... so... here's an offer... how about we take the childe-" before Ian could continue, Hiko refused the offer, "Have a good day" Hiko said as he walked out with the children closing the door behind him. "...Why did you do that? Isn't that mean...?" Keyo asked confused... "It is... But I don't want to waste time on that bargain." Hiko said as we walked to the elavator, "what was that offer anyway?" Nakumi asked, "eh... Don't worry about it" Hiko said as he got in with Nakumi and Keyo and pressed to the last floor.
"The Principle Floor"
as they exit the elavator, the Principle was watching the view from the left side window, the children playing with a smile, "Welcome, take a seat" He said. The principle was a middle aged man with wrinkles over his face, and a shut eye most of the time, gray hair with a short handlebar mustache and a dark suit.... and friendly smile.
Hiko sat on the a sofa and Nakumi and Keyo on the sofa facing the one Hiko sat on. "This school is special the first after the war..." The principle said as he walked taking into his seat, "I am the principle of this school, nice to meet you three today" he continued, "This school will teach your children everything they need to know... from basic education and survival skills... to combat, while still having fun in their environment." The principle said, "Your children will be in safe hands with us... mister...?" The principle indicated a question of name and Hiko answered, "Hiko... and you are...?" Hiko answered and asked back, "Call me 'the principle' it's a pleasure Hiko... Well since you completed the registeration, I will explain how we operate here" The principle said backing on his chair and giving Keyo and Nakumi a headset with calm music, "put these on for a bit children" he said smiling as they nodded and did respectfully. "From 7 A.M till 3 P.M they will be had with educational activities that are injected with fun and games... it also works as a therapy session for the kids who went through war, can you tell me a bit... about your children... their expereince...?" The principle asked.
"Sure... Nakumi... She is 10 years old optimistic one... and yells alot...I found her days ago in an abandoned building... as for her experience... she says she doesn't remember anything... So I don't know." Hiko said briefly, "as for Keyo... she is seemingly shy and nervous if I am not around... I found her in an alley also some days ago... and she takes me for her father... I don't know her past... but she was born in the second year of the war... she is 7..." Hiko continued, "So... they are not your children...?" the principle asked, "No... I am their guardian..." Hiko said looking with a dead stare, "Such young youth... taking caring of little ones... Don't you want to hand them to us? we will take good care of them" The principle asked, Hiko let a sigh looking down... and then looked back up and said " me I want to... but they won't let go... they grew attached, ask them yourself."
"I just have to live with it" he said shurgging it off, "Well can you tell me about your financial situation if you don't mind? what do you do for a living?" The principle asked. "I can provide whatever they need principle don't worry, as for what I do for a living, that's a secret." Hiko said smiling, "is it dangerious?" The princple asked, "No, don't worry, it's just an owned business that I like to keept a secret, don't tell anyone." Hiko said winking. The principle let a little chuckle.
A little silent moment passed and the Principle signalled them to give up the headset, they both nodded and did so and he let them into his drawers again, then he looked at both of them smiling and asked, "and how are you two today?"
"Good" with a cheerful tone and a shy tone, they both answered, "Oh wonderful, are you excited to learn with us...?" The principle asked, Keyo quielty nodded, while Nakumi yelled, "Yes, I wanna play outside!!!" Hiko just facepalmed with a sigh, "don't scream..." Hiko said.
The principle chuckles at the scene as he took some candies from his candie bowel, "Catch" he said as he tossed it to both of them. Eyes sparkled they looked at Hiko smiling, "Yes... you can... what do we say when we get something...?" Hiko said.
"Thank you!" Nakumi yelled as she opened it up and swollowed it into her mouth, "Thank you..." Keyo said as she put it inside smiling. and The old man just laughed, "children are really the jewelry of life... ah yes" he said as he got out three papers and pinned them together, "those are admission papers... you have a timeframe of two weeks" he said smiling as he handed them over, Hiko took them inspecting, two were admission for children, Keyo and Nakumi, as for the one infront it was for the gurdian Hiko, some information to continue like financial situation, occupation, phone numbers and other stuff. "But the teacher in room 6 told us we finished those..." Hiko said, "Oh... those are different... the ones you finished are for children who didn't get to get an ID in the church program... You've finished uploading their files as citizens of this world... so now they can use facilities of different places in our nation." The principle said, "one of those is education... it's a formality really, now they along other things can get proper education." The principle continued.
Hiko nodded and they both stood up, with the girls took and shook hands, "You children will be in good care" the principle said, and Hiko nodded, "Can I have more...?" Nakumi said... as her mouth was drooling, "of course!" the principle said smiling, as he just took a handful and dropped it on both her hands... "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" she said as she held them all in both of her hands, "don't... spoil her" Hiko said facepalming, as the principle shurgged it off chuckling.
They all went out descending to the first floor again and making their way outside Nakumi was hooked again with the scenery of the kids playing outside, she looks at her candies and runs off from Hiko to the field, "H...Hey!" Hiko yelled running after her as she laughed, and Keyo followed.
Nakumi however tripped on the field scattering all the candy on the ground... "ow..." she looked up and saw the kids all looking at her... they soon all gathered around and picked up the candies one by one, "here" one of them helped her up, while Hiko and Keyo were looking from the sides.
"Th...thank you..." Nakumi said getting up and cleaning her clothe, they all winded up and handed it over, but she shook her head, "it's for you!" she screamed smiling, and all the children at once smiled in joy, they all shared one with each other... and surprisingly everyone got a candy, as if it was thoughtout beforehand.
the children thanked Nakumi, even invitied her to play with them and to that Nakumi agreed, and ran to Hiko and grabbed Keyo, "let's have fun!" she yelled, while dragging poor Keyo.
Hiko sat on a bench near the place, he wasn't really in the mood to even interfere anymore... appearntly it's a free day... children are out to do whatever they want... Time flew and they all played and played all day...
2:00 P.M583Please respect copyright.PENANASwCaV6NSzj
SouthLand, Road of life
After the long tiring play Nakumi and Keyo were subjected to, the children were asked to come in for lunch by the school, and so it was time for them to go back home.583Please respect copyright.PENANAFKZ6tQ6Quh
Hiko POV
still with energy, Nakumi was jump walking with a big smile, she sure had the most fun... As for Keyo I gave her a piggy ride home, she is already asleep.
"Had fun...?" I asked looking at that jumping doll, she nodded, "I can't wait to come here again!" she said, "we will see to that..." I said looking forward
It is weird... She has became fully childish... Has she forgotten she is in danger being the princess...?
I don't know... This is what I am trying to figure out is this a curse...?
I don't know either, whatever it is... it is annoying... You better teach her how to use her special abilities... They will teach her some stuff, but forbid her of magic during then... Otherwise it will be disaster.
As for your daughter, let her join the combat, it will be good for her own safety...
Why are you... supportive all of the sudden?
I saw what you saw... Good luck... We don't want this anymore.
Wait what do you mean?
"Hiiiiikoooooo!" Nakumi yelled, "wha!" I looked at her confused, "you spaced out. We are already home" she said, "Oh... thanks... Well let's go in." I said walking inside with Keyo on me and Nakumi beside me.
"Oh... welcome home" Kan said as he was getting downstairs with Kimrol, "How did everything go? what took you three so long?" Kimrol asked crossing her arm smiling. "We played with other kids! It was fun! the swings are my favorite!" Nakumi yelled, "...and she dragged keyo until she fell asleep..." I said rolling my eyes, "anyway... what were you two doing up there?" I asked.
"you will see, come up" Kan said excited. We all got up, and to our surprise... They... REDECORATED MY ROOM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
It was red crimsonic and deep green, like a rose shining amidst a night on a forest, yet still vibrant of light... there were two beds beside each other near the window, and to each of them their own wardrobe... and also desks for studying, there was also a small kinda box frame where some books were put, children books to be exact. There were even plushies of different kind... This is not my room anymore.
I, visibly angry while Nakumi was amazed, her eyes sparkling as she ran and rammed into her bed, making the plushies fall around, "why..." I mumbled, Kimrol took keyo from me without any resistance, and placed her on her new bed, while Nakumi kept on jumping around... I just kept looking at this room... "you like it?" Kan asked looking at me.
I turned around slowly with a dead stare and face, "do I look... like I like it? where will I sleep now?!?!" I just let out a sigh and looked down.
"Don't worry, you will sleep with me, I redecorated my room too, it is like the old times... The bunker remember?" He said smiling and patting my back. I looked up though frustrated I nodded, I can't do anything about it.
I shrugged it off and walked away, letting them have their moment of fun, as I just went to my 'new' room, and just looked at it, it wasn't much different... some nice white and black colors mixes and my bed was on the corner opposite to the door, Kan's was to the opposite of my bed's corner, seems and we had our own things, wardrobes, some chair and desk, and our small libaray of demons and church books, and some... weapons, Kan's weapons to be exact.
I just looked around a bit while taking my jacket off and threw it on the chair and went to bed...
Truth to be told observant...583Please respect copyright.PENANANVKKiOulmu
It seems everything is going on a slow pace...
why not heat up things a little bit?
I will let it talk to you.
Hello?583Please respect copyright.PENANAogpWJCYXR8
hey, do you hear me? you don't get to see me? this world seems... white and unidimensional, but I can see your dimension, I can see you. Finally
I don't know my name... do you have a name?
oh but I can't hear you...
I have something to tell you... something or someone seemed to have entered the world.
a malicious thing... I don't know if I can hold it for so long... it goes by the name "deception"
If I lose my battle... don't let deception get you...
stay safe.